Chapter 3

My Cute Elevator Guy


"Daddy Hae is he awake yet?"

"Hmm I don't think so."

Hyukjae groaned as he heard familiar voices around him but is too groggy to recognize them. He slept very late last night thinking about his last conversation with Donghae. Good thing he doesn't have work today so he doesn't need to worry about sleeping during work hours, not that he's doing it. He holds a great reputation at their company and he won't risk it by being lazy. He turned to his right and hugged a pillow that to his surprise is soft and warm. It's a bit big for a pillow so he frowned. He pinched it lightly a few times and heard giggles. So, he opened his eyes slowly and was welcomed by small brown orbs staring directly at him. He gasped and immediately sat up.

"Good morning Papa Hyukkie!" Henry, or his 'big pillow' greeted him as he lay at his bed. He blinked a few times in confusion. 

"Mochi? What are you doing here? Where is-"

"Morning Hyukkie." He was interrupted by a greeting from the door. He looked towards it and saw Donghae dressed in a black suit with white tie and black leather shoes, leaning on his door with a smile enough to melt Hyukjae on the spot.

"G-good morning." He greeted back in return in a shy voice. So this is how it felt to wake up in the morning with a handsome prince greeting you. He could really get used to this feeling. He suddenly felt a tug on his shirt to see Henry pouting cutely at him. He smiled and ruffled the child's hair.

"Good morning Henry and thanks for waking me up." He said and the child beamed at him for the compliment. Hyukjae got up and went straight to the bathroom to fix himself. After taking a bath, he decided to wear a dark blue wife beater showing his lean but formed muscles with basketball shorts. He got out of his bathroom to see Henry sitting at the middle of his bed with his big strawberry plushie courtesy of Key. He smiled seeing the kid playing innocently with it. He sat on his bed and picked Henry to place him in his lap. He hugged the kid who smiled at him and started bouncing his knees making the kid giggle.

"Say Mochi let's have breakfast together?" He asked and Henry nodded excitedly at him, knowing that he'll taste Key's heavenly cooking once again. Hyukjae chuckled at the kid's reaction as they went out with the little hamster-like child in his arms.

As they reached the kitchen, he saw Donghae sitting on chair with the newspaper on his hand. They smiled at each other as he sat in front of the brunette. Hyukjae started looking around for his brother and frowned when he didn't find him. He's supposed to be the one who would wake him up right? But where is he?

"Key went to the market. He asked me to just relay that message to you. He also said that your food is at the microwave oven. Just heat it up though." Donghae informed him, still immersed with the newspaper. Hyukjae smiled at him in thanks and put down Henry on the chair beside him and decided to heat up everything.

As they were eating, he peeked at Donghae and started observing how handsome he looks whenever he's serious. Does he even have an angle to which he won't look this stunning? Hyukjae doesn't think so. Everything about this guy screams perfection.

"Hae aren't you going to eat?"

"Nope. We've already eaten so that's fine although," Donghae stare at his nephew whose cheeks are puffed because of food who just stared at him innocently making him chuckle. "I doubt if Mochi is feeling the same." He said as he shook his head in adoration for Henry's cuteness. Hyukjae took a look at Henry and giggled as well. He couldn't resist the child's cuteness so he leaned down and pecked on his chubby cheek.

"Oh by the way where are you going afterwards?" He asked as he placed a glass of water near Henry's lips and helped him drink the water carefully.

"Well I'll be dropping Henry at the daycare center and would head to work, why?" Hyukjae, upon hearing this frowned. Daycare center? Well that makes sense since Donghae already told him that he can't take the child to his work. And honestly speaking he also doesn't want him to take Henry there. He would just be surrounded by people because of his cuteness and it would only make the boy uncomfortable or upset. Yeah he's talking about this through his experiences as a child and mind you, having these big people hover over you is really scary.

"Ahm if you're going to take him there, what time would you pick him up then?"

"I'll pick him up at 5, after work." Donghae answered and he nodded. 5pm? He looked at his watch and saw that it's just 7:30am. Wouldn't the child gonna be bored if he'll leave him there for the whole day? What if the other kids would bully him because he looks so cute and gullible like himself? Okay scratch that like himself part but seriously, he thinks Henry definitely won't like the idea of staying there. 

"I'll take care of him." Donghae looked up with what he heard and saw a determined look on Hyukjae. He blinked twice, analyzing what he just heard.

"Are you sure? I mean not that I have doubts on you but Henry can be a hard kid sometimes. And," He paused as he eyed Hyukjae's comfortable clothes, taking notice of the accented pale color of the blonde's skin and those arms, seeing them made Donghae unconsciously his now dry lips making the other move consciously in his seat. Donghae snapped and cleared his throat. "Aren't you going to work today?"

"Don't worry about it. Today's my off and I could take good care of Henry." Hyukjae said reassuringly and although Donghae is a bit worried, finally agreed knowing that this would be better than leaving his nephew to strangers. He looked over to Henry who was now smiling broadly at him, silently thanking him for letting him go with the blonde for today making him smile and wink at him in return.

