Chapter 8

Summer Camp with Exo-M

Narrator's P.O.V

*Ugh just my luck. Those plastic dolls followed us, we shouldn't have stopped earlier.* You thought to yourself

"Oppa!" The girls call as they run up to the rest of the guys. As they run by you they bump into your shoulders and glare back at you.

There's four of them, just your luck they all cling on any of the guys available. Chen was standing near Eunmi until they shoved her away and one girl with blonde hair pushed her away and clung to him.

Okay that's it. I storm over to the blond girl who was now attached to Chen.

"Don't touch my cousin!" You hiss pointing your finger in her face. She looks shocked that you stormed over so quickly but that look is quickly replaced by a smirk.

"Why are you so mean?" She said pouting out her lips and blinking constantly. 

"You like to act innocent don't you? Just like all of your other friends." You pull Eunmi away upset that the whole trip will be spoiled because of their appearance. Kris glares at them so they stay a distance from him.

"Miyoun help mee" You hear a voice cry out. You whip around and see that they let go of Chen and Xiumin and now are trying to pull Tao away. *Are you kidding me?* You sigh to yourself before running over.

"Excuse me." You say and pull Tao out of their grasps. "Thank you" You say as you briskly walk away and the rest of the guys pull away and follow your league.

"EW! Those girls touched me." Tao grimaced and tried to dust himself off.

"Why you afraid of cooties now?" Eunmi smirked.

"No, they just, well they looked like cakes... And not the good kind" Tao frowned.

"Oh MY GAWD NO! HELP ME!" You hear Luhan get pulled away this time all four of them pulled him away.

"Are you freaking serious?" You grumble to yourself trudging back over to the stupid plastics.

You easily slap their hands away not wanting to hurt them, yet. They pull their hands away then reach out this time at you.

"What do you think you're doing pulling oppas away from us?" The one who called Eunmi a earlier stated.

"Obviously they don't like you." You scoffed.

"Me Sookjo? Who doesn't like me?" Sookjo laughed and flipped her hair. 

"I don't" Tao raised his hand up.

"Sookjo huh? Meaning purity? You're anything but pure, let's go" With that comment you strode back to Eunmi and she weakly smiled at you. 

"Let's just get on with the hike" You huffed walking ahead this time pulling Eunmi along with you. You walked briskly even though you were carrying a backpack. The guys shuffled along behind you and Sookjo and her crew followed along too.

"Let's see if they can last this whole trip" You whispered in Eunmi's ear. She smiled deviously back at you and nodded.

"Oppa! Oppa! Doesn't this shirt make me look cute?" One of the girls babbled at Kris.

"Uh maybe next time" He walked at a faster pace catching up, and started to talk to you and Eunmi.

*Hmpph I'll ask this oppa* The girl strode to Xiumin this time. She pulled her friend along and they both clung to his arms. He tried his best to ignore them but at the same time being polite.

"Are you hungry oppa? Oh oppa what's your name? My name is Haewon and she's Meeyon" They pestered him.

"I don't have a name, and I'm not hungry" Xiumin moved out of their grasp then plugged in his headphones and listened to music.

"You're cute" Sookjo smiled and brushed her hands on Luhan arm. He shuddered at her touch and shuffled to the side.

"Come on I won't bite, what's your name blondie" She cooed at him.

"My name is not blondie, and for all you know my name could be buttface. Good day to you" he huffed and ran away.

"Tch you playing hard to get, I dig that" She laughed and regrouped with her friends. They laughed and chatted loudly following the guys.

"Ugh when are they going to give up? It's been half an hour, I thought they would burn out or get scared by now" You sighed loudly.

"It's alright Younnie, how about we scare them away?" Luhan popped up beside you and beamed.

"Scare them away?" You raised your eyebrow.

"Simple, if we can first tire them out, and then simply scare them, anyways it will work" Luhan shrugged.

"Why don't you two go chase a deer or something" Chen said jokingly.

"Actually I think I can manage that" Kris said out of nowhere. Everyone stared at him for a moment the burst out laughing.

"I'm dead serious, I know animals quite well" He said with a very serious face causing everyone to shut up.

"Fine then go find one" Tao laughed pushing his gege.

"I will" Kris started off walking from the trail, you grew slightly worried so you threw him a walkie talkie.


About an hour later...

"You guys psst" Kris popped out of nowhere.

"GAH!" Xiumin fell over from the sudden appearance.

You pulled him back up and wiped off his shirt.

"I got the deer" Kris said slightly tilting his head in the direction of the large trees.

"Are you serious gege?" Tao asked his eyes widening.

Eunmi and Chen were too busy chatting to notice you jabbed her with you elbow. She pouted at you and you stuck your tongue out at her.

"How. In the world did you get a deer?" Your jaw dropped.

"Can you get me a unicorn?" Lay randomly interjected.

He shrugged. "So what do I do with it now?" He looked back at the group.

"If you could just make it run by the girls and circle them while making noises? I guess" You shrugged jokingly.

"Ok give me two minutes" Kris said as he turned to the dense forest.

About two minutes later you hear loud high pitched shrieking noises. Everyone turned to the direction of the commotion and everyone's jaw dropped at the sight.

A deer had run towards the girls and continuously circled them making large grunting noises. They screamed and ran away stumbling on one another and you saw Sookji push the blonde girl over and run right by her, to only trip on her own feet and fall flat on her face.

