Chapter 3: A visit at Obaa-san's

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai! (My Little Sister Can't be This Cute!)

The room was dark and filled with snores when you woke up. You took your phone and looked at the time, it was 2am. Suddenly, you felt someone tapped your back, so , you turned around, held up your phone and lit it up. You saw Kazuki. 

"Onii-chan, you're awake already? It's only 2am" you whispered

"I was about to ask you the same thing, come on, let's go" he demanded

"Where to?" 

"To our house, we're going to visit obaa-san today right?" 

"Oh yeah..." so you stood up and walked lightly so the both of you won't wake the others up. 

"Aren't we going to wake Byou up and tell him we're going to leave already?"  

"No need, I already posted up a note on the kitchen" 

The both of you stepped out of the house. You felt the cold breeze on your skin which made you to have goosebumps. You rubbed them and realized you were only wearing a nightwear piece. 

"Onii-chan, isn't this awkward? I mean... we're going to walk on the streets and I'm only wearing a nightpiece" you said as you wore your doll shoes.

"Oh yeah..." he tapped his index finger on his lip and suddenly got a idea. 

"Wear this" he let you wear his coat, you felt warmth. "Also, hold my bag" he demanded.

"Aww come on" you whined "oh, okay.. you don't want me to give you a piggy-back ride? Okaaaaay, as you wish" he teased you as he walked away

"Wait! Onii-chan!" you run to him "I want a piggy-back ride! Please?" you asked cutely but Kazuki ignored it. You stopped walking, pouted and faked a cry. Kazuki's eyes widen.

"Aww Rina, I'm sorry, I was only kidding" he hugged you "Come on, we have to hurry" you held his bag and Kazuki gave you a piggy-back ride.



While having a walk on the streets of Shibuya, pretty lights lit up the district, even though it was only 2am, many people were doing their things already. Kazuki entered this mini-grocery near a dress shop.

"Eh, Onii-chan? What are we doing here?" you asked him while he let you down.

"Well, we need to buy some ingredients for Obaa-san's delicious Udon, Tempura and Katsudon" he answered with a smile and you nodded.

You helped him pick-up the things needed for the certain delicasies your grandmother was going to cook. The both of you bought flour, eggs , beef, Shrimp and etc. Kazuki also picked up some soy milk. 

After buying the things needed, you helped him carry the bags, and the both of you walked towards the apartment you're staying in.



At the apartment, you put down the bags on the table, removed your shoes and kept it inside the shoe bunk and removed the coat.

"Onii-chan, I'm going to take a bath , okay?" you shouted since he was in his bedroom

"Okay!" you heard him reply.


In the bathroom,...

You stripped down your clothes, and dipped in the bath tub. You had fun blowing the bubbles, until, Kazuki entered the bathroom.

"Oni-chan! What the hell are you doing here?!" you asked him

"Going to take a bath with you of course!" he gladly replied 

"Take a shower with me?! But, isn't this awkward!?" 

"Oh come on, we showered together a lot before~" 

"But, that was when we were .. Uh... I think we showered together when we were only 3 years old, but , it's totally different now!" 

"Come on Rina, please?" he asked with puppy-eyes. You couldn't resist that look of Kazuki's so, you agreed. He smiled at you at kissed your cheeks.

Now the both of you are in the tub , .

"Haha, I suddenly remembered the time I told you I was going to marry you" Kazuki laughed at his sudden thought.


You were 5 years old when you attended your Aunt's wedding ceremony. She was gorgeous wearing her white-porcelain gown, though, it didn't have extravagant details, the gown looked very pretty. You thought to yourself that one day, that special day, you'll be pretty as her, walking at the church aisle , to marry the special man in your life.

"Mom , Dad, I want to get married!" you said with a smile

"Oh darling" your dad carried you and let you sit on his lap "You're too young to get married at this age~" your mother replied

"But, I want to look like auntie too!" you pouted, suddenly Kazuki came running

"Rina! look what I've got!"  Kazuki showed you a bouqet of flowers from the church garden

"Wow~!" you were amazed on how pretty the flowers are, you got off your father's lap and took the flowers "it's so pretty, onii-chan! thanks!" 

"Mom, Dad , me and Rina are going to get married when we grow up!" 

Your parents laughed at how cute the both of you were , but , a sudden thought popped out in your mom's head. "Sweety, I think this is wrong, I mean, Rina is adopted right? What if Kazuki really means it?" she whispered to your dad. 

"Oh please, Kazuki is totally kidding, plus, he doesn't know what 'MARRIAGE' really is, and, Rina is only his sister by papers." your dad replied.

