Chapter 6

Tempting Fate

Donghae woke up to the sun shining brightly on his face. He was still holding Hyukjae in his arms. He smiled remembering the night before. Carefully, he brushed away a few pieces of Hyukjae’s hair, then kissed his forehead.

Hyukjae slowly opened his eyes, smiling as soon as he saw his boyfriend’s face. “Good morning.”  His voice was rough from just waking up.

“How did you sleep?”

“Better than I have in a long time.” Hyukjae snuggled closer into Donghae’s bare chest.

 “Did you hear that?”

Hyukjae paid no mind to Donghae’s sudden awareness. “No, I didn’t hear anything.”

Donghae sat up, causing Hyukjae to frown. “It sounded like a car engine.”

“I think that you are hearing things. My parents are not even supposed to be home until late tonight.”

A moment later, both boys heard the distinct thud of a car trunk shutting.

Hyukjae jumped up, grabbing his boxers from the floor and ran to his bedroom window. “Oh god. My parents are home.”

Outside, Hyukjae’s parents were walking up to the door, luggage in hand.
Hyukjae grabbed his head. “. What are we going to do? You are not supposed to be here.”

As Donghae got up and began dressing himself, they could hear the rattling of the doorknob as it was being unlocked.

“Uh… Get in my closet!” Hyukjae whispered handing Donghae his shirt as he pushed him to the far side of his room where the closet was located.

“There is no room! You have too many clothes!”

“You are going to have to squeeze. Now go!”

Donghae squished himself inside just as Hyukjae’s parents entered the house.

“Hyukjae, we are home!” His mother called out from the entryway.

“I’m in my room… uh, cleaning up. Just a minute!” Hyukjae shut the closet door tight, and made his bed so there was no trace of anybody sleeping there but him. He would have to remember to wash the sheets later. “Umma, Appa, you are home earlier than I expected!” Hyukjae ran out of his room, his heart racing.

“Yes, well my flight got in early. It’s not a problem is it?” Hyukjae’s father teased.

“No, of course not.” Hyukjae lied as he hugged his mother.

“Is this your sweatshirt? I don’t recognize it.” Hyukjae’s mother picked up Donghae’s sweatshirt off of the couch, examining it closely.

Hyukjae cursed under his breath. “No. I mean… yes. It is! Donghae gave it to me…”

“Oh. Okay, I will go hang this up for you then.”

“No wait!” Hyukjae stepped in front of his mother and snatched the sweatshirt from her hands. “Don’t you want to sit down and rest? I can hang it up.” Quickly, he turned around and ran off to his room. As he opened the closet door, Donghae looked up at him wide eyed. “I’m so sorry Hae! Just, hang on alright. I will get you out of here.” He spoke softly so his parents wouldn’t hear. Donghae nodded and gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile.

As Hyukjae walked back out to the living room where his parents were, he was formulating a plan to get Donghae out without his parents knowing.

I can’t just tell him to go out the window and leave. We took his car home yesterday just in case and the closest bus stop is too far to walk. Plus, my window is really loud, my parents would probably hear him leave. Maybe I can tell them that I need to run to the store and I can take him home then, but I still don’t know how I am going to get him out of this house without being noticed.

“Well, I guess we should go unpack.” Hyukjae’s father grabbed his suitcase and walked away to his bedroom.

Ah, yes, this is my chance.

“Umma, I am going to run to the store. Do you need anything?”

She shook her head, “No, I don’t think so. What are you going to get?”

“Erm…” Hyukjae hesitated in order to figure out something off the top of his head. “We need some chicken. I was going to surprise you with dinner. Now it’s not much of a surprise though is it? Haha.” He laughed quietly and scratched the back of his head. He didn’t like to lie, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Oh. Thank you. You are such a good son. So kind.” His mother kissed his forehead then grabbed her suitcase and went to her bedroom.

Hyukjae waited until his mother was out of sight before he ran to his room. Quickly and quietly, he opened his closet doors and signaled for Donghae to come out. “Come on, we have to go quickly. My parents are in their room.”

Donghae nodded and smoothly climbed out of the closet. Hand in hand, they ran out the front door and into the car without being noticed. As they drove off, Hyukjae let out a laugh. “I can’t believe that worked. I thought I was done for. My dad would be so mad if he knew…”

“Where do they think you are going?” Donghae still had a worried look on his face.

Hyukjae looked at the brunette and smiled. “I said that I was going to the store. You don’t have to worry anymore. We got out. They don’t have to know anything. But I have to cook them dinner now…”

Donghae relaxed a little and managed to laugh at the whole situation. “Thank you, Hyuk.”

“For what?”

“For everything. For making this the best weekend ever.”

“There is nobody that I would have rather been with.”


“Good morning handsome~”

Hyukjae shut his locker to see a smiling Donghae leaning against the neighboring .

“Haha, uh, Good morning to you too. You seem very cheerful.”

“Yeah. I am. Do you remember when you said that you should let me kiss you more?”


Without continuing any further Donghae planted a kiss on Hyukjae’s lips, causing him to stagger backwards in surprise.

“Yah! I didn’t mean at school!” Although he tried to sound angry, Hyukjae couldn’t wipe the grin off of his face.

“Okay okay. I will try to resist. But no promises.” Donghae grabbed Hyukjae’s hand and squeezed it in a playful way. “So how did dinner with your parents go?”

“It was fine. They didn’t suspect anything. I am sorry that I had to kick you out like that though. I really feel bad.”

“It’s fine. I don’t mind. What fun is life without a little excitement, right?”

“Hmm, yeah I guess you are right. Well I better go to class now, alright? Oh I almost forgot. My mom wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow night. Something about my dad needs to see us together so that he can get used to it… I’m not really sure.”

“Dinner? With your parents? Like, a real date. Huh. Sounds like fun.” Donghae grinned widely.

“Perfect. See ya.” Hyukjae waved cutely and walked away to class. 

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I'm updating chapter 6 because something went wrong... Sorry! Full, and correct chapter will be up soon!


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well. that escalated quickly o u o
Oohhh wats ganna happen lol
wtf was that chapter >.>

Chapter 4 definitely improved! 8D The balance between dialog and detail is better!

WildMeow #6
thank God, Hyuk is alright TT
The way Hae takes care for Hyuk is cuteeeeeeee X3
I can say I love this story so far!!!! And yep, I think you should add more descriptions ^^ (though this way is still great)
anw, update soon kk
Well, I guess you should explain the scenes in detail more? I got pretty lost in the latest chapter, and all I really understood was the ending o_o

Either way, I love the plot so far (even though you're going too fast. stawp it ;A;)! FIGHTING!
<3 don't thank me for commenting! I know how it feels whenever you see the 'new story comments!' notification.


;A; I need to subscribe to this. Update soon, authornim!
fufufufu25 #10
i hope that he's not going to be amnesiac..