Everyone started bursting out in laughter because not everyday you can see a deer chase four girls through the forest.

Kris mysteriously popped back out of nowhere and grinned.

"You are my new best friend" You patted his back still laughing until your sides hurt.

"Now we can finally finish our hike in peace" Chen pumped his fist obviously excited that he is now able to spend more time with Eunmi.


After finishing up the hike everyone started the trek back to the camp. When you arrived at camp everyone went to their cabins to grab some clothes and to shower.

You went with Eunmi to the showers and showered separately of course. You talked to through the thin walls between the shower cubicles.

You both talked about those preppy girls screaming and running away like chickens with their heads cut off. You laughed and hiccuped.

"Haha you have the hiccups!" Eunmi laughed over the sound of the shower.

"Shut -hic- up" You shouted turning off the water and dried your hair.

"I find it extremely funny, so now" She said also turning off her water. After drying and changing the two of you walked back to the cabins, clean with damp hair.

Eunmi insisted that you come to her cabin and you hesitantly obliged. She opened the door to chaos.

Blankets and pillows were strewn all over the floors. The mattresses were pulled out of the box and stood next to each other to make a small fort. There was one of Eunmi's pink bras hanging on top of her bunk and she quickly snatched it and shoved it back into her suitcase. She then realized all of her bras were missing.

She turned bright red before shouting out, "WHERE IS IT?!"

"What?" Xiumin's head popped out from behind the mattress fort.

"My undergarments?" She hissed at him.

"I don't have it, Chen and Kris might" With that he ducked back down.

"KRIS CHEN!" She shouted while you covered your ears.

"Yes?" The poked their heads up from the pile of sheets and blankets.

"Where is it?" Eunmi stared at them.

"Where is what?" Kris asked a bit confused.

"My undergarments" She squinted her eyes.

"I don't know." Kris said. She looked to Chen with harsh eyes. "And you?"

Chen raised his hands innocently, "I didn't touch them." Eunmi stared them down before eyeing the room meticulously. Her eyebrows raised at the sight of her bras stuck to the ceiling. How they managed to do that I'll never understand.

"Who did that then?" She impatiently tapped her foot while pointing towards the ceiling. The boys eyes followed her fingers to the ceiling then burst out laughing.

"Why are they on the ceiling?" Chen said holding his stomach rolling on the floor.

"That's what I'm asking you" Eunmi said with a serious facial expression. They all stopped laughing and stared up at the ceiling.

"So your s are pretty big huh?" Chen blurted out, which caused him to get glared at by Eunmi and he hid back into the sheets.

"Who made the mess, and who stuck her stuff up there?" You asked looking around.

"Honestly I'm not sure about the bras but Xiumin wanted to make forts." Kris shrugged.

"Were they there before you were in here?" You asked. They all shrugged then they remembered that her suitcase was opened when they first walked in.

"Great, we got a ert troll on this campus." You sighed.


So like replies to the lovely comments then my pic spam <3


MagMay01 Maybe I do :D /derp face/

Sammiii aawee you're so sweet, and yes reminderssssss

HearMeThroughMusic I thought of that because Kris normally mentions the two Korean members, so now he shall be pummeled. hurhurhur

ChibiHibird Those girls, are going to be like... hecka annoying to write about...

sofina11 Yeah those bags, for Tao? I changed it to the cousin thing, it did sound better :D thanks, Miyoun doesn't like those girls, obviously...



Luhan is so cute..

I find this really cute, he gave a random fan his child.


Lulu is guys omfg

Sehun stop his tears.

LOL kris you're lazy, Tao is like KIYA BIACHES.. Lay is like whoosh I land like a y unicorn...Luahn is just like I land perfectly on my two feet... Xiumin is like WHEE then Chen... huhuhu I'm just going to jump with my hands behind my back. KRIS AND TAO ARE SO TALL LIKE ASDFGHJKL:

Sehunnie sayys pai paii

leebyungiee AWAYY~ (insert batman music here) dundundunnnenener neee

Thank you Sammiii for reminding me, lols :D



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I said I would comeback when EXO had their comeback... I CAN DO THIS GUYS!


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Chapter 19: okey...i just logged on after i was just grounded for a half a year and u tell me you might delete this? nonononononoonon just take your time writing please pleaseeeeeee with a baekhyun on top? im sure you'll think of something ^.^ fighting!
Chapter 18: Hehehe...
So Funny~
Lulu he's best in soccer of Exo-M
Update Soon~
Chapter 18: EunMi liking KyungSoo??
What about Chen Chen?
Chapter 17: "Tall creepy one named chanyeol...short baekhyun... Grandpa suho, and owl eyes d.o" omg u never fail to crack me up tooooo funny. i am dissapointed in you! i didnt go on aff for a month and u only one chapter! hmp! jk jk lol and sorry I can't vote up ur story... I don't have 100 karma yet, but I'm almost there!
Chapter 17: on the "Abusive Tao" picture, I didn't notice that it was a guy he was hitting lol, I thought he was hitting a girl that had a towel wrapped around her hair and her hair was up lol

The story is amazing so far :) Can't wait for the next time they meet.
Chapter 17: Awwweee. EXO k are such dorks. thank you go updatinggg!!