"Rina, let's go!" Kazuki pulled you out of the church and went to the garden. The garden was beautiful, colorful flowers were everywhere, sculptures of angels where surrounding the garden, and the view was just perfect.

"Rina, will you marry me?" Kazuki said as he knelt down in front of you

"Oh yes Onii-chan!" you hugged him. A lot of guests saw that moment, everyone thought that it was soooo cute of Kazuki to do it.

~End of Flashback~


"Hahaha, oh yeah, we were so cute back there" you laughed

"Anyways let's hurry up" Kazuki demanded. He helped you wash your hair, arms , and legs. You also did the same. He got out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and wrapped himself. You couldn't reach the towel, so he got it for you and wrapped the towel up to your shoulders. You fixed it up a little so you can be more comfortable. 

Just as you were going to leave the bathroom, you saw him plugged the hair dryer. "Want me to dry you up? " he asked with a smile. You gladly nodded and he helped you dry up.


Kazuki's POV

I entered my room to dress up, Rina did the same. I looked at the mirror to check myself out, still, very handsome, no wonder girls go gaga over me.

Suddenly, I realized what happened earlier, me and Rina, taking a shower together, . I laughed drowsily, I saw how hot my sister's body is. Damn, If she weren't my sister, I would have bang her already. I have the weirdest feeling right now. Suddenly, I remembered, we're not really siblings! Well, we are but, only by papers! YES! I laughed once again. 


I shove off the thought and just dressed up, I wouldn't want Rina to wait for me for a long time. 

End of Kazuki's POV

"Rina !! Let's go~" Kazuki shouted

"Geez, why are you in a hurry  ? Obaa-san's house is only at Osaka" 

"Because, we're going to the amusement park after we visit" 

"Sugoi~! Let's go!!" 

Kazuki grabbed the bags and pulled you out of the apartment.



At the subway, you and Kazuki waited for the train to Osaka to arrived.

"Hey nii-chan, there's not much people here. I wonder why" 

"You noticed that too ? Maybe we're just lucky. This is good tho, I don't want the train to be over crowded. It's irritating!" 

Finally, the train arrived. The both of you entered, and yes, there wasn't much passengers, you and Kazuki sat down near the pilot's door. It was quiet and calm inside the train, unlike the normal days when, it was too over crowded and noisy. 

You rested your head on Kazuki's shoulder and he rested his on yours. The both of you looked like a couple. You saw two kids across. They were twins, the kids were playing 'husband & wife'. You found it cute, because you and Kazuki played the same game when you were little.

"Onii-chan, look" you pointed at the kids for Kazuki to see it. You spied a smile at the corner of his lips. 

"Haha, I suddenly remembered the thing happened at auntie's wedding" he said as he planted a kiss on your forehead. "Go take a nap, this is going to be a long trip." You nodded and closed your eyes. 


"Rina, wake up, we're here" Kazuki whispered. You opened your eyes and helped Kazuki carry the bags. 

As the both of you left the subway, Kazuki called out a taxi. It was a very long trip.

"To Naniwa-ku please" Kazuki said as he closed the door. 

You looked out the window to see the views of Osaka. It was beautiful, It's a little calm than Tokyo. You saw Dotonbori, which is pretty much like Shibuya and Harajuku, Umeda Sky building which looked like a little of the Petronas Towers, and saw the Minato-Machi river place. 

The taxi stopped at a beautiful looking house. You saw something encarved at the wooden gate: "偉大な承継は、小さな一歩から始まる" 'Great successions begin with small steps'. 

Kazuki opened the gate. As the both of you enter, you saw your grandmother, feeding the koi fishes at the pond. 

"Obaa-san!" you shouted which made her turn around. "Rina!" she run towards you and hugged you tight.

"Hey grandma~" Kazuki greeted her with a cool aura. "Oh Kazuki" she hugged Kazuki and runned down her index finger on Kazuki's cheeks.

"You really look like your father, handsome as always" she smiled.

"Well, let's go inside now".



"What do you have there?" your grandma asked and pointed at the shopping bags

"Well, onii-chan wanted you to cook us delicious food! So we bought the things needed~" 

"Put it here on the table " So, you did put down the bags on the table. 


Rina's POV

I helped obaa-san prepare the ingredients for the food she's going to cook. Meanwhile , Kazuki was asked to feed the dog, and the fishes at the pond.

I must say, obaa-san's house is really comfortable. The house was made of Narra wood, lightings weren't too bright, the furniture was exquisite and I saw this huge family portrait. Even though I'm only an adopted child, they still included me in that family photo. 

