
My Cute Elevator Guy


Hyukjae woke up with a headache. He was panting and despite the cold room, he was terribly sweating. It took him a couple of minutes to steady himself and when he did, he looked around and noticed that everything's white. He stayed still until he realized that he's inside their company's infirmary. How did he end up there was a mystery to him. As far as he can remember, he was sitting at a meeting with the big bosses for a new album for one of their talents. He gasped. What happened? He heard someone cleared his throat beside him making him gulp. He slowly turned his head to side and saw Heechul staring blankly at him.

"H-Heechul hyung.."

"I suppose you remember what happened?" The older asked and he nodded timidly although he doesn't really remember the details. "I was in a meeting then.."

"And then?"

"... I don't remember." Heechul sighed and scooted Hyukjae a bit so he could sit on the bed facing the other. He brought his hand and softly patted Hyukjae's cheek. The latter just watched him confusedly but nonetheless enjoyed his hyung's attention. "You've been paler than usual and I can see that you're distracted. Is everything alright?" The feminine guy asked in a monotonous tone but Hyukjae knew better. His boss is worried for him despite this cold attitude of his. His mind started to wander back to his dream and the next thing he knew, the older guy's already wiping his tears away.


Heechul smiled reassuringly at him as he pulled the younger to a tight hug. Hyukjae kept on crying as he held to his boss' shirt. He's in a serious emotional breakdown right now. He finally remembered how he and Donghae met. He remembered how they spent time together with Siwon, the way he called Donghae 'Hae-Hae' and him being called 'Hyukkie'. It's not too late for everything right?

Heechul just kept quiet as he tried soothing the younger from his sobs. He doesn't know what is happening with him but, one thing's for sure, this is not easy for the blonde.

After a few minutes, Hyukjae finally calmed down and let go of the hug. He blushed a little upon realizing what he did in front of his boss. Thankfully, Heechul clearly didn't mind it. He patted the younger on the head and stood up. "I called Key a while ago. It's not safe for your condition to drive. Don't worry about the meeting. I'll handle everything." Heechul muttered and left even before the blonde could respond. The latter was left there alone, feeling slightly better with a small grateful smile on his face.

"Thanks a lot, Heechul hyung."




Hyukjae called once they're settled inside his car with Key driving out of the parking lot. The younger insisted to let him drive since he stated that doesn't want to die young. The hyung between them rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless because of his dongsaeng's worry over his condition. Key just eyed him and nodded, urging him to continue.

"I remember everything."

The car stopped when the traffic light went red and Key took the chance to look at his brother with a curious expression. Well that was unexpected. He blinked a few times and weighed Hyukjae's condition. His brother's head was hanging low and he's sure he's in deep thoughts but, there is one thing he can't understand. If he remembered everything, then he must be happy right?

The diva's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud horn behind him. He looked up and started driving when the green light was on. He decided to talk to his brother somewhere peaceful, thus, taking a different route than what was originally planned.

Hyukjae, now facing the window, noticed that they're going the opposite direction of his place and realized where they're headed to. He put up a smile knowing how everything between him and Key works even without words.

Key handed him a small cup of hot chocolate and sat beside him. He muttered a small 'thank you' and took a sip. He sighed in contentment as the sweet taste lingered inside his mouth, relaxing his nerves a bit.

"So.. want to talk about it?" The dongsaeng asked him. He nodded and looked around the peaceful seaside where the bench they're currently sitting at was placed by the sand near a big pile of rocks.

"I remembered what happened during Umma's high school reunion. How I first met their family, Hae's elevator prank, our games together with Siwon hyung, even my promise to him." He slightly blushed when he mentioned the last part and it was noticed by Key. The latter crossed his leg over the other and looked at the serene sea. He took a sip of his hot chocolate and remembered that Donghae told him nothing about the promise.

"What promise?"

The blonde hesitated a little but sighed since there will be no difference if he will tell it or not. "I promised him that I'll let him marry me once we grow up." He told the other with a small smile thinking how foolish they were when they're still so young that time he's sure no one among them knew what marriage was.

