Chapter 1

My Cute Elevator Guy


Feeling tired as ever, Hyukjae massaged his aching shoulders in attempt to somewhat relieve it as he entered the elevator of the condominium building he is currently staying at. He sighed as he felt his muscles relax a bit. Working as a well-known composer sure is tiring. It always consume his time, preventing him from even taking a vacation, doing what he really wants to do, and, having a love life, not that he complains since he hasn't found him yet. Yes, him. He's gay and is not ashamed of it. He's actually the type of person who doesn't care on what other people would say and also, being as an introvert, he doesn't really have many friends. He's not shy or an anti-social but he loves to be alone. It's just him and music. That's all he need and he'll be fine.

He pushed the button for the 11th floor and while moving his head in sync with the slow music going out from his headphones, he looked at the elevator's door as it opened when it reached the third floor and a guy with approximately in his mid 20's entered and stood beside him. Hyukjae subtly looked at him and was fascinated by his looks. The guy has shiny brown locks with the fringe slightly covering his eyes. He has smooth flawless skin with thin lips. The guy pressed the 12th button and looked at him to find the other looking at him. Hyukjae blushed when the stranger smiled at him. He immediately looked away and just focused on his music to slow down his fast-beating heart. He looked up and saw that he's near his stop but was surprised when they didn't stop at his floor but instead went up directly to the next floor. He confusedly looked at the numbers to see the 11 without the light on, meaning somebody played with it and, realizing that there are only two of them inside, he stared at the guy he's with to see him smiling sheepishly at him. What the? He's definitely the culprit. Of course, who else beside him right?

The door opened and the guy skipped his way out, not taking his childish smile off of his handsome face. He even waved at him as he turned his back and walked away, leaving a stunned Hyukjae inside the elevator. He woke up from his trance and just decided to ignore it as he pressed the button with the number 11 on it. Maybe that guy just chose to be playful at that time and he's just that unlucky to be the victim. Finally arriving at his respective floor, he went out and directly went to his unit and called it a day.

While lying on his soft king-sized bed, he can't help but think about the mysterious guy. The cute elevator guy. What? He doesn't know his name so he'll just call him like that. Have they met before? Because he really looks familiar to him and the scene, it's like a dejavu but he doesn't know why. But, when and where? He slept that night with the stranger still lingering inside his head.


"Yeah yeah I understand, bye." Hyukjae turned off the phone and leaned against the glass of the elevator. He's so stressed out these days that he's becoming grumpier each day. He desperately wants to take a break to unwind but he can't. Wait, of course he could, but he needs to think of a very valid reason. Having a boss as diva-ish as his dongsaeng Key is hard you know. He started to think of ways and he must have thought really hard that he failed to realize that he has arrived already. He looked straight ahead to see a small cute boy at around 4 years old, standing outside the elevator, looking weirdly at him. Feeling embarrassed, he smiled at the kid and immediately went out but stopped on his steps when he felt someone grabbed his shirt. He looked down and was surprised when he saw the kid looking innocently at him. He bent down so that he's at the same level as him and smiled.

"Hey what's wrong?"

He really loves kids. How he wish he'll soon have his own although in his preference it's impossible but there's adoption right? He looked past the kid to see him with a heavy-looking Nemo bag on his back. He frowned. Who is this kid and why is he wandering around alone with a bag?

"What's your name?" The kid only blinked at him. He sighed desperately. Maybe the kid's parents taught him not to talk to strangers. One part of him is already telling him to just leave the boy and just rest on his humble home but no, he won't do that. While thinking on what to do with the cute kid, he saw him holding a small piece of paper. He took it and read it. Lee Donghae, unit 1208. He raised a brow. Is he looking for this Lee Donghae?

"Are you looking for him?" He asked and smiled when he saw him nod. "You're in the wrong floor. Come I'll take you to him." The kid grinned widely at him, making him look like a cute hamster with all that small eyes and puffy cheeks. Still keeping a smile on his face, he ruffled his soft brown hair that in return held his hand tightly. Hyukjae's heart suddenly was filled with warmth like his energy came back and that's all because of the little angel in front of him. 

He stood up and holding the soft little hand, they made their way back to the elevator. Upon arriving to the respective floor, with their hands still linked together, they started to look for the room carefully passing through the doors. Hyukjae smiled widely when he saw the door they're looking for. He tugged the cute boy with him and stopped in front of the unit. He took a deep breath and slightly fixed his hair to look more presentable and finally knocked. They heard a faint shout of 'Wait a minute!' and just stood there.

