
how i met your father


"Oh he did..." Anya started "But I was wearing that coat at that moment."

Suddenly it made total sense to all of them. Timing had not been on their side making all the planning useless.

"Actually,..." Megan started "It´s kind of funny. Don´t you think?"


The rest of the evening was just perfect. We laughed a lot and actually managed to finish all of the cake. We also agreed that maybe, just maybe it hadn´t been the right time for your aunts to meet their future husbands and if fate wanted it, they´d meet them sooner or later.


"Oh, by the way! Conny, how was your spa day?"  Jenny asked and was immediately supported by Kritika:

"Oh my! Yeah, I totally forgot you were there. How was it?"

For some reason Conny started blushing "Oh, that, you see..."

"It´s great isn´t it?" Anya jumped in closing her eyes as if she was sitting right in a mud-tub.

"We changed our plans a bit....last minute so to say."

"So you went to another place?" Youjin curiously inquired.

"Actually no. We stayed at home..."

At that point you could see five faces deadpanning. This woman couldn´t be serious.

"Are you kidding us?!" Megan clearly did not believe what she heard.

Conny started playing with some cake crumbs avoiding eye-contact.

"We... sort of ...couldn´t get out of bed that day..."


And nine months later in that very year you two were born, but that´s another story...



A/N oh..I made myself happy with that ending LOL



Thanks to my TEN subscribers!!!

You are awesome!!!


I hope this little story was worth reading :D


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congrats :)
Coffee2s #4
Chapter 6: I'm re-reading this and really want an ending where we all go on our real dates hahaha
So much praise! xD and I didn´t forget about a possible sidestory with the guys.
Love this story! ^___________^
Mistral: believe me...haven´t forgotten about this :3<br />
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francesca: uhm, sowieee? :3 I was loud in that club!! incredibly loud! XD<br />