Key stared at him and saw the small smile on his brother's face. Only Donghae can make him smile like that. It will be fake of him to say that he's not jealous because he really is. He's the dongsaeng but he never succeeded in making Hyukjae so much happy. But then, he's thankful to see him like this. And he could really get used to the view.

"I guess Hae hyung still wants to claim that promise from you." He answered after a while and the blonde was surprised. Key chuckled a little at his expression. "I mean, he really searched for you all these time."

Hyukjae was speechless. How did Key know these when he doesn't even have a clue about it? His brother just smiled at him, scooted closer and rested his head on Hyukjae's shoulder. "We talked while we're in Mokpo. He asked me what happened to you and he told me everything. Do you remember why you became depressed when you were young?"

"I kept on writing letters but they're just being returned to me. They always tell me that no one lives in that house and then when I tried calling them, no one answers the phone." Hyukjae can't help but feel sad when he remembered those times when he'll call for Donghae and when he'll cry real hard when all his letters are returned to him. It was really hard for a little child like him that Sulli was left with no choice but to have him undergo therapies. She made sure to have him attend every session until his brain let those memories be buried deeply inside his mind.

"They were thrown out of their own house because of bankruptcy and your photo with them is the only thing he was able to bring with them. They went to China where his father's friend lived and started all over." The diva continued and noticed how quiet his brother was. "It happened just days after the reunion. And unfortunately, he doesn't have any means of contacting you." He heard Hyukjae sniffed and carefully peeked at him. The latter immediately wiped his tears away, hoping for his younger brother to not notice anything but failed.

So that's what happened. But then, no matter what Donghae's reasons might be, he just can't seem to get angry at him. What's important is that Donghae exerted an effort in finding him after all these years. "He kept on finding you until that very fateful day of you meeting at the elevator." The older snapped his head at his brother with a confused expression. "He was living there already even before you transferred."

The blonde smiled at the information. He never really wanted to live there. He was actually planning on buying a house by the nearest province but something pulled him to that very building and the next thing he knew, he's signing his contract there.



"If you remember everything, why aren't you happy?" Key asked and it made Hyukjae sigh. He looked at sea and noticed how the sunlight complimented the deep blue color of the water.


Kind of reminded him of Donghae. His East Sea. His Fishy.

Another sigh. He looked at his brother and saw him waiting for his answer.

"He talked to his dad and it will really make him happy if he'll retire and just stay with Auntie Krystal at Mokpo and, knowing Donghae, he'll agree to that arrangement."


"And telling him I remember everything will just confuse him more and I don't want him to practically choose between me and his family." He voice cracked at the end of his sentence and smiled sadly. Donghae waited for him long enough. He guessed it's now his time to wait for him. He doesn't care how long. He'll wait for him unless Donghae himself will tell him not to anymore.






Days are drawing near and all Donghae did was sulk inside his place. Siwon already arrived and he's thankful for that. At least there will be someone who'll watch over Henry while he's stressing himself like this. He can't face Hyukjae. It'll just break his heart. If he'll still see him, he's not sure if he'll be able to go back to China. He groaned in frustration.

He's torn between wanting to spend his days with him and hiding in his own cave.

He sighed and dropped his body down his bed. The brunette grabbed and squeezed his pillow tightly. The pout coming out from him just made the fish so cute he could compete with Henry.

A buzz was suddenly heard and he lazily stretched his arm to retrieve his phone from the other side of the bed. His eyes widened when he saw his father calling.







Hyukjae can't concentrate on anything he's doing. He kept on messing up and can't even make a decent song. His brain and heart were messed up because of a certain someone. Heechul and Key both insisted that he should just stay at home and rest. But then, he needs to distract himself so he settled on making songs at his home. Sadly, he can't do it. Everything he does surprisingly reminded him of Donghae and it's driving him crazy. Soon, he gave up and went to his bedroom with a big tub of strawberry ice cream, a chick flick on his t.v with a thick blanket wrapped around him. He felt like a heart-broken teenage girl but that's the least of his concern right now. Sniffing loudly, he pushed a big scoop of ice cream into his mouth and slightly cringed when his brain froze because of too much coldness. He pulled all his curtains down and let darkness surround him that's why he practically screamed when his door suddenly slammed open and revealed a slightly pissed off Key. "Hyung I told you to rest not to freaking act like a little girl! What's this?!" He shrieked as he held the movie case. "A Walk to Remember?! Yah! Do you really have to depress yourself like this?!" He continued to shout and Hyukjae just stayed silent, only reaching the remote control to pause the movie. He wiped his tears with some tissue paper and threw it at the trash bin beside his bed, now full with his used tissue papers. Key literally face palmed at the scene and wished he brought Heechul here to knock some sense into his brother's little bird brain.

