Chapter 2: Sleep-over at Byou's

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai! (My Little Sister Can't be This Cute!)

'Sugar, Spice , and Everything nice' those were the things needed for a sleep-over. But, NO. Byou's sleep-over was different. Yes, there was delicious food, potato cushions, and a large bedroom so that the guests would fit in, but, there was a huuuuuggeeee pile of DVDs'. Byou planned that they'll watch it all. You got a little worried since you were the only girl. But still, Kazuki was there to protect you. Even so, you knew he was one hell of a ert.

While walking up the stairs to Byou's bedroom....

"Rina!" you heard someone shout. You turned around and saw Miyavi. He was with Aoi, Ruki and Reita. 

"Oh, hi there~" you gladly greeted them and bowed.

"Baby, please, don't be so formal" Miyavi insisted and held your waist as you guys walked upstairs.

"Uh,.... Baby?" you asked him and raised a brow. 

"Nevermind him Rina" Reita replied and pulled Miyavi far from you. Miyavi pouted and you giggled at his cuteness.

"Is this sleep-over going to be a disaster again?" you asked the boys 

"I don't think so" said Ruki "Byou prepared a lot of , so it's going to be fun" he winked.

You rolled your eyes and just walked towards Byou's room. 


As you get there..... The other guests were having fun already. You saw Kazuki having fun with Jin, Rui and Reika, Manabu was playing Guitar Hero, Uruha , Keiyuu and Kai eating all the food, and Byou, preparing the .

'Ugh, does it really need to be ?' you thought....

"Hey guys! The TV is ready! Daddy's worst Nightmare ?  Skinny Dip ? or Daddy ?" he asked while holding three CDs'

"Ugh, haven't watched that Daddy thingy. Let's watch that one!" you shouted and everyone looked at you.

You gasped at your sudden action. Yes, you're not a one, but since you lived with your ert brother, you also watched some of the videos he's watching. 

"Kazuki, you are such a bad influence!" Aoi shouted and crossed his arms and kissed your cheeks

Kazuki just laughed. 

"Daddy it is!" Byou inserted the CD and all of you sat on the floor, all eyes on the TV.


As the video started... some of the boys bit their lip, waiting for the , then there's you and the others, just watching it normally.

There was this part when the girl gave into temptation... The girl allowed his father to the .. then rub her s. You found it weird, because at first, the girl didn't wanted it to happen, but suddenly, she gave in.

When the part when the father ed his daughter, you looked at the others, you saw some of them rubbing their crotch, you knew there was something bad going to happen.

Then, there was this part when the girl was out loud. 

"DAMN! I need to get laid!" your eyes widen when you heard someone shouted that. 

You immediately got out of the room and went out to the kitchen and grabbed a soda. 

You went back upstairs to the terrace and watched the beautiful night sky.

"Why do they have to watch ? They could have just watched horror movies, that'll be a lot better" you said to yourself, rubbed the goosebumps on your arms, and took a sip of the soda you got.


"BOO!" you were startled by the sudden noise, turned around and saw your brother.

"Damn, onii-chan, you scared me" you hit his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, they're getting a little there, so, I left" he smiled and stood next to you


"Anyways, why won't we go to Grandma's tomorrow?" 

"Uwah~! I miss obaa-san! sure!" you gladly answered him and hugged him


"Oi! two of you!" the both of you turned around and saw Byou

"What are you two doing there ? Let's eat dinner."



In the kitchen, everyone was eating already, so the three of you sat down and started to eat as well. You saw your favorites, Mochi, Tempura, and Soy Milk. You immediately started to get a full bowl of rice and a lot of Tempura.

"Itadakimasu~!" you said as you started to eat like a child

"Good thing I bought Tempura" Byou looked at you and you smiled at him

"Anyways, what happened to thing you guys were watching?" you asked them while chewing

"Don't talk when you mouth is full" said Ruki "We got bored with it, sorry, we decided to watch horror films later after eating" he continued.

You nodded and continued to eat. While eating, everyone was having their own convos. 



"Gochisosama dea~" everyone said after eating.

You helped Manabu and Jin wash up the dishes.

After finishing the work, the three of you went upstairs.  

You saw Kazuki at the terrace having a smoke and a convo with Aoi and Reika.

"Oi onii-chan~!" you waved your hand and he walked towards you.

"What's up?"

"Where's the bag? I'm gonna take a shower"

"It's at the guests bedroom, on the first bed" you nodded and walked to the bedroom.

As you enter the room, you saw the others playing video games. You grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom.


You opened the bag and got your clothes, you looked at it and realized that it was a night piece.

"Damn, I'm ed" you said to yourself quietly. You just didn't mind what'll happen next and took a shower. 

You wore your clothes and got out of the bathroom.

Everyone in the room looked at you, from toes up to the head. 

"Woah Rina-chan! You look good at those clothes!" Keiyuu gave you a thumbs-up and smiled

You smiled back at him and sat next to them to watch what were they doing.


"Ugh, I'll prepare the movie and the sleeping bags at my room" Byou stood up and left.


"Say,.... can I play too? It took me a lot to beat onii-chan at that game" you asked Jin

"Sure, but, you have to play with Manabu first, before you beat the master" 

"Master?" you raised a brow

"Miyavi's the best!" Rui pointed out

"Whatever, PIECE OF CAKE!" you exclaimed with a lot of pride.


The game was Tekken 6. You chose Asuka Kazama while Manabu chose Jin Kazama

Keiyuu, Jin, and Reita cheered for you. While Ruki , Rui , Miyavi , Uruha and Kai cheered for Manabu.

To be honest, it was hard beating Manabu, even though they said he was the worst player. But, he paused for a while, so you took the chance to beat his character up. You won the game and hugged the trio who was cheering for you. 

"Ugh Manabu! You witty!" Miyavi mocked him " Lemme do it".

"Ohh~ it's on !" you said a loud. Just as the fight was going to start, Byou opened the door.

"What's up Byou?" Ruki asked him.

"The popcorns, the horror film and the sleeping bags are ready!" 

"Great!" all of you exclaimed and left the guest room.


All of you sat down on your own sleeping bag, chewed popcorn and watch the film.

'I say, this is one fun sleeping-over. I can't wait for the next one!' you thought and continued to watch. 


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