And so, after a few reminders from Donghae making both Henry and Hyukjae rolled their eyes for being such a worrywart, he hesitantly bid them goodbye and gave Henry a kiss. But, before Hyukjae could even close the door, he was grabbed by the wrist making him turn around and face Donghae who quickly gave him a peck on the lips. Hyukjae froze in his place as he felt electricity rushed inside him with that small gesture that left him breathless.

"Bye Hyukkie, take care." With those final words, Donghae happily skipped his way towards the elevator with a big smile on his face that would surely last for the whole day, energized enough knowing that he'll surely meet his blonde at the end of the day.

Henry looked at the still dazed blonde beside him with a grin on his cute face. He now surely knows that his uncle likes this guy and he's also sure that the feeling is mutual. He'll have three daddies. He can't help but be happy at the thought. Henry slowly slipped his hand into Hyukjae's making the latter snap and look at him. He smiled when he saw his baby boy smiling innocently at him. He picked him up and pecked on his cheek as they made their way back, thinking on how he'll spend the whole day with his little angel.


"You look... Incredibly happy it's creepy." Still with a smile, Donghae turned to the voice to see his coworker Sungmin looking weirdly at him.

"Good morning to you too Sungmin hyung! Today's a nice day isn't it? Warm sunlight, birds chirping outside and flowers blooming like it's spring once again!" He exclaimed turning the other's eyebrow higher than it already was.

"You're in love." It's much of a statement than a question actually. Yes Donghae is a cheerful person but not this cheerful to which he has to describe the nature in the middle of a building-packed city where you can't almost hear birds and see trees.

"Oh am I?" Donghae asked with a silly grin on his face. Why wouldn't he be happy? He just scored a peck on the lips without the blonde pushing him away or freaking out. And yes, he's in love, ever since he's a kid actually but fate only allowed them to meet this time and progress according to his plan so maybe that's why his happiness is visible just now.



"Tell me why you're like that and also, tell me the name so that I could pray for that person's soul." Sungmin said in a serious voice although Donghae knows that he's just kidding. He pouted at him and they both laughed. He told Sungmin everything but of course, the author won't narrate it so that they won't spoil the story.

After a few minutes, Donghae finished his story-telling and found Sungmin staring dreamily at him that if they're cartoons, you could see hearts in Sungmin's eyes. Yes, his coworker is just that cute.

"That's so cute Hae!!" Sungmin exclaimed and Donghae just grinned at him.

"I know right? So now I'm not letting him go." He confidently and Sungmin gave him a good luck and reprimanded him to tell him everything that would happen making Donghae smile because of the support given to him.


"Okay Mochi," Hyukjae started as he placed Henry in front of the television with different sweets he found inside his fridge placed at the table near him. He placed his hands on his waist and smiled. He's going to clean the whole house so he's currently wearing a pink apron with pink gloves. The chosen color is still a mystery even to the author. "I'm going to clean the whole house. So, just watch the television first and you could eat all those sweets, just brush your teeth later ne?" He said and the child nodded cutely but then looked confusedly at him.

"Papa Hyukkie?"


"Are we going to go out after you clean the house?" He asked cutely, tilting his head to one side making the inner fan girl of Hyukjae squeal. How can a kid be this cute?! Now he'll have to tie him to his hip to make sure to never let Henry go back to China. Or he'll have a bag attached to his belly and put Henry there like how a kangaroo puts her son in her belly. Or pay Henry's parents for him to be able to adopt the kid? But then he could just marry Donghae. He'll have the man he loves as his husband and at the same time, he can always be with Henry. It's like hitting two birds with one stone! Surprised with his thoughts, he shook his head and mentally face palmed. He should have stopped with the kangaroo-like idea. He looked at Henry who is now staring curiously at him making him smile.

"Well, if Henry will be a good child," He teased with a grin. "A trip to the mall won't hurt right?"


"Look Papa Hyukkie! Nemo!" Henry excitedly pointed at a cute orange plushie with his eyes shining. Hyukjae smiled brightly as he stared at the kid roaming happily around the toy store. Henry did behave well and as promised, they visited the mall, particularly, the toy store.

"Go ahead and pick a toy you want Mochi. It would be your reward for being a good child." He explained as he walked towards the direction of the small mochi and patted his head. The kid immediately reached for the fish plushie and hugged it tightly, squeezing his cheeks in the process. Hyukjae smiled fondly at the child, amused on how his uncle was able to influence the child in liking the clown fish knowing that he's the original Nemo lover.

"Thank you Papa Hyukkie!" Henry beamed at him with a wide smile on his face as he kept his arms around the toy.

Hyukjae's phone suddenly rang and as he picked it up, he was surprised to see Donghae's name on his screen. Clearing his throat, he slowly clicked the answer button and sighed soundlessly.

"N-Ne Hae?" He asked in a slightly shaking voice, like a high school girl talking to her crush at the phone. Yep, that's what he's currently feeling.

"Hyukkie!! I miss you and Mochi already!" He heard the other whined and he could now imagine the puppy face he is doing. He glanced at his watch and chuckled lightly as he gave the lady at the cashier his credit card for Henry's plushie who smiled broadly at the child that is beaming at her as well. 