"Do you know what today is?" The younger asked and Hyukjae just shook his head. "This is the day your baby Mochi will be going back to China. Aren't you even going to say goodbye to him?" The blonde was surprised. Days definitely passed by fast. Because he's too depressed, he didn't bother to look at the calendar or even wonder what the date was for the past days. He slowly removed his blanket and scooped another spoonful of ice cream. He really wanted to say goodbye even just to Henry and Siwon and he's clearly lying to himself if he'll say he doesn't want to see Donghae for the last time. He looked up and saw an impatient Key staring back at him, brows scrunched together and his left foot tapping on the floor.


"So what?"

"Aren't you gonna move your non-existent and go to airport? They left for like 30 minutes ago." His brother said. "What?!" He shouted and hurriedly went to his closet and picked any garment his hand touched and carelessly changed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Hyukjae whined as he fixed his jean's zipper and ran to the door with Key following him behind, a very bored look seen on his face.

"As far as I know it's not my responsibility to tell you that and you'll probably know about it if you didn't go sulking inside your room."





Donghae held the pushcart tightly as Siwon carried little Henry in his arms, both he and the baby silent making the tallest guy stare worriedly at them. He can't blame the two though. They're already at the airport but they didn't see even the just the shadow of Hyukjae.

"Calling all passengers of Korean Air going to Beijing, China. Please proceed now to the boarding area."

"Oh they're boarding already. Come let's go." Siwon said and Donghae grudgingly obeyed. Henry pouted and wrapped his arms on Siwon's neck, burying his head on his father's shoulder.

"Appa..." Siwon stopped walking and looked at his son. The little boy stared back at him with sad and disappointed eyes. "Are we really going to the airplane without seeing my Papa Hyukkie?" He asked and although Siwon wanted to assure him of the blonde's last minute appearance, he can't. He's not even sure if the blonde knew that they're leaving today so he nodded slowly. Tears started to form on Henry's small eyes and let out soft sobs. Siwon hugged his son tight and drew soothing circles on his back to calm him. He felt bad for Mochi seeing how attached he became to Hyukjae. He won't wonder why though. Donghae and Henry are practically attached to the hip whenever they're together and if the little child saw how happy his uncle was with Hyukjae, then he'll automatically like the other.

Donghae said nothing and just stare at his nephew. He somehow wanted to blame himself. Maybe, if he contacted Hyukjae then they'll know their flight and will even send them off. With one last sigh, he patted Henry's hair. "Come on Mochi, we'll just call Papa Hyukkie once the plane landed. Let's go now. We don't want to miss the flight right?"




"Last call to the passengers of Korean Air going to Beijing, China. Please proceed now to the boarding area. The plane's about to leave in a few minutes."

Hyukjae cursed as he heard the announcement and sprinted his way inside the airport, with Key behind him muttering apologies in behalf of his brother for carelessly bumping into people without saying sorry for he's too caught up with finding Donghae and their 'baby'.

He stopped in the middle of the crowded place and panted yet his eyes won't stop searching for that certain brunette. He had to find him and tell everything. Now he doesn't care what will happen. Even if Donghae will still leave, he'll patiently wait for him or, may God forbid, if the brunette decided not to see him again, as much as it hurts, he'll respect his decision and accept it.

"...Hae... Where the fudge are you?" He whispered to himself. His eyes are now starting to sting but he can't cry now. He won't be able to find him if he'll be weak this time. Key panted as well but kept his eyes on his brother. He knows he was never the type to handle this kind of situation calmly and yes, he's actually surprised to see the blonde's not yet crying. A certain figure caught his eyes and whipped his head towards it.

