Chapter 3

Infatuation [YunJae]



Try to run away with the gypsy woman
Here today then gone for good
Can't get away with the gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can't go
Can't go with her

                It was then when everyone was so busy enjoying and celebrating his engagement that YunHo left his wife’s side and went looking for the gypsy that he’d admired so much. He bowed out of habit as he passed a guest or a clique that he knows and apologizes to them when he can’t stay long and chat. He’d say the same excuse that he needs some fresh air, and everyone assumed that he must be overwhelmed of the fact that he’s marrying a girl with such astonishing prettiness.


                It took him long to find who he was looking for especially with the huge crowd and with everyone stopping him on his tracks to say something or just greet as a sign of respect. When he managed to get himself out of the palace and into the wide open space of the royal garden where the engagement took place that afternoon, a figure not that far from him was standing and was staring into space. Mind, obviously deep in thought and she looked troubled in some way. 


YunHo approached her with careful steps – not wanting to disturb her thoughts or frighten her. And knowing very well that it was the dancer herself and no one else, YunHo had this sudden idea of surprising her. 


                But the person craned her head to his direction and that’s when it dawned on him that he possibly made some noise to distract her. He thought that she might get mad but his heart skipped some big leap when he saw a lovely smile that crossed her face. YunHo gulped. 


                “Congratulations” Her smile remained, her voice raspy and melodious, “Prince YunHo” 


                Despite himself, YunHo was dumbfounded and he stayed still like an idiot – his eyes not tearing away from the gypsy in front of him. 


                “Th-thank y-you” he replied, wanting to slap his face for acting so stupid.   


                She giggled. And YunHo couldn’t help but let a grin take over his features. 


                “By the way..” the gypsy started, walking towards him. The moon’s light striking her face making YunHo take a better look of her gorgeous features, her veil was already gone. “This” she held out the blue dragonfly necklace she’s wearing, “Thank you for giving this to me” 


                A sudden and quick heartbeat – YunHo was then horrified. And shy. And he wasn’t sure if he’s feeling both or not. Or which is which. 


                “I - I mean, you, how did –“ 


                “I remember you perfectly well. My memory’s quite impressive and it’s not failing me yet. I know that it was you.” Her eyes were twinkling, orbs so round and mesmerizing. “Or if you insist that –“ 


                “No.” YunHo breathed, holding up a hand “You’re right. It was me. And you’re welcome.” He smiled, a boyish and silly smile, “I’m glad you liked it”


                “How can I not? This is the first time that someone had given me something like this. It’s really special to me now” 


                And like it’s the most normal thing to do in the entire world, the gypsy stood on the tip of her toes and gave the prince a soft peck on his right cheek. 


                YunHo shivered. And before it could register in his mind what’s he’s going to do next, he held her face in between his large hands and his lips landed straight to her plump and red ones.  The gypsy remained absolutely relaxed as if she was expecting this to happen. And YunHo having that feeling in his gut that he might or might not regret this decided that he should continue what he started. 


He’s committed the sin that he feared anyways. No point in backing out now especially that he likes it. So much. Very, very much. So ing much. 


                Left hand stayed on where it was and his right hand explored, encircled around the gypsy’s slim waist pulling her closer to him and the prince pressed his warm body to the dancers’ own. The gypsy groaned. And YunHo loved hearing it escape her lips. 


                His grip tightened around her waist and the gypsy willingly pressed closer to the prince’s warmth, both of their bodies in great heat like they were set on fire. YunHo shivered even more. 


                 Lips probing to open another, the dancer complied having let her defences and guard down. Battle of the tongues occurred. Domination and YunHo took over. There was a spark; they both felt it – a chilly feeling of electricity of some sort. The gypsy whimpered when the prince bit her lower lip hard and YunHo smirked smugly hearing it, the sound itself sent blood and ecstasy to his south. 


                Hands then started to wander, wanting not only to grasp and hold but also to discover certain body parts that were itching to be touched. The gypsy’s entangled in YunHo’s air, messing it like it was some kind of clay being moulded.  YunHo’s hands, from the gypsy’s waist, began to go lower and lower and dangerously lower. The dancer squirmed, feeling all hot and reaching her limit. 


                Clothes – Must. Take. Them. Off. 


                But before that even happened, YunHo’s hand brushed on a sensitive part and he thought of it as something strange. Again, he brushed on the same spot. The gypsy groaned again and for a moment, YunHo heard the dancer’s voice differently. It sounded like it belonged to a hot blooded man . And like lightning, it struck him. 


                YunHo’s eyes went huge, he instantly pulled away. “You’re –“


                The gypsy laughed. Not ashamed. Not proud either. “Yes. I’m a man. And my name’s Jae Joong” 


                YunHo was speechless and he looked naive with his bruised lips, messy hair and confused expression. Jae Joong, as what he said his name was, just gave the prince a smile – a smile that can’t be read if it’s a sad or a happy one. 


                The gypsy disentangled his hands from where it was and gave the prince a final peck – this time on the lips. And he left without saying anything, without explaining why – his figure disappearing into the dark night. 


                YunHo was left aghast; he stood in silence watching the gypsies’ retreating back. And when his senses returned to him, when he made up his mind, Jae Joong was already nowhere in sight. 



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oh my...<br />
<br />
it was seems likke.."king...?? what king??" i'm forget the title of one movie i have benn watched before ,,pairing with lee jun ki...<br />
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but,, yunho,,and jaejoong is the best...<br />
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Nurarara #2
Damn pain-in-the--soon-to-be-wife. D:<br />
yunjaemrcn #3
where have u been? i waited for a long time but i m glad cause u back :))
waaaaaaaa!can't wait anymore..pls update soon...palli!!!!!!!!!!
Nurarara #5
Uh-oh. Yunnie is in deep now. :))<br />
Screw the princess. <br />
Run-off with whom you like YunnieBear. :>
viiicky #6
@xcaandiihearts haha, jaejoong is dressed as a female? um... the chest area is well rather flat... some girls have rather flat chests too. but the thing is the dress in ch 2 would really give away the fact that he's really flat-chested, now that's a problem <br />
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the title is infatuation... and it's yunjae... and yunho is infatuated with the gypsy... therefore jaejoong is the gypsy right? is this one of those stories where they'll leap into the future, their next lives which therefore would explain why jaejoong is a female gypsy as of right now??? i'm going to stop typing now and just wait, update soon!
Me too! I agree with viicky but! Didn't the story say the gypsy was a female by using "she"? Uhh... Then how did she/he get s (OKAY I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS WORD. Call me immature all you want :@)? Padding? LOL, okayokay. <br />
Let's say the gypsy IS Jaejoong. Imagine Yun's shock when he finds out its a guy ^^
i agree with viicky ,,
Nurarara #9
Hindi naman to one-shot di ba? :)<br />
nabitin ako ee. =)))))
yunjaemrcn #10
good!! (thumb up) update soon :))