"Hae it's only been 5 hours since we've parted." The blonde explained as he thanked the lady and put his credit card away with his phone pressed in his ear with his shoulder. He picked the bag and held Henry. The two of them made their way out with the staffs looking fondly at them, thinking how they really look good together as father and son.

"B-But that's too long!" He laughed at Donghae's childish complain. As far as he knows he's currently holding the only child in their family and is not talking to him on the phone.

"By the way why are you calling at this hour? Shouldn't you be at work?" Now they're walking at the foodcourt of the mall looking for something good to eat. Hyukjae's steps halted when Henry pulled him to a burger shop with his eyes shining brightly while staring at the double cheeseburger.

"Lunch break. Hey where are you? Why is it so noisy there?" Hyukjae bit his lip thinking if he should tell the truth or not. Not that he's afraid or something but the thing is he knows he would be extremely jealous if he'll found out that the two of them went out without him.


He snapped from his thoughts and sighed. Might as well tell everything right?

"We're at the mall. I bought Mochi a plushie and now," He eyed Henry who is currently drooling at the sight of the juicy patty being grilled by a guy who is now staring at Henry, obviously adorning the cute child, forgetting what he's cooking. "He's drooling at a burger. He should eat nutritious foods right? Not some fast food full of fats." He said with a slight frown because of the food choice of their baby. This didn't go unnoticed by Donghae because of the tone of his voice who just laughed at it. 

"Aww I wish I'm just there with you! Oh well he's a kid Hyuk. Of course he'll choose what's delicious, not what's healthy. You could just let him for now and just give him the nutritious ones back home." Donghae explained and the other pondered about it for a moment. Well that's pretty much true and besides, Henry rarely goes outside so might as well allow him to each such foods. He sighed in defeat and nodded although he knows the other can't see him.

"Alright but I would be the one who would choose Mochi's meal later okay?" He surrendered and Henry, upon hearing it, immediately pulled the blonde by the wrist, dragging him inside.

"Okay if you say so. Oh I'll be going now see you two later. Take care on your way home ne?" Hyukjae smiled with those words and so, now he looks like a lifeless doll with eyes dreamingly staring into space and thanks to Henry or else he must have now fainted. See the effect of Lee Donghae on him? Epic right?


Donghae cut the conversation with a wide smile plastered on his face. He made his way to his office with his right hand in the pocket and with the other holding the phone. He opened it again and saw their 'family picture'. It was taken during their ice cream escapade with Henry placed between Hyukjae and Donghae. He touched Hyukjae's picture with his thumb, admiring the radiant face of the blonde. Yep, they definitely look like a happy family. He'll make sure he'll have it enlarged and placed on his living room. And, with the energy given by the phone call and the picture, he opened his laptop and began doing his work.

After a few minutes a small box appeared on his screen indicating a new email. Curious, he immediately clicked it and saw that it's from his brother.


I'll be coming to Korea to get Henry next week! Aren't you happy? You're going to see your lovely hyung again! Anyways I need to talk to you about something important that's why I would personally go there. But don't think about it it's nowhere deadly. I don't want to see you so stressed because of it so... I'll see you in a week? Smooch! :*

-your handsome hyung, Siwon <3

Donghae smiled as he shook his head. His brother is really something. Hmm in a week huh? He and Hyukjae still has a week to be with Henry. He gotta tell this to Hyukjae and then, maybe an off would be great for some family bonding time right? He looked at the calendar, Wednesday. He stretched his arms, and started working again so he could plan their bonding time early.

A/N: yep. cameos from Sungmin and Siwon idontevenknowwhytheyjustpoppedupinsidemymind.

I'm not really satisfied with this chapter I don't know why *shrugs* comments to help me feel better? *puppy eyes*

oh btw thanks for sticking with this story.. Smooch~ :*

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Chapter 9: I really love this story!!! Henry is such a cute little bub and Key is a really nice addition to the dynamics of the characters. And of course, I love how eunhae’s relationship evolved and their backstories as well 😭
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! After reading the first chapter, I realized that this is one of the first fics I have read here in aff when I was just getting into eunhae stories!! I’m excited to re-read this again 😍
This has been in mu subscriptions for the longest time, I’m excited to read this!!
Chapter 9: I love everything about this story..I have butterflies in my stomach all the time:)))))
Chapter 9: I thought hae'll bring hyuk to china instead~ kkk~
They're so cute!! Esp henry!! I can imagine them as family already... ahhh.. how great..
awesome story with awesome plot!!! Thank u author-nim ^^
destrirra #6
Chapter 9: awww they are so cuteee! love the fluffiness and I'm happy for both of them. hyukjae's memories are back and kinda feel bad for him to pass that tough days when he can't contact donghae. now, they are happy being together. thank you for this beautiful writing :)
Chapter 3: so by this chapter, how long have they been together as friends?
cholily94 #8
Chapter 9: this story is really cute~~~~
I really like it!
I wanted to ask ur permission to translating it in to persian!
I need ur permission first!
so what's ur idea dear?