"Donghae hyung!"

Hyukjae jolted up and looked at his brother. He followed his gaze and saw Donghae walking with bags in his hands, slowly disappearing behind a glass door.


He shouted and ran his way there, holding his breath.

'Lord oh God please let me see him. I need to tell him everything. I had never asked for anything except this. Please God, You know how much I love this guy.' He prayed in his mind and stopped by the line. He sighed as his shoulders dropped when he saw he was late already and turned around. He sniffed and finally let his tears fall, feeling broken that he didn't make it on time.

He was late.

Now he didn't know when he will see his two angels again for he's sure that Donghae will be very busy with their business there and Henry won't have the reason to visit Korea anymore. He started to slowly walk, or more like drag his feet, feeling lifeless and very down, away from the now disappearing line of passengers.

"Hae... how about our wedding?" He murmured lowly and continued sniffing. He feIt every hope in him had disappeared. He now takes back everything he said before. He can't accept the brunette leaving him. He doesn't know if he'll survive the succeeding days without the other.

"Papa Hyukkie?"

He stopped walking and slowly, he looked up and widened his slightly red eyes. There he saw a smiling Siwon and a confused Henry.

"Mochi!" He called and Henry's lips turned up to a big smile as he let go of his father's hand and ran to the blonde. Hyukjae opened his arms wide and welcomed the running kid with a tight hug.

"Papa Hyukkie! I thought I won't see you again!" The little kid beamed and hugged Hyukjae's neck tight, almost suffocating the adult but he didn't mind. He missed his 'Papa' and he's very happy right now. "Me too! But.." Hyukjae looked at Siwon with pure confusion. "What are you still doing here and Hae..." His words drifted as he pointed at the entrance. The dimpled guy smiled at him but said nothing.


Still with Henry in his arms, Hyukjae slowly turned and saw Donghae looking at him questionably. Tears once again started to run down his cheeks as he dashed towards the brunette who hugged him and Henry back.


It took Donghae a while to recover from his shock and smiled widely. He tightened his hug around the two and felt like they're the picture of a perfect family. He saw Key taking pictures of them and made a mental note to thank him and ask for copies later. The blonde slowly let go of the hug and put Henry down who was smiling brightly his eyes turned into thin lines and his cheeks became puffier than ever.

Donghae's smile didn't falter as he pulled the other and hugged him again. "Hae... I remembered everything.." Hyukjae mumbled as he pressed his face on the brunette's chest. "So please..." Oh well, here goes nothing, Hyukjae thought. "Don't leave me."

Donghae was surprised with the blonde's words and stared at Key who was smiling guiltily at him.

Oh. Okay. Now he got it.

He smiled back assuring his safety later from his brother and the diva sighed in relief.


"Hmm?" The elder asked in return but didn't let go of Donghae that of course, the latter willingly took advantage of.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Hyukjae abruptly lifted his head and stared at the other with confused eyes. The brunette smiled back and pecked the tip of his nose and grinned when he saw Hyukjae's cheeks became light pink. "I'm not leaving Korea."

"B-But how...?" Hyukjae stuttered. He saw him boarding the plane with bags in his hand.

"Oh that..." Siwon started and they all heard Henry giggle. "Henry saw a strawberry slush at the restaurant over there and used his puppy eyes on the flight attendant to delay the flight so he could buy it. Then we asked Donghae to just place our bags inside." He continued and the two brothers stared at the little kid in disbelief.

"And... the flight attendant just agreed on that?" Key asked amusedly when they saw Siwon nodded. They all stared at Henry who was still giggling.

"What can I say? I taught Mochi well." Donghae commented and Hyukjae playfully slapped him on the arm.

Hyukjae lifted Henry once again and hugged him tight. "Take care little Mochi. Say hi for me to your mom and Mimi gege okay? I'll miss you so much." He said and smiled when he felt their baby hugged his neck tighter. "Ne Papa. Promise you'll visit me there with Daddy Hae and Key noona?" The child asked as he let go of the hug and stared at the blonde with his cute puppy eyes.

