New girl

Holding it Together







I kept my head down in class.  Class had just started and I was already feeling bored. I opened my mouth widely freely letting a yawn out. I wonder what Luhan’s up to.

 It was Monday and I couldn’t help but feel sad that I had to wait a whole week just to spend a whole day with my boyfriend. This is the main reason why I hated college. But truthfully, I was a good model student so I couldn’t slack off. I pouted. I wanted to see him so bad! 

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sent him a quick text.


I miss you


I put my phone back in my pocket. I wasn’t expecting a reply right away because I knew he was busy with his work. But suddenly I felt a light vibration in my pocket. My face brightened as I read the text.


It’s only been a couple of hours! I dropped you off this morning… but I miss you too.


I smiled with happiness.

Before I could reply anything back, the teacher walked in. Ms. Lee stood up in the front of the room and cleared .

 “Well students, it seems that we have a new student and it would kind of all of you to welcome her with respect.” She stated.

New student?

“You may come in” Ms. Lee announced towards the door.

In came a lean girl with confident strides. Her long hair was neatly pulled back in a ponytail showing off her unblemished face. Her figure was close to perfect and… well let’s say about everything about her was amazing. I could hear the other girls rattle with envy and the guys cheer with excitement. I couldn’t help but feel as if I knew her, but I wasn’t quite sure. She seemed so familiar. I felt like ripping my hair off, because it was like on the tip of my tongue!

“Hello my name is Shin Minhee.” With that she looked straight at me “it’s a pleasure to be here at this school” She said with a smirk

With that my blood ran cold. I had finally remembered. How could I forget my own ex-girlfriend of two years?! Why was she even here? I scowled at her. All she did was smile back deviously as if she was planning something. Chills went down my back.






Phew. Class finally ended. It seemed that it droned on forever. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and packed it in my bag. It was my last class of the day so now Luhan was going to pick me up. In a hurry I exited the room and sped walked down the hall. I felt my wrist being pulled and turned around. .

“What the hell do you want?” I asked harshly

I was surprised she wasn’t offended. Back when we were dating she was a really sensitive girl.

“You. I want you.” She said bluntly without a waver in her voice.

I was taken aback by her words.


“You heard me. I want you. I still love you Sehun. I need you. So comeback to me”

I felt like vomiting. This was crazy.

We dated in highschool. It was about five years ago when I was a first year. We dated for two years. At first I thought she was the perfect girl and I thought I really liked her. We’d go on dates like normal couples, hang out, hold hands, and of course kiss and make out. She was so understanding and funny. I felt so comfortable around her. But then after a little bit over a year since we started dating she started stalking my every move. Like where I went, what I ate, who I hung out with. She even threatened my friends to stop being around me so she could have me all to herself. After a couple months of that torture I finally broke up with her. She didn’t take the break up so well, but she moved away so I didn’t really have to worry about her.  I haven’t heard from her since.

So now here we were about three years later. I shuddered at the memories of her. I shook my head at her.

“No.” that’s all I had to say before I walked away.

She hurried and grabbed my arm.

“Why?” she asked calmly

I thought about Luhan. His beautiful face, his lush hair, his fine lips, his lean body. How he sings with such passion. His adorable laugh, his cute blush.

 A tender smile appeared on my face.

“I’ve never seen you smile like that before.” I heard her say in a frustrated tone.

I looked at her and smirked. I pushed her off.

“Yeah. That’s because I’m in love now.” With that I left. I walked away from her without looking back.





“In love huh? That’s a load of .  I can’t wait to meet this girl and bring her down” I laughed and skipped out of the school.





Woohoo. I finally updated! I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a long time. I just became really busy all of a sudden.

So yeah there’s a bit of an introduction of Sehun’s ex. I guess you guys can start sharpening your weapons now.

Thank you to my subscribers! Wow! 54 for just one chapter?! I love you guys!

Please continue to enjoy the story~ and don’t be afraid to comment and tell me what you think ^^



Has anyone else watched boa's only one ft. LUHAN!!? he was so cute!!! and really good!!






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Chapter 3: MINHEE cracks me up! And I can't wait for your next update. This story is getting interesting now!
Chapter 3: eWWWWW
she's so rude already
OH RIGHT.......
fighting 呵呵
ARGHHHHHHHHH Minheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
xxxcandies #6
-loading guns and sharpening knives- 8D
that's right Minhee; Sehun is in LOVE with Luhan, so go away. -3-
I loved this chapter!
Update soon!
It was fluffy! Update soon~
xxxcandies #8
I can't help but spazz everytime I see a HunHan pic. *q*
So glad Sehun just rejected that girl for his Luhannie~
Now all we have to wait for is his ex gf...-sharpens knives.-
And nope, it is definitely not a boring chapter!
Update soon!