Chapter 2

Infatuation [YunJae]

She can swallow knives
She can swallow lives
Gold and black stare,
Brought the night of your demise


                It was on a Saturday night that the king held a very special occasion for his kingdom to celebrate. Their one and only prince was getting engaged to a princess from a nearby country and everyone was getting all excited about it.  It was rumoured that the princess’ beauty was one of a kind and it was to each person’s own curiosity to know if it’s true. The problem was that, the only person who wasn’t much happy with this event was the prince, himself.


                It wasn’t yet part of his plan to get tied up especially at a very young age. And also to a girl that he haven’t met before. It drove him nuts that everyone in the palace – the servants, cooks, guards, even his father kept on gushing about her. Why can’t they just get engaged to her and marry her instead? He doesn’t really want nor need someone like her in the first place.


                The palace was decorated with much money spent hoping that it’d pleased and suits the princess’ taste. And it was to the prince’s opinion that the occasion was just some waste of time and effort. Why bother making something grand as this when it’s for sure that this marriage of his wouldn’t even be considered to be a happy one or something that’ll last?


                He thought of the bitter fact that when he gains the title of being king, he’ll be taking over such huge responsibilities that he’s not sure if he could handle everything like a brave man. He wasn’t even prepared to be a ruler and now he’s also going to be a husband. The last thing that he wishes not to happen was for him to be a father because that’ll be another burden for him.


                At last and to their relief, the long awaited arrival of the princess was announced and everyone took their positions in hopes of getting a good view of her. As she emerged from her carriage, the guests and other people present were already reminded of what they should do. The princess was greeted with such warmth that she hid her face in shyness because of the attention she’s getting.      

                It was no lie when they said that she was very, very beautiful and everyone was captivated by her beauty except for Prince YunHo whose heart was already captivated by someone else.


                The engagement ceremony took place in the royal garden and it happened so fast that the prince thought he should have ran away when he had the chance and if he doesn’t want his life and him to end up miserable.  But he was already too late. He’s now wearing the ring on his finger. And he doesn’t have the heart to take it off. Not in front of this people, his future wife and especially not in front of his own father.


                Then, everyone was gathered back inside the palace, when the couple’s engagement was done and after the guests’ managed to congratulate them, for a very special performance that the king was really looking forward to and this tickled the crowds’ curiosity.


                The so called highlight of the event came when the lights suddenly dimmed and everyone was then whispering to each other what on earth was going on. In one quick blink, there was a spotlight in the center of the room. And everyone waited with bated breath as a figure lurking in the shadows appeared.


                Someone dressed in baby blue and golden yellow dress with a pink scarf on her neck pranced around the room. Her veil, same color as her dress, covered almost everything in her face except her round eyes. She was wearing golden anklets on both feet and golden bangles on both hands. Huge golden earrings were seen dangling on her ears and a blue dragonfly necklace was draped over her chest making her outfit outstanding and completing her look for her whatever show she has in store for everyone.


                 Heavy music started playing; the dancer tapped her foot twice before setting her mind free and allowing the music take her and her body to whatever place she’s supposed to be. Poised and graceful, everyone kept an eye on her as she swiftly moved around the dance floor like a leaf drifting through the wind – carefree and with no limits. Her moves were slick, body elegant and hypnotizing and she wasn’t restraining herself from doing any movements that she likes and thinks that fit the music best.


                The lovely performer was trying to tell the audience a story through her dance that not everyone could or would be able to comprehend but it’s a dance that they’ll surely love and remember.


                YunHo watched keenly, from where he was, as the dancer demonstrated her flawless and perfect moves. Hips swaying just the way he remembered it, body still magnificent as ever and her beauty, still incomparable. And a glint coming from the dancer’s neck caught his eye and the prince smiled. ‘She’s wearing it.’


                His fiancé was sitting beside him and the prince didn’t give a damn when she whispered, obviously trying to start a conversation, “She’s very good, don’t you think?” Her voice was smooth and calm but YunHo could tell that the phrase was well practiced to be said.


                His eyes remained glued to the shadowy figure dancing in the middle of the room. And YunHo knew well what she was trying to tell. She was dancing about loneliness, of wanting to be with someone, and to be loved.


                When the performer bended her body so effortlessly, obviously letting the crowd know of how capable she was of being so flexible, that’s when it hit YunHo and he realized that he had it bad. Really, really bad.


                His fiancé beside him was trying her best to gain his attention but YunHo shrugged her off and he felt that he was cast under a spell as he continued watching the dancer move around the dance floor, still telling her sad yet wonderful story.


                It felt like forever watching her and YunHo found himself lost once again. He felt himself getting addicted to the way she puts her body in motion and he can’t help but get hooked.  Why, out of all people, did this gypsy managed to lure him and make him feel this way? It’s very unusual and tricky – on how attraction (infatuation?) actually does its job.


                With a slow yet harmonic pace, the music started to fade away. The performer started getting back on her feet; she was coming back from the place she had run off to. And with the last notes of the music fading, the crowd exploded in a loud cheer and they applauded with all their might obviously suggesting that they loved her performance to the max.


                As the gypsy gave one, last dance move signaling that her act was over, her eyes directly landed on where the prince was and she gave a curt bow.  The cheers grew noisier and stronger. And YunHo ignored it.


                Because he can’t hold it any longer and he can’t help it. For sure, he’s going to be in deep trouble.


                He might commit something considerable to be called as a sin.


                And a sin it was.




A/N:  Sorry for the long wait :) I got really busy with school stuff and I still am now -.- I just managed to find some time to update this chapter. (you know, sneaked out xD) hahahaha. I hope you'll also like this chapter guys!!! And OMO! I love JYJ's NII photoshoot. :D Made me fall all over again with YooChun. Now, I'm going gaga and crazy about him. again. xD LOL. comments and constructive criticisms are very appreciated!! ♥

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oh my...<br />
<br />
it was seems likke.."king...?? what king??" i'm forget the title of one movie i have benn watched before ,,pairing with lee jun ki...<br />
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but,, yunho,,and jaejoong is the best...<br />
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Nurarara #2
Damn pain-in-the--soon-to-be-wife. D:<br />
yunjaemrcn #3
where have u been? i waited for a long time but i m glad cause u back :))
waaaaaaaa!can't wait anymore..pls update soon...palli!!!!!!!!!!
Nurarara #5
Uh-oh. Yunnie is in deep now. :))<br />
Screw the princess. <br />
Run-off with whom you like YunnieBear. :>
viiicky #6
@xcaandiihearts haha, jaejoong is dressed as a female? um... the chest area is well rather flat... some girls have rather flat chests too. but the thing is the dress in ch 2 would really give away the fact that he's really flat-chested, now that's a problem <br />
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the title is infatuation... and it's yunjae... and yunho is infatuated with the gypsy... therefore jaejoong is the gypsy right? is this one of those stories where they'll leap into the future, their next lives which therefore would explain why jaejoong is a female gypsy as of right now??? i'm going to stop typing now and just wait, update soon!
Me too! I agree with viicky but! Didn't the story say the gypsy was a female by using "she"? Uhh... Then how did she/he get s (OKAY I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS WORD. Call me immature all you want :@)? Padding? LOL, okayokay. <br />
Let's say the gypsy IS Jaejoong. Imagine Yun's shock when he finds out its a guy ^^
i agree with viicky ,,
Nurarara #9
Hindi naman to one-shot di ba? :)<br />
nabitin ako ee. =)))))
yunjaemrcn #10
good!! (thumb up) update soon :))