"Of course we will. And you better come back here for their wedding." Key answered even before Hyukjae could open his mouth as he walked towards the two and grabbed Henry only to squeeze him to death. Of course, little Mochi didn't mind it at all.

Hyukjae, upon hearing this, blushed real hard while Donghae just chuckled. With one last goodbye, the father and son tandem finally went inside the plane with a smile now painted on Henry's lips making the flight attendants melt once again.

"Henry surely will be a babe magnet once he grew up." Key commented when he saw how Henry stopped walking to thank the ladies and just to be cooed by them. The other two nodded in agreement and when the plane was finally gone, they all walked back to the parking lot.

Hyukjae halted and pulled Donghae's hand when he remembered something. "By the way, what do you mean by you're not leaving Korea?" Donghae looked at him innocently while Key froze on his steps.

"Ah.. Appa called me a few days ago and said a guy named Hangeng will manage everything with Siwon hyung there." He explained and saw the blonde  pouted. The brunette lost his control and leaned in and pecked that pout away. "What's with the pout?"

"If he called a few days ago, how come you didn't tell me?!" The other whined cutely.

"I actually did. I told Key to just relay you the message." Donghae answered with a smirk while Key widened his eyes. "Hyung! You traitor!" The diva answered and gulped loudly when he felt his brother's killer gaze on him.

"Key..." Hyukjae called him in a low dangerous tone while Donghae just laughed. He held the blonde's hand and interlaced their fingers together. "I've wanted to give you this." He said and the elder stopped glaring at his brother and shifted his gaze to the brunette.


"This." The fishy guy pulled a small box and a simple white gold band with a small diamond placed at the middle connecting the two ends of the ring. He grinned when he saw Hyukjae's shocked expression and slowly slid one to the blonde's slim ring finger and the other one to his own. He kissed the ring on the elder's finger who in return blushed deep red and finally interlaced their fingers once again. He smiled and looked straight at the other's eyes and slowly leaned in. Hyukjae unconsciously closed his eyes and both felt warmth and pure happiness exploding inside them when their lips touched once again. They stood still for a while without a care for the people staring at them interestingly, some are even giggling at the cute couple.

Donghae pulled away and chuckled when he saw Hyukjae still pouting his lips and eyes closed. The latter slightly frowned when he felt the lack of presence of Donghae's lips on his. He reluctantly opened his eyes and blushed even harder when he saw Donghae chuckling at him.

Before the blonde could even protest, he squeaked when Donghae suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled him on his strong arms.

"I love you, my Hyukkie.."

Hyukjae smiled as he raised his arms and hugged Donghae back by his waist.

"I love you too, my cute elevator guy."


A/N: yeah.. this is the end I know it but I really tried my best. and this is unbetaed as usual since I just got home from my graveyard shift



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Chapter 9: I really love this story!!! Henry is such a cute little bub and Key is a really nice addition to the dynamics of the characters. And of course, I love how eunhae’s relationship evolved and their backstories as well 😭
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! After reading the first chapter, I realized that this is one of the first fics I have read here in aff when I was just getting into eunhae stories!! I’m excited to re-read this again 😍
This has been in mu subscriptions for the longest time, I’m excited to read this!!
Chapter 9: I love everything about this story..I have butterflies in my stomach all the time:)))))
Chapter 9: I thought hae'll bring hyuk to china instead~ kkk~
They're so cute!! Esp henry!! I can imagine them as family already... ahhh.. how great..
awesome story with awesome plot!!! Thank u author-nim ^^
destrirra #6
Chapter 9: awww they are so cuteee! love the fluffiness and I'm happy for both of them. hyukjae's memories are back and kinda feel bad for him to pass that tough days when he can't contact donghae. now, they are happy being together. thank you for this beautiful writing :)
Chapter 3: so by this chapter, how long have they been together as friends?
cholily94 #8
Chapter 9: this story is really cute~~~~
I really like it!
I wanted to ask ur permission to translating it in to persian!
I need ur permission first!
so what's ur idea dear?