Chapter 1

Tempting Fate


“Pssst. Hyuk! Hey!”

Hyukjae looked towards the open door of his classroom. He noticed Donghae standing there, waving his hands, signaling Hyukjae to come out of the class.

“Excuse me, may I use the restroom?” Hyukjae asked, raising his hand.

His teacher nodded, and Hyukjae quickly left his seat.

“Yah! What do you want Hae? I have class, and so do you.”

“My class is boring. I can’t focus. I need you.” Donghae looked longingly into Hyukjae’s deep brown eyes. He couldn’t hold back any longer, he pushed Hyukjae up against the lockers kissing him passionately.

“Hae! What the hell are you doing? We are in school!” Hyukjae’s voice was very urgent as he pushed his boyfriend off of him.

"Are you ashamed of us?"

"No. But it is against the rules to kiss in the hallways. You know that."

“Then let’s leave. You will only be missing one class hour. We can go to my house, my mom isn’t  home. We-”

“Stop. Donghae. I’m going back to class, you should too.”

Donghae’s heart sank.  Hyukjae never did anything risky.

‘Why is he being like that lately? He is always all over me… And now during school?’ Hyukjae thought to himself as he sat back down in his chair. He let out a small sigh and turned his attention to the teacher, trying to distract himself.

When class ended, Hyukjae looked all over but couldn’t find Donghae. ‘Where did he go now?’ Hyukjae dug around in his bag until he found his phone, then dialed the number that he had memorized by heart. It went straight to voicemail. ‘Damn. He must be really mad.’

Hyukjae left the school, practically running through the hallways. He knew exactly where Hae would be.

He drove about two blocks away, then pulled into a small park. Towards the back, there was a bench hidden by tree leafs and shrubbery. You couldn’t see the bench at all unless you were really close to it. As Hyukjae got closer, sure enough, there was Donghae. He was lying on the bench fast asleep.

“Hae, wake up.” Hyukjae shook him  lightly. After a moment of shaking him, he still didn’t wake up. ‘Hmph.’ Hyukjae crossed his arms over his chest. ‘I can’t believe I am actually doing this…’. He leaned down, and gave Donghae a soft peck on the lips. Donghae mumbled something then opened his eyes.

“Yah! Hyuk, what are you doing here?” Donghae sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“You weren’t at school, you didn’t answer your phone…”

“How did you know I would be here?”

“Hae, I know you.” He pushed a hair out of Donghae’s sleepy eyes. “This is where you always come when you are upset.”

Donghae hid his face in his hands. ‘Have I really become that predictable?

Hyukjae grabbed Donghae’s hand. “Come on, let’s go.”


“Hae, come on. I am going to take you home. Let’s go.” Hyukjae pulled on Donghae.

“No. I am not going anywhere.” The frustrated boy dropped Hyukjae’s hand and took a step back.

“Why are you acting like this?” Tears began to well up in Hyukjae’s eyes. He was always the first to start crying in bad situations.

“Just leave me alone Hyukjae. You obviously don’t want me. You don’t care about me the way I care for you. Go away, and leave me the hell alone. I don’t want to see you.”

Tears started spilling over the edge of the emotional boy, “Fine. If that’s what you want.” He shook his head and ran back to his car.

He slammed the door and shoved the key into the ignition. Although he tried to stop them, tears ran down his red face. He had never been told to go away by Donghae. Why did he think that he didn't care about him?

Hyukjae pressed on the gas and pulled out onto the main road. He didn’t want to go home, not in the emotional state he was in. His parents would worry and make him more upset. He didn’t know where he would go. He just wanted to drive.

He looked down at the radio, turning up the volume. Of course, the tune that seeped through the speakers was Donghae’s favorite song. Frustrated and hurt, Hyukjae pushed some buttons trying to find anything else to drown out his feelings.

He looked up to check on the road and gasped, a car was coming straight at him in his lane. He slams on the break with all his force and turns the wheel trying to swerve out of the way, but it was too late. The oncoming vehicle crashed into the passenger side of Hyukjaes’ small black car. Glass shatters, tires screech on the black asphalt. The air is knocked out of his lungs as he is thrown forward into his seatbelt. Luckily, the airbag deploys just in time to catch him, preventing him from hitting his head on the dashboard. More screeching. Why was time moving so slowly?

Then all was quiet. All he could see was darkness. There was no feeling in his body. Just numbness. No thoughts, no feeling, no pain.

Then an electric jolt was sent through his whole body.

His hearing returned. Sirens. He opened his eyes, everything was a blur. He could make out red and blue lights, paramedics were working quickly over the top of him. “CLEAR” someone yelled. Another shock, this one was more painful. Hyukjae took a deep gasp inwards. “He has a pulse, he is awake. Get him to the ambulance.”

Hyukjae was lifted, then placed on a soft bed and taken into the ambulance. He wanted to say something, he wanted to yell or scream, or move. He wanted to ask what was happening, but nothing was responding. He shut his eyes, the only part of himself that he could controll, and fell asleep. 

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I'm updating chapter 6 because something went wrong... Sorry! Full, and correct chapter will be up soon!


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well. that escalated quickly o u o
Oohhh wats ganna happen lol
wtf was that chapter >.>

Chapter 4 definitely improved! 8D The balance between dialog and detail is better!

WildMeow #6
thank God, Hyuk is alright TT
The way Hae takes care for Hyuk is cuteeeeeeee X3
I can say I love this story so far!!!! And yep, I think you should add more descriptions ^^ (though this way is still great)
anw, update soon kk
Well, I guess you should explain the scenes in detail more? I got pretty lost in the latest chapter, and all I really understood was the ending o_o

Either way, I love the plot so far (even though you're going too fast. stawp it ;A;)! FIGHTING!
<3 don't thank me for commenting! I know how it feels whenever you see the 'new story comments!' notification.


;A; I need to subscribe to this. Update soon, authornim!
fufufufu25 #10
i hope that he's not going to be amnesiac..