Chapter 7

My Cute Elevator Guy



Hyukjae stared intently at his room's ceiling and started thinking about Donghae. He placed his hands behind his head and sighed. Why does it have to turn the other way when everything's finally going right? Is he going to accept Siwon's offer? Henry will soon leave him but even Donghae? How will he survive then? This is what he hates with bringing his guard down and letting other people enter his life. He hates it when he's getting really attached and all of a sudden, they'll leave him alone. He suddenly felt his bed moved but didn't turn to see who it was. Key grabbed his left arm only to spread it and use it as his pillow.

"Everything's gonna be fine." The dongsaeng assured him as he shifted to wrap his arm on his Hyukjae's torso and closed his eyes, not having any plans on ruining the rather silent atmosphere between them. Hyujkae didn't say anything and just sighed. 

He knows that Key is also sad even though he doesn't show it. He also had grown attached to the two and the sudden news startled both of them. It has always been like this. Key is the stronger one among them. Hyukjae knows that he keeps on staying strong just to be his pillar. He's the one who's protecting him when it must be the other way around. He's forever grateful for having a brother like him. He knows he never deserve such attention from him but Key will just always playfully nag at him.

"You're my only brother. Of course I'll always protect you." 

These words of Key planted a small smile on his lips. It has always been him and Key considering the fact that he doesn't really have friends, just acquaintances he barely knew. And there goes Donghae and Henry. Two strangers who turned their lives upside down, giving the two brothers happy memories to live by. Thinking about those times made his smile bitter. But he doesn't think that he could do anything about it now could he? Everything now depends on Donghae's decision and whatever it will be, he'll just have to accept it with a smile.

Donghae rubbed his temples as he shut his phone off. He just finished talking to his dad and it just made his mind swirled with too many thoughts. What should he do? With their situation, he just can't be selfish and stay here in Korea. He knows how his father really wants to go back home. And he had spent so many years keeping their family stable and he thinks that it really is time for him to retire and to just do what he wants with their mother. 

Henry could only watch his uncle with worry. He had never seen him that happy before he met his Papa Hyukkie. And now it breaks his heart to see him this sad and helpless. This is not the Daddy Hae he knows.

Donghae noticed his nephew's stares and decided to sit beside him. He lifted the child to his lap and nuzzled his nose to his chubby cheeks as he hugged Henry tight.

"You okay Daddy Hae?" The child asked and Donghae just nodded. He kept his face close to Henry and think deeply.

Can his heart take to disappoint their father?

Can he leave Hyukjae?

If so, can he take it?

What should he do?

Hyukjae sat in front of the television with a random show flashing but paid no attention to it. He just stared blankly on it. His mind was drifting somewhere that he failed to notice when Donghae came and sat beside him. He literally jumped on his seat when he felt someone touched his hand. He gasped and looked beside him and saw Donghae looking worriedly at him. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"N-No it's alright. I'm s-sorry I was thinking about something." He apologized and took a deep breath to calm himself. Donghae felt guilty because he knows he's the reason why Hyukjae is being like this.

"I talked to Appa yesterday." He started and slightly tightened his hold on the blonde's hand. "He told me that he wanted to retire and just focus on our branch here in Korea while I and Siwon hyung will handle the one at China."

Hyukjae felt his shoulders fell on Donghae's words. If that was the case, the brunette has no choice but to agree. He knows how much the other loves his family and he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for their sake. The blonde gave the other a small smile. "Whatever your decision will be, I'll respect it."

Donghae was slightly taken back with what he heard from the blonde. He'll be quite honest with himself. He actually hoped the other to tell him to just stay and never leave him. He expected that much. But then, Hyukjae is a very selfless person and it just made him fall for the other even more. He smiled, and suddenly pulled Hyukjae to a hug surprising the latter. "Thank you. Now I know what I should do." He whispered and those words somewhat frightened the older. What is his Hae's decision? Will he leave? He felt himself getting anxious and just clung tighter onto Donghae to help him relax. He must keep his word. He must respect Donghae's decision. And that's what he'll do for the brunette's sake.





Gripping tightly on his umma's hand, little Hyukjae curiously scanned the whole place. They're inside a hotel for his parents' high school reunion. Realizing the huge amount of people present, he became a bit frightened and held to his mom tighter, if that's even possible. His mother must have noticed his discomfort so she let go of his hand to carry him. Once lifted, he automatically wrapped his arms on her neck. She smiled and patted her son's head as his father got near them and together, they went to the respective room.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by tons of his parents' friends, all of them being fond of his cuteness. After a few hi's and hello's, his father led them to a vacant table and sat there. He once again started scanning the whole place and stopped on a certain spot where he saw a boy around his age playing with a slightly taller and older kid. The said child noticed him so he stared right at him and smiled. He tore his gaze away from him as he blushed. That kid's smile is so cute, he thought. To divert his attention, he began playing with a table napkin he saw near him. Not long enough, he saw a beautiful lady approaching their table to which his mother immediately hugged. 

