
Summer Camp with Exo-M


You woke up in the middle of the night drowsy. *What happened?*

Carefully you climbed out of bed and instead of feeling the cold floor you felt something warm and soft. It was pretty dark so you just started feeling the object with your feet.

"Ngh" the object moaned.

*What the heck* You continued nudging the object and it sat up.

"Oh! MiYoun you're awake" Luhan mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"What happened?" You asked him rubbing your arms.

"You fell asleep so I got Eunmi to change you. Then since you were still asleep I tucked you in." He awkwardly sat on the floor and looked up to you.

"That doesn't explain why you're on the floor" you raised your eyebrow.

"I thought you might wake up, or start crying, I didn't want it to happen again." He muttered under his breath.

"I'm fine now, so you can just go back to your bed." You flashed a weak smile.

"But I'm too tired to climb up there" he groaned.

"Then stay on the floor"

"Can I sleep in your bed?"


"But I"

"No" you stared.

"But I saved you today"

"Fine, I'll sleep on your bed then." You jumped over him and climbed up to his bed and laid down.

"Grumpy lady, she didn't even thank me" Luhan grumbled and slowly climbed onto your bed. It smelled nice a bit like lavender. He snuggled into your sheets and tumbled around happily.

"Thank you for saving me today Luhan, if you weren't there I wouldn't know what would have happened" You whispered.

"You're welcome"

"Uhu buttface"

You shifted in bed and tried relaxing. *Oh crap, what if my bed smells bad?* you panicked and peered over the bed. Luhan was off in dreamland and happily snuggled into your bed.

As you sighed for the last time you eventually drifted off and fell asleep.


"RUN FASTER!" You shouted at your somewhat slow partner. She wasn't the best runner and you ended up carrying the team.

She was supposed to run after you and you gaveled a great head start of 30 yards but now, people were catching up to her.

"Come on! If you win this. I'll buy you more mascara!" You cupped your mouth shouting. She was one of those preppy girls and when you said mascara she ran and stayed ahead oh everyone else just by a mere three seconds.

"Good job Kyungmi!" You patted her back and cheered.

"Thanks, for a second there I thought you were going to kill me" she joked.

"Aha yeah sure" you rubbed the back of your neck and looked away.

"Hey MiYoun have you heard of those twelve really hot guys here?"

"Uh yeah" you replied distinctly remembering that sometime last week you got partnered with one. Some tall guy with a really creepy smile. He wasn't the most agile but he was pretty strong.

"Well Kyungmi are you ready for the balloon fight?"

"Ugh! Not that again" she groaned remembering a few days ago she competed in that. She was the second one out because some hyper tan kid stepped on both of her balloons at once.

"It's alright just do your best, you did well in the relays today" you comforted her and led her to the next section.


"Ready? On your mark. Get set. Go!" One of the supervisors spoke.

You leapt away from the feet of people nearby and stepped on two balloons.

You evaded many people, too bad every time someone tried to step on yours you got them out instead. You saw one girl being preyed on and you stepped on her attacker's balloon since they were distracted.


She was about to thank you but you popped hers after apologizing. She shrugged and walked out of the ring.

There were two other guys left one with chestnut brown hair and a feminine jaw line. The other jet black hair with somewhat a wider face.

The feminine looking guy was faster and popped his balloon. They didn't seem to pay attention to you until he turned around.

He had an insane resemblance to Luhan except maybe his eyes were a bit different. He awkwardly rubbed his hand through his brown locks then came closer to you to try and step on your balloon.

You jumped back smirking up at him, you weren't going to lose this easily. He his lips and tried again. You moved away and you tried jumping onto his balloon.

As you landed on his balloon he stepped on yours and they both burst at the same time. You looked up and grinned at him.

"Aw it's a tie between Miyoun and Sehun" The woman held a mic and cheered.

She scribbled on her notepad then tucked it underneath her arm and shook your hand and Sehun's.

As she walked away you went back to Kyungmi and she was in a fit.

"I can't believe you got to meet Oh Sehun! He's on of those guys I was talking about!" She gushed happily.

"Yeah yeah, now go out there and step on all the balloon you can" You gave her a light shove and she winked then ran off.

You watched Kyungmi anticipating that she wouldn't be the first one out.

Carefully you observed her jump and prance around like a deer and you couldn't hold in your laughter. You bursted into laughter and kneeled on the floor.

"Are you alright Miyoun?" Some unfamilar voice called to you.

You stood up and wiped your pants, it was that guy.

"Uhm sure, Sehoon?" You guessed.

"It's Sehun" He pursed his lips then them.


"You aren't much of a talker are you?" He asked glancing up to check on his partner who was madly hopping around avoiding feet.

"Not with strangers" You lightly smirked.

"Ooh you're that kind of girl" He moved closer and you took a step away.

He towered over you and you glared back. "You were right she's cool!" He shouted to his friends which shocked you.

"What?" You asked annoyed.

"Oh if you were thinking I was one of those playboys or whatever I'm not alright, my friends and I wanted to see if the rumors were true" He defended himself.

"What rumors?" You challenged taking a step forward.

"Uh well why would you look at the time bye cutie" He sprinted away leaving his friend behind who just got eliminated. Kyungmi followed after she lost by two other people. *Not too shabby*

"Nice job Kyungmi" You gave her a hi five and she grinned.

"You're still getting me that mascara right?" She elbowed you and winked.

"Yup, I'll get it mailed or something" You shrugged. She squealed and ran away, *Good thing the events for today are over* You sighed and went back to your cabin now bored.