"Rina, would you help me knead the dough for the noodles?" grandma asked. I nodded. 

I had difficulty in kneading and rolling it. I don't have pretty strong arms. I felt hands on my waist , I turned around and saw Kazuki smiling at me. Damn, he's so handsome! No Rina! No! he's your brother! Well, here's a secret. I only told this one to Mami, Tomomi and Haruna, I have a huge crush on Kazuki. But, I am so not going to tell him this! What if he laughs at me!? I'll feel sooo humiliated.

"Oi Rina" he waved his hands in front of my face "You okay?" 

"Ah yeah, I was just spacing out" I lied. 

"Need help with that?" he pointed on the dough I was going to roll. I nodded. "Your such a weakling" after hearing that I pouted

"Aww come on Rina, I'm kidding" he pinched my cheeks and get the roller to roll the dough needed for the Udon. Looking at how he moved, he looked so hot. A hot cook to be exact! I mean, look at those muscles, and that handsome face. I'm pretty lucky, Kazuki's parents adopted me. If it weren't because of them, I won't be seeing a handsome face as Kazuki's.

"Rina, since Kazuki is doing the noodles for the Udon, why don't you slice up the onions and beef for me?" I smiled at her and did what she ordered. 


The foods are cooked already. We sat down so we can start eating.

"Itadakimasu~" the three of us said before munching down on our meals.

Obaa-san's cooking is delicious! I happily ate my meal. 

"Rina" obaa-san called me out and I looked at her with a smile. "Even though you're adopted, I still hope you were one of us." she smiled. 

I looked down and my smile faded away. I saw Kazuki looking at me with a worried look. Yes, I know the fact that I'm adopted. I hate my real parents. Just because they were experiencing a financial problem, it doesn't mean they have to throw me at the streets and die because of hunger. Still, I'm really thankful that Kazuki's parents adopted me. I was treated like their own.

After eating, we let obaa-san relax at the living room. Me and Kazuki washed the dishes. We played with the soap bubbles, I saw him laugh like an angel, it was pretty cute. He looked down and smiled.

"Oh why? is there a problem? Do I look horrible?" I asked. 

"No, Rina" he looked at me, he washed his hands , dried it off with a towel and cupped my face. "You look wonderful" he removed his hands from my face and continued to wash the dishes, I did the same. 

My cheeks turned into crimson red. Wouldn't it be? Kazuki likes me also? Nah~.

After washing the dishes, we hanged out with grandma, we talked about happenings in our life, played mahjong, singed with the karaoke and Kazuki even taught her how to play the guitar. It was a really fun day with her. Sadly. we have to go now.

She kissed my cheeks and same as Kazuki's , hugged her tight and waved goodbye. 

Kazuki called out a taxi. 

"To the subway please " he said as he close the door.

I looked out the window to see some viewings. The night sky was beautiful as always. Suddenly, I felt warmth on my hand, I took a look. Kazuki's hand was holding mine. I looked at him and he smiled. 

Gosh, What an angelic smile of his. I looked away and blushed. 


We arrived at the subway. We waited the train to Shibuya. As soon as the train arrived. There wasn't a lot of passengers.

"Wow, are we celebrating a holiday today?" I asked Kazuki

"Nah~ If today was a holiday, the train would be crowded" 

We sat near the pilot's door. again. I looked at my watch and it was 5pm already. Damn. What a long trip. 

"Are we still going to the amusement park?" 

"I'm sorry Rina, maybe next time" he said while untangling his earphones. He plugged it to his iPod. 

"Can I listen too?" I asked. he nodded and I got the other side of the earphone.

He put his hand on my shoulders then down to my waist. He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his right-side chest. I heard people whispering. Their eyes were glued on us.  

"Kazuki, why are they looking at us?" I asked him. He just shrugged and planted a kiss on my cheeks. 

"Don't worry about them, they're just jealous they don't have a handsome brother like me" I chuckled. 

[Fast Forward]

As we arrived at our apartment. Kazuki opened the door and I immediately walked to the sofa and plopped down. I feel soooo tired.


"Come on princess, go to your room and sleep there" Kazuki said 

"Ugh, I'm too tired to walk" I replied drowsily. 

I suddenly felt someone touching the bottom of my legs and my back. Kazuki was carrying me bridal-style. 

The room we entered in has a good smell... It was Kazuki's perfume. 

He laid me down on his bed and scooted next to me.  

"Good night sis" 

"Good night onii-chan" I replied and yawned. 

He kissed the tip of my nose and the both of us drove off to sleep. 

End of Rina's POV

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