Chapter 7

Tempting Fate

He didn’t think he would be this nervous. It wasn’t like he had never been in the same room with Hyukjae’s parents. But somehow, this was different. This was dinner. Every parent hopes that their son will bring home that special girl for dinner. The problem was that Donghae was not a girl. Hyukjae’s father had never been very fond of his son dating a boy. This was Donghae’s one big chance to impress his boyfriends father.

*Knock knock knock*

Hyukjae got up from his place on the couch to answer the door. Although it was an hour early, he was sure that it would be Donghae.
He opened the door and wrapped Donghae in a hug. “Hi~!”

“I’m sorry I’m early. I just couldn’t wait at home any more. I’m really nervous.” Donghae leaned in closer and whispered the last part.

Hyukjae couldn’t help but laugh, “It’s fine. I knew you would be early. And truthfully, if I said I wasn’t nervous then I would be lying.”

The two walked in and went directly to the kitchen where Hyukjae’s mother was cooking dinner.

“Oh Donghae you are here! It’s so good to see you.”  Mrs. Lee wiped her hands on her apron before pulling Donghae into a hug.

At the same moment, Hyukjae’s father walked into the kitchen. “Ah, Donghae. You are here.” He reached out his hand and shook Donghae’s. “How have you been? I believe the last time I saw you was when Hyukjae was in the hospital.”

“I’m very good sir, how was your trip?”

“Well, it was business not pleasure. But it wasn’t too bad.”

“It is good that you got home safely.” Although he was tense, Donghae managed to exude confidence. 

“Ah yes, thank you.”

“Dinner will be ready soon. Would you boys mind setting the table?” Hyukjae’s mom didn’t wait for an answer before putting plates in Hyukjae’s hands and eating utensils in Donghaes’.

The two laughed and walked off to do as they were told.

As soon as they were out of earshot Donghae let out a breath that he had obviously been holding in for a while.

“You okay Hae?”

“Yeah. Of course. I’m just still really nervous.”

Hyukjae set down the last plate and walked over to the tense boy. “It is going to be fine. I promise. It’s just dinner, it’s not like you are new and trying to make a first impression. You are just here because… Actually, I’m not entirely sure why you are here.”

Donghae smiled as Hyukjae wrapped his arms around his shoulders bringing him into a tight hug. They just stood there for a few moments hugging when they heard someone clearing their throat behind them.

“You boys can go wash up now. Dinner is ready.” Hyukjae’s father said with a straight face.

They immediately released each other and ran off.

“So Donghae, what are your plans for after high school?” Hyukjae’s father asked after swallowing a piece of food.

“I don’t know exactly… But I want to go to college.”

“Good. That’s good.” Mr. Lee continued with this fashion of small talk until they were all finished with eating their dinner.

After eating, Donghae and Hyukjae volunteered to wash the dishes. Donghae washed the dishes and Hyukjae dried then put them away.

“So, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Hyukjae breathed out, relieved that the tension was over.

“Yeah, it was kind of nice. But all of those questions that your father was asking made me nervous.” Donghae bit his lip as he rinsed off another plate and handed it to Hyukjae.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that. It’s just the way my father is. He is always so involved with work that he just kind of acts professional all the time. I’m just glad that we all got to eat dinner together. You know, kind of like how it will be in the future on holidays and things like that… Since they may be your parents - in - law someday~.” Hyukjae wiggled his eyebrows in a flirty way.

“Tch. Yeah right. You have about three months left then that’s all you get. There are plenty of other fish in the sea that would love a piece of this.” Donghae slid his hand down his body, gesturing to his perfections. “How rude would I be if I didn’t share?” He teased, voice slick with sarcasm.

Hyukjae spun the towel in his hand and whipped Donghae in the . “Yah! Why are you saying that?!”

Donghae rested his arms around Hyukjae’s neck and got close enough to feel the others’ breath on his face. A huge grin began forming across his lips. “I’m only joking~. You are the only one I want, my sweet anchovy~.” Donghae kissed Hyukjae’s nose and went back to washing the dishes.

Hyukjae tried to look upset, but he couldn’t shake the happiness he felt inside, or the big smile he wore on the outside.


“Hae! You did it! You made it in, you passed the test!” Hyukjae ran through the hallways and barely stopped enough to engulf Donghae in a huge bear hug.

“Whoa, hey. What are you talking about?” Donghae grabbed the boys’ shoulders and held him an arms’ length away.

“My parents” Hyukjae panted “They were testing you. That’s why had you come over last night. And they totally approve! They support us one hundred percent and my father gave us his blessing and-”

Donghae cut him off with a kiss. All of his nerves about Hyukjae’s parents not approving of them dating were wiped clean away.

Hyukjae took a step back shocked at the sudden show of affection and laughed. Soon enough, the two were laughing together. Not because something was funny, but because for once everything felt right. They had the support of Hyukjae’s parents so they didn’t care who knew about them dating or if anybody disapproved, it didn’t matter. Because they could act themselves wherever they were, whoever they were with. Because Hyukjae had all of his memory back, and because both boys were fully aware of how much they loved each other.

“Hey Hyuk.” Donghae slid his hand into his boyfriend’s, squeezing it lovingly.


Donghae leaned towards Hyukjae’s ear and spoke a soft “I love you” before placing a peck on his cheek.

“Mhm, I know.” Hyukjae nodded.

Donghae hit him in the arm, a hurt look on his face.

Hyukjae stuck out his tongue. “I’m just teasing~ I love you too~”
When Hyukjae looked at Donghae, he was still pouting. Hyukjae raised an eyebrow giving Donghae a questioning look.

“It’s not fair. I gave you a kiss, but you didn’t give me one!”

Hyukjae rolled his eyes. “Lee Donghae, you are too cute when you pout!” The first bell rang through the hallways causing a bit of sadness to come over the couple. Hyukjae leaned forward and left a sweet kiss on Donghaes lips before giving him a wink, and running off to his class.

Donghae watched him walk away for a few moments sighing happily, then hurried away in the opposite direction.


The End.
That's all. 
Please don't hate me.
I really at ending stories tbh. 
It took me like three days just to write that last little part right there. OTL


I hope you all liked this fic. I know that a lot of it was super sloppy. It seemed like the more I got into it, the worse my writing got. T_T

Please leave me comments letting me know if you liked it. 
I really appreciate all of the subscribers and the people who commented, it really means the world to me. 

Thank you guys soooo much~ 

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I'm updating chapter 6 because something went wrong... Sorry! Full, and correct chapter will be up soon!


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well. that escalated quickly o u o
Oohhh wats ganna happen lol
wtf was that chapter >.>

Chapter 4 definitely improved! 8D The balance between dialog and detail is better!

WildMeow #6
thank God, Hyuk is alright TT
The way Hae takes care for Hyuk is cuteeeeeeee X3
I can say I love this story so far!!!! And yep, I think you should add more descriptions ^^ (though this way is still great)
anw, update soon kk
Well, I guess you should explain the scenes in detail more? I got pretty lost in the latest chapter, and all I really understood was the ending o_o

Either way, I love the plot so far (even though you're going too fast. stawp it ;A;)! FIGHTING!
<3 don't thank me for commenting! I know how it feels whenever you see the 'new story comments!' notification.


;A; I need to subscribe to this. Update soon, authornim!
fufufufu25 #10
i hope that he's not going to be amnesiac..