Chapter 3

Tempting Fate



“Umma! Where is appa?”

“He is at work. He will be here as soon as he can. How do you feel?” Mrs. Lee put her hand on her son’s forehead

Hyukjae chuckled, “I’m fine, umma. The pain medicine is wearing off though.” He shifted in his seat, cringing. “In a little bit I have to go and take some tests.”

“What do you remember?”

“I can’t remember the car crash, if that is what you are asking…”

“Oh. It’s alright. You will remember eventually.” She patted his arm lightly, then turned around. “Donghae, do you mind if I talk to you for a moment in the hallway?”

“Of course.” Donghae went out into the hallway, prepared to be asked questions.

“How long has he been awake?”

“Not long, I called you about five minutes after he woke up.”

“What is the last thing he remembers?”

Donghae looked at the ground nervously, “Mrs. Lee, I think there is something I should tell you.”

“What is it, Donghae?”

“Right before Hyukjae got into his crash, we kind of got in a fight… Well, I told him to stay away from me. I was having a bad day, and I really didn’t mean to but I took it out on him. I can’t help but feel responsible. If I wouldn’t have said those things, then he wouldn’t have gotten into the car emotional like that. I am so sorry.” Tears started spilling over Donghae’s eyes.

Mrs. Lee put her hand on his shoulder. “It was not your fault. The other driver was in the wrong lane, there was nothing that could have prevented it.
“Why don’t you go home and get some rest. You can come back tomorrow, if anything bad happens we will let you know.”

Donghae nodded, then left the hospital.

“Mrs. Lee, if I could talk to you for a moment out here as well.”

“Yes, what is it doctor?”

“We are going to run some tests now to see the condition of his brain, but if all is fine we would like to discharge him as soon as possible. Maybe getting him back into his home will jog his memory. At this point, we don’t know if he will ever be able to remember the crash.”

Mrs. Lee nodded, then went back into the room where some nurses were helping Hyukjae into a wheelchair.

“Umma, where is Donghae?”

“He went home to rest, but he will be back tomorrow so don’t worry.”


They wheeled Hyukjae out of the room to have his tests done. When he came back, the doctor informed Mrs. Lee that everything was normal. His loss of memory was simply his brain trying to get rid of the traumatic event, he would remember it eventually but it was unknown what would trigger it.

“We would like to keep him one more night to make sure he is stable, but he should be able to go home tomorrow.”

The following day, Hyukjae was released from the hospital as promised. After a few days, he returned to school with Donghae. A week passed and Hyukjae still didn’t remember the crash.

“Hyukjae, do you want to come to my house today?” Donghae grabbed Hyukjae’s hand as they walked out of the school at the end of the day.

“Sure. But we have to work on homework okay? Both of us have a lot of work to do.”

“Yeah yeah, okay.”

They walked up to Donghae’s car, they each put their bags in the trunk. “Are you sure you don’t remember the crash?”

“Hae, why would I pretend that I don’t remember something so important?”

“I don’t know, it just seems weird.”

Hyukjae shrugged, then got into the passenger side of Donghae’s car.

As soon as they were on the main road, Donghae the radio then grabbed Hyukjae’s hand and drove with the other.

“This is my favorite song!”

Hyukjae smiled, seeing Donghae sing along to the tune.

A shiver ran up Hyukjae’s body.

“Hyuk, are you okay? Ouch! You are squeezing my hand really right!” Donghae looked over to see Hyukjae, pale as a sheet.

Hyukjae’s breathing got faster, his heart racing.

“Hyuk, what’s going on?”

Hyukjae shut his eyes tight, his head was pounding.
Screeching tires, flashes of light, glass everywhere. Everything was replaying in his head.


“We are almost home Hyukjae, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay, just hold on.”

Donghae pulled into his driveway and unbuckled himself and Hyukjae then ran around to the passenger side. Hyukjae curled up in a ball on his seat, hot tears streaming down his face.

“Hyuk, it’s okay, I’m here, everything is okay. It’s over. You are not in danger anymore. You are safe. Look at me.”

Hyukjae lifted his head.

“It’s alright, come on.” Donghae helped the shaking Hyukjae out of his car and walked him inside, then told him to sit on his bed.

Hyukjae layed down, tears still running down his face.

Donghae layed down next to him and pulled him close, gently rubbing his back.

“It’s over now, you are fine. You are safe.” He kept repeating soothing words into his boyfriends’ ears, relaxing him.

Hyukjae stopped crying, and shut his eyes. He was in his favorite place, Donghae’s arms. He couldn’t be scared or upset if he tried. He could feel his even breathing, his warm breath on his ear. He could smell his sweet scent. He was in heaven. And before he knew it, he fell asleep.

Donghae noticed the still boy in his arms, afraid of waking him, he too shut his eyes and fell asleep.


Donghae opened his eyes, he heard a phone vibrating somewhere. He carefully got up and searched around the room, to find that it was Hyukjae’s phone in his pocket. He put his hand in Hyukjae’s pocket and pulled the phone out. Five missed calls. Donghae looked around him, taking in his surroundings. His bedroom had grown dark. He looked at the clock on his wall. 12:17. .

“Hyuk, wake up. We fell asleep. Come on, I have to get you home.”

Hyukjae sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. “What time is it?”

“It’s after midnight. Come on. Here, call your umma, I think she just tried to call you.”

Hyukjae dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.

Lee Hyukjae, where are you? It is past your curfew! Are you alright?!”

“Umma, I’m sorry. I fell asleep at Donghae’s. He is bringing me home now.”

Hyukjae hung up the phone, a look of distress on his face.

“It’s okay, you never do anything bad. I don’t think you are going to get in a lot of trouble.”

“Donghae, I remember the crash…”

“I know. It’s alright, let’s just go before you get into any more trouble, okay?”

Hyukjae sighed, then went out to the car and went home. 



I really hope you guys like this chapter! I know that it could be WAY better... but I had an idea in my head and I had to get it out... 

Please leave me comments with constructive critisism. A little bit always helps. 

I dunno, maybe I should have more description and less dialog? Please let me know if you think I should cut back on the dialog a bit more or if it is fine the way it is.

Thanks again~!

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I'm updating chapter 6 because something went wrong... Sorry! Full, and correct chapter will be up soon!


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well. that escalated quickly o u o
Oohhh wats ganna happen lol
wtf was that chapter >.>

Chapter 4 definitely improved! 8D The balance between dialog and detail is better!

WildMeow #6
thank God, Hyuk is alright TT
The way Hae takes care for Hyuk is cuteeeeeeee X3
I can say I love this story so far!!!! And yep, I think you should add more descriptions ^^ (though this way is still great)
anw, update soon kk
Well, I guess you should explain the scenes in detail more? I got pretty lost in the latest chapter, and all I really understood was the ending o_o

Either way, I love the plot so far (even though you're going too fast. stawp it ;A;)! FIGHTING!
<3 don't thank me for commenting! I know how it feels whenever you see the 'new story comments!' notification.


;A; I need to subscribe to this. Update soon, authornim!
fufufufu25 #10
i hope that he's not going to be amnesiac..