Hyukjae looked down to stare at the kid and smiled his gummy smile when he saw him beaming cutely at him. He felt the small hand held his own tighter like he's showing him his gratitude for helping him. The two of them looked in unison when the door opened. Hyukjae's eyes went wide when he saw who it was.

"Y-you!" He stuttered as he pointed his finger at him. What a small world, it's his cute elevator guy! So he's Lee Donghae huh? He made a mental note to remember his name. But really, East Sea? Well looking closely at him, he looks like a fish, a cute one that is. 

"Annyeong!" The guy on the other side of the door just waved a cute hello to them, ignoring the expression he got from the unexpected visitor. He looked down to see a cute kid holding the other guy's hand and immediately grabbed the kid and hugged him tight making Hyukjae surprised.

"Mochi mochi! I miss you so much! How are you? I didn't know you'll be coming today!" He happily said as he hugged the kid and started spinning him around making the kid giggle.

"Daddy Hae!!" The kid, whom Hyukjae heard was called Mochi by this Lee Donghae exclaimed happily as he wrapped his short chubby arms around Donghae's neck.

"D-daddy?" Hyukjae asked to himself but Donghae heard it nonetheless so, still carrying the child in his arm, he looked at the oh-so-familiar guy in front of him and smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry for my rudeness. I'm Lee Donghae and yeah, Henry here calls me Daddy Hae but he's just my nephew. Thank you for taking him here. I really don't know that he'll be coming today. His dad didn't contact me so I definitely had no idea." He explained as he looked at Hyukjae's eyes and smiled. Hyukjae doesn't know why but he somewhat felt relieved knowing that he's just an uncle to this adorable kid. He mentally shook his head. Why would he feel that kind of feeling by the way? His thoughts were interrupted when the gorgeous guy in front of him spoke.

"Uh, would you like to go inside first for a cup of coffee?"

"Huh?" Darn! Way to go Hyukjae! He repeatedly cursed inside his head for blanking in front of a guy, who, take note, is as gorgeous as a god and it took his every will not to drool in front of him.

"So what you think?"

"I think you're gorgeous. Oh! I mean, ahm no thanks." He blushed beet red while Donghae laughed at his stupidity.

"You're cute." Donghae complimented and he even pinched his cheek using his free hand. "By the way what's your name? I must know the name of the guy who helped my cute nephew right?"

"H-Hyukjae. Lee Hyukjae. But other people call me Eunhyuk." He shyly answered back.

"Eunhyuk? Hyukkie it is for me then." Donghae smiled as he proudly announced his own pet name for his new-found friend.

"H-Hyukkie?" He weirdly asked back and the other just nodded cutely at him.

"So, Hyukkie, come and let's have some coffee first." Donghae offered him in which he politely declined.

"I'm sorry Donghae, I can't. I have an appointment first thing in the morning tomorrow so I need to go now." He declined as he scratched shyly his nape and looked at the other to see him pouting a bit. He smiled when he saw that Henry, the kid, is also pouting. It looks like the kid also wanted to spend time with him.

"Fine, tomorrow then? Please don't decline. Henry here also wanted to, right Mochi?" Donghae said as he diverted his gaze towards the kid in his arm who excitedly nodded at him. Hyukjae can't help but smile and the two saw that and immediately celebrated knowing that their aegyo took affect on him.

"So... tomorrow it is then? We'll just drop by at your unit. 11th floor right? What number?" Donghae excitedly asked and Hyukjae just rolled his eyes. Of course he'll know what floor he is staying. He's the one with that annoying prank making him miss his floor. 

"1115." He answered back and can't help but smile. He's going to spend time with a cute guy who is carrying a cute kid. 

"Alright then. So see you tomorrow?" He nodded and the brown-haired guy grinned at him.

"I'll go now. Uh, see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you again. Mochi, say goodbye to Hyukkie." Donghae said to Henry who smiled widely at him. Hyukjae tried his best not to grab the kid and squeeze him tight because of too much cuteness.

"Bye bye Papa Hyukkie!" He said in a cute baby voice while waving his chubby hand at him.

"P-papa Hyukkie?" He confusedly asked but he knows he's a hypocrite if he'll tell himself that he hates it because he seriously loves it. Oh how he wish he'll have his own Mochi.

