
how i met your father


"I cannot walk any further." Kritika, a.k.a "cutiepiehunter" flopped down in her usual armchair getting rid of her emerald green coat and letting the various paper bags fall freely to the ground.

"I needed this coffee so badly." Jenny ("Baby_Kimchi") smiled contently into her cup. It was 5p.m. and the five girls had been shopping for six hours straight.

"Make, room, will you? You´re hogging the sofa." "Cloudsurf´s" mood still hadn´t gotten better since that chat. Even the brand new creme-leopard-print jumper wouldn´t make her forget.

"Stop being such a grinch, Meggie." Jenny carefully slid to the far end of the sofa making sure her precious Americano wouldn´t spill.

Just then Anya and Youjin came in sight with two trays of warmed up cupcakes and their own beverages.

"Yes, cheer up!" Mistral/ Anya said. "It´s not like Conny died or anything." She sat down on the chair between Kritika and Megan.

"We all know how she really can´t say "no" to anything." Yoojin hopped into the other huge armchair between Jenny and Kritika. "It´s not like we never took advantage of it as well..."

Guilty smiles were visible on each face.

"Yeah, sure." Megan finally started softening "But it´s. I don´t know, I feel so ditched. She´s the last one I´d have expected to give me that feel."

"I´m sure she never meant for this to happen." Anya wanted to close this topic. It would lead to nothing and so she yanked Kritika´s green coat out of the depths of the armchair. "That colour is stunning! Where´d you get this??" She couldn´t help put put it on.

"I actually don´t remember..." the asked replied with a frown.

"You should wear more green though." Yoojin looked up from her 90% devoured blueberry cupcake.


"Excuse me?" Just then they noticed that one of the staff members had been standing close for quite sometime.

"Are you friends of Conny?" He, "Benson" was printed on his name tag, asked with an insecure voice.

Quite flabberghastedly all of them replied in unison: "Yes?"

"How do you know about her?" Jenny inquired, sensing a conspiracy.

"She told me to give this to you." And with that, he started handing each of them little envelopes starting with Anya. After that he handed them a single yellow post-it and went back to work.

"Well that´s strange..." Kritika said. "Let´s read the post-it!!"

Quickly Youjin snatched it and started reading:

My dearest friends!

("Awww, she drew a heart behind that!")

I´m still sorry about not being able to be with you all today. You know how much I love our little gatherings!!!!!!

("Wow, she means it! Six exclamation marks!"

"Go on!!! ")

That being said I couldn´t help but think of a way to make you forget my mental fallout!

So, I know you must have been shopping some real cool stuff and of course this has to be worn immediately!!!

Here´s wha-

"Jesus!  Her writing gets smaller and smaller!" Youjin was scrunching her nose. "You go on!" With that, she handed the note to Jenny.

"Where were we? blablabla....

oh! Got it!":

Here´s what I planned for you: each of the letters contain an address. They are all different! Be there at 10pm!

"Oh HELL NO!" Megan exclaimed "Is she-?"

And yes, I did arrange blind dates for each of you! And NO, you cannot call the guy that you´re not going!

"Oh! there´s a little arrow!" Jenny quickly turned the post-it:

I am very confident that these guys have husband potential, so don´t screw this up!



Happy V-day :D


"That´s it."

"Yikes." Kritika was squirming in her chair "Actually I had wanted to just chill and watch some horror movies tonight..."

"Oh come on!" Anya was holding the envelope gingerly in her hands "It might be fun?"



Kids, sometimes you just can´t control fate. Even if you think you thought of everything. Something goes wrong in nine out of ten cases and this matchmaking was no exception.

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congrats :)
Coffee2s #4
Chapter 6: I'm re-reading this and really want an ending where we all go on our real dates hahaha
So much praise! xD and I didn´t forget about a possible sidestory with the guys.
Love this story! ^___________^
Mistral: believe me...haven´t forgotten about this :3<br />
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francesca: uhm, sowieee? :3 I was loud in that club!! incredibly loud! XD<br />