

It's a new semester at your school. It seems that everyone except you is excited about the new students. Especially so with the new boy who is in multiple classes of yours. You don't get what the big deal with him is but everyone seems to love him. It seems as if you can't get away from him. But then again, do you really want to?


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SUJU4ever13 #1
Chapter 8: This story but ended quick with a bang.... But a little rush but I like it:)
ShirleyC #2
Chapter 8: Awesome fic,
I enjoyed reading it. <33
Awwwwweee. cuuute! sequel please :)
MonkeylovesFishy #5
it was really a wunderful story :3
I enjoyed it alot ^^
fishyangelic #6
OMG...I keep thinking and imagine that UEE after school is the girl character..i think they are cute couple..btw,,,Great story..
You're welcome! This story is so adorable! I love Hyukjae! I hope to see more of stories like this!! <3
How does this not have any comments? It's brilliant! I love this fanfic! <3 ^ ^ Hyukjae Oppa! <3

Hyukjae: S-she called me Oppa! DONGHAE-AH SHE CALLED ME OPPA!

Kyu: What a great accomplishment for you. She's called me Oppa for a while now.

That's because you threatened me. =_=

Hyukjae: Still... She called me Oppa...

Hae: She still hasn't called me Oppa.

Omg just stop! Anyway I hope you update when you can! I really hope Hyukjae finds out and decides to find a way to help. Maybe Yuri will break the best friend code for now? For her best friends happiness?

Kyu: *leans back on the chair* Most likely it's either someone tells the monkey or something happens in front of the monkeys eyes to make him realize what's up

Hyukjae: What's that supposed to mean?

He's calling you really... e__e oblivious.

Hyukjae: And what does that mean.

Heechul: It means you're an idiot. *passes by the room and calls out* Hanma! Where's your baba?

Geng baba went out with Siwon papa! ^ ^

Heechul: Aish! *walks back to annoy KangTeuk*

Hyukjae: I'm not an idiot.

No, just really... Oblivious.

Kyu: Lol =w= Update soon!

No she'll update when she can Kyu. what did Geng baba say about being polite and nice to other people?

Kyu: =_= *clicks post comment*