"It just means that he likes you." Donghae laughingly explained at him. He nodded and finally made his way to the elevator still with the two waving at him.

He soon arrived at his unit and was surprised to see his door unlocked. A burglar? He cautiously went inside and immediately heard noises coming from the kitchen. Slowly, he made his way towards the kitchen and found a lean boy wearing a pink apron that is busily cooking.

"You know my combination?" With this question, the intruder turned around and faced him with a smirk planted on his beautiful face.

"Of course. I'm not the Almighty Key for nothing right?" Key proudly said making his brother roll his eyes. Yes, the 'intruder' is his only younger brother Kibum or Key. He's always been a diva towards his brother but they love each other deeply. Key's currently studying in a university and is living in a dorm but he sometimes visits Hyukjae whenever he has free time.

"No rolling of eyes on me now sit down so we can eat our dinner." He instructed and the older grunted but complied nonetheless. As he smelled his dongsaeng's dish, he felt his tummy grumbled in hunger. Key placed the newly cooked stew on the table and sat opposite his brother. They gave thanks and finally ate while chatting about their previous days.

"By the way hyung, I'll be staying here for a week since I'll be off from school." Key suddenly said making Hyukjae spurted out the soup on his mouth. Key? In his home? A week? He doesn't even want to think about it. Key equals trouble and, having an obsessive compulsive personality, he's sure that his condo would turn upside down within that one week and he clearly doesn't want that to happen. He loves to keep his area clean and organized and his brother is the exact opposite. He sighed. Of course he wants to spend time with him. Heck, he'll even call for a week leave at work just to have some bonding time with him. So to let him stay or not stay? That's the question. He sighed. Of course he'll stay. Even if he said that he can't, this bratty brother of his won't even listen to him so why bother right?

"Hyung you're spacing out again." Key blankly told him making him snap back to reality.

"That's called thinking of things Key, not spacing out." He argued back.

"Whatever. Are you finished? I'll take care of the dishes you go and rest now. Night hyung." Key stood up and went to his side to kiss his cheek. He smiled at his brother's sweetness and stood up as well.

"Good night Key and thanks for the meal, I love it." Key only hummed as a response but is smiling widely at the compliment.


"Daddy Hae do you like Papa Hyukkie?" Henry asked when they were already inside Donghae's place. Donghae grinned at him.

"Well," He started as he sat and brought Henry to his lap and started playing with his hair. "What do you think about him?"

Henry, being the adorable kid that he is, smiled widely at him and beamed. "I like him! A lot!" He even spread his arms wide and Donghae could only laugh.

"Come Mochi, let's eat dinner then we'll sleep." He offered and the kid happily complied.

After cleaning themselves, they now lay side by side. He was currently watching his nephew sleep peacefully when a certain guy slipped into his mind.

“Hyukkie. Ah after so many years, we met again.” A smile automatically appeared on his face as he slowly went to dreamland.


A/N: first chapter is up! 35 subs for the foreword... wow... THANKYU SO MUCH! *throws confetti* I hope I didn't disappoint all of you... comments? I love 'em.. gomawoyo!! <3

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Chapter 9: I really love this story!!! Henry is such a cute little bub and Key is a really nice addition to the dynamics of the characters. And of course, I love how eunhae’s relationship evolved and their backstories as well 😭
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! After reading the first chapter, I realized that this is one of the first fics I have read here in aff when I was just getting into eunhae stories!! I’m excited to re-read this again 😍
This has been in mu subscriptions for the longest time, I’m excited to read this!!
Chapter 9: I love everything about this story..I have butterflies in my stomach all the time:)))))
Chapter 9: I thought hae'll bring hyuk to china instead~ kkk~
They're so cute!! Esp henry!! I can imagine them as family already... ahhh.. how great..
awesome story with awesome plot!!! Thank u author-nim ^^
destrirra #6
Chapter 9: awww they are so cuteee! love the fluffiness and I'm happy for both of them. hyukjae's memories are back and kinda feel bad for him to pass that tough days when he can't contact donghae. now, they are happy being together. thank you for this beautiful writing :)
Chapter 3: so by this chapter, how long have they been together as friends?
cholily94 #8
Chapter 9: this story is really cute~~~~
I really like it!
I wanted to ask ur permission to translating it in to persian!
I need ur permission first!
so what's ur idea dear?