*I wonder where Mir's at?* You took a detour using your memory to find the cabin they were in. After debating with yourself you knocked.

"Oh hello Miyoun" Sehun opened the door. *Crap* You froze then took steps backwards slowly.

"Weren't you here to visit me though?" He pouted.

"Nope bye" You waved and sprinted away.

"Maybe it's this one?" You knocked on the door and a shirtless guy opened the door. He has plump lips and lightly tan skin, you weren't at all fazed, "Do you know where Joon, Mir and Thunder are?"

"Two more cabins down. Do you happen to be Miyoun?" He asked.

"Yeah bye" You walked away.

"I'm Jongin but call me Kai! Remember my name" He shouted after you but you waved him off.

"Mir!" You banged on the door and Thunder opened it.

"What's up Youn?" He called you his nickname you were slightly bothered at first but got used to it.

"Mir. Make me food" You jumped on his bed and complained.

"Where do you suggest I make it? Oh maybe I can just you know, make a fire in the toilet and make you a steak" He laughed sarcastically.

"If you can go ahead" You joked back.

"Do you think they will let me work in the kitchen?" He looked up from his phone.

"WHO CARES?" Joon randomly shouts.

"What he means is, let's just ask" Thunder translated and you nodded.


The four of you reached the kitchen and you had to plead with the staff. They eventually agreed but told you to be extra careful and not to spill anything.

After an hour or so, Mir managed to cook up a small cake. Don't ask me how, it's Mir he is magical for all I know.

Joon ate about a third of the cake and Thunder ate another third you just decided to take a small plate and save it for later.

During that cooking montage you messed around with the boys and they were just as weird as always.

Joon tripped over a sack of potatoes and you had to repack them up luckily they weren't bruised. Thunder managed to trip over his own feet but he only landed on rolls of paper towels for that luckily didn't make a mess.

"See you guys another time" You waved at them after they walked you to your cabin.

As soon as you closed the door up in your face was Luhan.

"Where do you think you were being out so late?"

"It's 8:30" You raised your brow and shuffled around him.

"No it's already ten, oh wait never mind. Still it's dark outside you never know if some guy will pounce on you" When he said pounce he clawed the air.

"No one will pounce on me" You exclaimed laying down.

Luhan took slow steps backwards then ran and jumped on you on your bed.

"Get off" You waved your legs around trying to get him off of your bed.

"See! I pounced on you!" He deflected your kicks and slaps.

You gave him a rough shove and he landed on the floor with a thump. He rubbed his and groaned.

"You're weird, I'm going to see Eunmi" You jumped up and ran out of the cabin to Eunmi's cabin.

"Jeez Luhan you're such a freak" You mumbled stalking off to Eunmi's cabin.

 Luhan tugged at the ends of his hair while crouching on the floor. *Argh! How can it be so hard to talk to you? You're making me go insane*



Hi you guys. Comment replies~

EXOtic4eva Luhan and Tao are so aweshumm

Koalas kind of awk to point this out but it's Miyoun haha and humiliation for those idotic girls.. I'll do my best to be positive even if things bad happens!

MilkyVanilla Hi new reader! I'm glad you're here! Luhan is always trying to help XP

love-action Of course he would do something reasonable and not erted.. hehe maybe

Sammiii I'M so curious YEAAAAAAAAAAAH no electricity would make me sob 3

arikiki696 Gifs are so fun hehe

ChibiHibird LOL my birthday buddy you crack me up, he saved Miyoun LOLOL trololooo would you change a guy's clothes? *wiggles eyebrows*

Mini gif spam.

Happy late birthdaaaaaay Kreaaaaase I hope you had a great day yesterday and that you got to spend some quality time with your memebrs... and Ace the alpaca...

Poor lulu, in my story he's so confused.

This is Ace. He was born about a day ago and he is a new member of EXO. He is the main visual of EXO-M...


I love EXOtics, we ship stuffies with our biases.

Hey you guys, please leave some feedback ok? A comment may just take you a few seconds but to me it's a bit more than that. It kind of shows me if anyone actually reads this haha. This story is a bit lonely but for those of you who are here. LET ME LOVE YOU.

Okay bye now.. my derps see you soon! Don't be afraid to add me okie? Also check out my other fics if you have time, thank you all!

leebyungiee out~







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I said I would comeback when EXO had their comeback... I CAN DO THIS GUYS!


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Chapter 19: okey...i just logged on after i was just grounded for a half a year and u tell me you might delete this? nonononononoonon just take your time writing please pleaseeeeeee with a baekhyun on top? im sure you'll think of something ^.^ fighting!
Chapter 18: Hehehe...
So Funny~
Lulu he's best in soccer of Exo-M
Update Soon~
Chapter 18: EunMi liking KyungSoo??
What about Chen Chen?
Chapter 17: "Tall creepy one named chanyeol...short baekhyun... Grandpa suho, and owl eyes d.o" omg u never fail to crack me up tooooo funny. i am dissapointed in you! i didnt go on aff for a month and u only one chapter! hmp! jk jk lol and sorry I can't vote up ur story... I don't have 100 karma yet, but I'm almost there!
Chapter 17: on the "Abusive Tao" picture, I didn't notice that it was a guy he was hitting lol, I thought he was hitting a girl that had a towel wrapped around her hair and her hair was up lol

The story is amazing so far :) Can't wait for the next time they meet.
Chapter 17: Awwweee. EXO k are such dorks. thank you go updatinggg!!