
how i met your father

"Okay, ME first!!!" Jenny was frantically waving her hands to get the needed attention (it would have been easier if it weren´t for the four-storey cake on the table but Kritika had demanded to keep the cake close to her).

"I really don´t know why you´d be disappointe-" Conny tried to reason.

"As I said! It was the worst!" - dramatic pause- "So, I went to this cute cafe, just as you said in the letter and started looking for a fedora."


Fedoras had been the sign to recognise the guys. It was about the only thing we had been able to agree on.


"When I spotted it, I just sat down but he was just too caught up in playing with his phone. Then eventually he started talking to me and I really thought you knew me better. Like-"

"But I thought he was just perfect for you?!" Conny tried to defend her choice. "He´s nice, funny, good-looking, and actually he´s Jinki´s cousin."

"And he´s WAY too young!" Jenny just got into ranting more "I don´t know how he presented himself to you, but, really, such a smug little buzzard!


Well, aunt Jenny had actually used another term...


He kept on and on about himself. Really annoying voice and his sense of humour. Well I don´t know about that."

"Well, BE lucky!" Kritika threw in "My date was dressed to OVER impress and besides his very ...uhm...interesting... attire he was sooo incredibly shy. He looked like he was about to run and hide! I was glad we were at a club so we wouldn´t have understood anything anyways."

"Wait! What??" Conny´s face showed nothing but question marks.

"How about you guys?" Jenny tried looking the others in the eye but failed thanks to the cake.

"Well," Youjin seemed to be deep in thought "It was okay, I guess. He was really nice but physically, totally not my type. I mean... that was just a bit too buff but I guess we´ll be seeing each other again?" Smiling slightly she looked at Anya as if to indicate that she should just go on.

"Buff?" Kritika started drooling... that meant abs...and abs. Sigh.

"Honey?" Conny just called her back to earth "You´re drivelling into your tea."



Good thing was: the group calmed down a bit again. The power of humiliation is mighty.


"So." Megan cleared lightly "My date at the restaurant was nice. The guy was nice. The food was nice. Th-"

"Just say it was plain boring!" Kritika huffed.

"Well yeah. Apart from niceness there really wasn´t a thing worth mentioning."

And then as Jenny nicely stated: "That´s about the worst you can say about a date."  


"So, Anya, enlighten us about your crappy date." Megan might not have meant this to come out harshly but it did and it almost made Conny cry a bit.

"I ..." Anya started saying. Now that everyone had a good look at her (at least those who didn´t sit opposite to her) she looked incredibly tired. Her usually impeccable make-up was ruined by some very visible dark circles. ".. I couldn´t sleep at all!"

Youjin was struck "You are THAT madly in love??"

"NO! We met to see a movie and he had already bought the tickets. So we sit and chat a bit and then it turns out it´s a horror movie!"

"Oh no!" Megan clearly remembered a certain movie night that had ended with a psyched out Anya and the neighbours calling the police. Not funny.

"I know!! I barely remember anything we talked about. Just... shadows and lots of paranoia."


So that was how the dates went... not what I had hoped for ...



XD any guesses on who was with who?  

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congrats :)
Coffee2s #4
Chapter 6: I'm re-reading this and really want an ending where we all go on our real dates hahaha
So much praise! xD and I didn´t forget about a possible sidestory with the guys.
Love this story! ^___________^
Mistral: believe me...haven´t forgotten about this :3<br />
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francesca: uhm, sowieee? :3 I was loud in that club!! incredibly loud! XD<br />