"Sulli!! How are you? I miss you so much!" The girl said to his mom who smiled at her.

"I'm fine! Eh you Krystal? How are you? Omo and who are these gentlemen?" His mother exclaimed so he took a glance at the two kids beside the lady and was surprised to see that they were the boys earlier.

"These are Siwon and Donghae. Kids, meet Auntie Sulli." Krystal told her kids who greeted the other lady formally with a smile. The latter beamed at their politeness and couldn't help but pinch their cheeks softly. Her friend looked beside her and saw little Hyukjae eyeing them curiously.

"This is Hyukkie right? He's so cute!" He blushed when he heard the compliment given to him as he slightly scooted closer to his mother.

The young lady decided to just sit with them making the two brothers sat beside him. The younger boy between the two excitedly faced him and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Hae-Hae! And this is Siwonnie hyung! What's your name?" Hyukjae can't help but stare at the kid in front of him. He may be a kid and he himself is cute but he can't help but adore the other. And he wondered how much sugar the kid had taken for the day.

"Ahm, Hyukjae." He timidly answered. The kid called Hae-Hae pouted due to the short response but immediately brightened up when a thought came to his mind.

"Okay! I'll call you Hyukkie then! Nice to meet you!" He grinned widely. His brother Siwon looked at him with a smile and Hyukjae automatically knew that he's definitely older and more matured than Hae-Hae. "Nice to meet you Hyukkie." He greeted with still with a smile making Hae-Hae pout. "Hyung! Only I can call him Hyukkie! Make your own nickname!" The latter exclaimed still with a pout but his older brother just brushed him off. He's still lazy to think of other nicknames for their new found friend and he's sure his brother will think of something for him because of his possessiveness of the name 'Hyukkie'.

Soon enough, little Hae-Hae forgot their little argument and turned to his mother with a big grin on his face. "Umma! I like Hyukkie so much! Can I marry him?" The two ladies heard what he said making them surprised and Hyukjae to blush hard. Honestly speaking, little Hae-Hae doesn't really know why he said that. All he knows at the moment is that he wants to make Hyukkie his. After they finished laughing, Krystal wiped away the tears from her eyes because of too much laughter. She gently pinched her son's cheek and smiled.

"No problem with me but Hae, you also have to ask for the permission of Auntie Sulli and Hyukkie himself." She explained and Hae's mouth formed an 'o' as he nodded at understanding. He hurriedly turned to face his Auntie Sulli and his aegyo mode.

"Auntie Sulli? Can I marry Hyukkie?" He said with puppy eyes and Sulli could only aww-ed at his cuteness. She ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Well that's fine with me but you have to do everything for Hyukkie to accept you arraso? Don't worry you could do it. Fighting!" He smiled even wider at the encouragement. He rose up from his seat with eyes burning with determination while clenching his fists.

"Ne! I promise Sulli Umma! I'll make Hyukkie mine!" He exclaimed and turned to Hyukjae who was currently staring at him during his announcement with confused eyes. Yes, little Hyukjae was confused. Marry him? What's that? Can he eat it? Heck he doesn't know a thing about this marry thing so he's really confused on their reactions. Their mothers noticed this and giggled. This made him even more confused. He darted his gaze towards Siwon who just smiled cutely at him. Hyukjae pouted. He's sure his Siwon hyung knows what it is but refused to even help him. 

"Don't worry Hyukkie, you'll soon understand." His mom said between giggles making him sigh. Maybe that's not important so he'll just let them be. The event thankfully went well with the two boys playing with each other although Hyukjae seldom talked.

After the party, the two ladies decided to go ahead to their own hotel rooms and would just wait for their husbands there. Hearing the 'ding' sound from the elevator, their waited for it to open and immediately went inside. Sulli, Hyukjae's mother pressed the button for the 35th floor while Krystal pressed the 40th. Hyukjae stayed silent beside his mother, curiously staring at the buttons. But there was something that surprised him. He saw his new friend Hae-Hae secretly pressing the button that was previously pushed by his umma. He looked up to question the oldest hyung but was disappointed when he saw him in his Auntie Krystal's arms, sleeping peacefully. He wondered what exactly Hae-Hae did but, being the innocent child that he is, decided to just ignore it.

Looking at the number of floors they are passing, Hyukjae's mother anticipated for their respective floor and got ready to get off but was surprised when the door didn't open but instead, the elevator continued to go up. Hyukjae shifted his gaze from her to Hae-Hae who was now giggling in his place.


Now he got it.

He pushed that button so that they won't stop there. What a naughty kid. Yes to him playing like that is bad. Doing things that would annoy or delay other people is not good, that's what his umma is always telling him. He frowned and decided to ignore his friend when he approached him.

"Eh? What happened? Why did we pass our floor?" Hyukjae's umma confusedly asked, unaware of the naughty act of her friend's son.

"Hmm maybe you pressed it again. Oh! I know! Why don't we all stay at our room for a while?" Krystal asked Sulli who nodded immediately at her. On the other hand, Hae-Hae pouted when he was ignored by his Hyukkie.

"Hyukkie~ Did I do something wrong? Why won't you talk to me?!" Hae whined. But Hyukjae still ignored him, obviously not happy and feeling irritated, he crossed his arms on his chest and glared at him. "You're asking me what's wrong? You're the reason why we passed our floor and thanks to you, I won't be able to go to bed early!" He silently hissed at him, afraid that they would attract the attention of their mothers and will wake their Siwon hyung up.

"B-but, I was just playing Hyukkie. I didn't mean to make you angry." Hae-Hae whimpered with tears now on his eyes. Hyukjae saw this and somewhat felt guilty for being angry at him. He sighed and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Don't cry okay? I'm not angry at you. I'm just annoyed with what you did. But promise me not to do it anymore okay?" He said and Hae-Hae nodded slightly at him.

"Oh! Here we are! Let's go!" Their mothers said in unison as they went to the room.

The two families spent a whole week at the hotel and within those days, the three kids became fond of each other. Sometimes, Hae would invite his Hyukkie to their room for a sleepover and vice versa. Siwon, being the kind hyung that he is, always take care of his brother and new dongsaeng, much to their mothers' delight. Of course, Hyukjae will sometimes be upset still because of the 'elevator game' Hae is playing whenever they're together, resulting to him nagging and little Hae-Hae crying to Siwon for help.

After a week, it's now time for them to go home although the kids don't want to since they live so far away from each other. Hyukjae's family lives in Seoul while Hae-Hae's from Mokpo since his father lives there.

"U-umma~ Can't Hyukkie just stay with us? They live so far! How am I gonna see him again!" Little Hae whined to his mother who tried her best to calm him down. Hyukjae who was watching them can't help but sniff. He's sad because he won't be able to see his friend again. 

"Hae, you know he can't. Don't worry baby I got their phone number and address so you could call him or write a letter." Krystal tried her best to cool him down and sighed in relief when she somehow succeeded.

"Hyukkie, say goodbye to Hae and Siwon hyung now. We have to leave." Sulli instructed a red-nosed Hyukjae who nodded sadly at her. She's also sad at the moment but they can't do anything about this. He walked towards Siwon and looked up to him and tried to smile but failed. It was his first time to have an older brother and he loved the feeling. Siwon understood him and pulled the smaller kid and hugged him tight. "Take care of yourself and Auntie Sulli okay? Always be a good boy. Hyung will see you soon." He said, comforting the younger who just nodded in response. Hyukjae let go of the hug and timidly made his way to Hae and held his hand. Hae-Hae looked at him with puffy eyes and also with a red nose and sniffed.


"Hyukkie can't you just stay with us? Umma and Appa have a lot of money so you don't have to worry." He convinced him. Hyukjae thought that the offer was quite tempting but of course he has to say no. He doesn't want to see his Umma and Appa sad and of course, he can't live without them. He gently shook his head making Hae pout longer. To relieve the sadness, he tried his best to smile as he hugged his friend tight.

"Don't worry Hae, we could call each other right? And we could also write letters. I'll wait for it ne? And," He paused as he let go of the hug. "When we grow up, I'll let you marry me." He flashed his gummy smile between tears. Yup he still doesn't know what marriage is but it won't hurt him if he'll agree right?

Still with tears on his face, Hae looked at him with hopeful eyes as he raised his pinky finger.

"Promise?" He asked and Hyukjae hooked his pinky and nodded. This somewhat made little Hae relieved and after a few minutes, they bid each other goodbyes.


A/N: un-betaed.. the next one might be the last chap.. so.. thankyu for the subs, comments, and votes! I really appreciate it! ^,^

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Chapter 9: I really love this story!!! Henry is such a cute little bub and Key is a really nice addition to the dynamics of the characters. And of course, I love how eunhae’s relationship evolved and their backstories as well 😭
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! After reading the first chapter, I realized that this is one of the first fics I have read here in aff when I was just getting into eunhae stories!! I’m excited to re-read this again 😍
This has been in mu subscriptions for the longest time, I’m excited to read this!!
Chapter 9: I love everything about this story..I have butterflies in my stomach all the time:)))))
Chapter 9: I thought hae'll bring hyuk to china instead~ kkk~
They're so cute!! Esp henry!! I can imagine them as family already... ahhh.. how great..
awesome story with awesome plot!!! Thank u author-nim ^^
destrirra #6
Chapter 9: awww they are so cuteee! love the fluffiness and I'm happy for both of them. hyukjae's memories are back and kinda feel bad for him to pass that tough days when he can't contact donghae. now, they are happy being together. thank you for this beautiful writing :)
Chapter 3: so by this chapter, how long have they been together as friends?
cholily94 #8
Chapter 9: this story is really cute~~~~
I really like it!
I wanted to ask ur permission to translating it in to persian!
I need ur permission first!
so what's ur idea dear?