"Would have..."

how i met your father

"Okay. Something CLEARLY went wrong!" When everybody had told her story hell broke loose. Rambling, ranting and lots of blame.

"But you planned it all for us; didn´t you?" Youjin inquired.

"I did, but seriously, do you think I would send our dear Anya on a date to see horror movie?? Come on!"

"I was thinking you were trying to make me cling to him..." Anya reasoned.

"Did you?" Kritika was starting to have a hunch that this would have been her date. Would have, could have, should have...

"Well, more like, choke him."


"Guys. There must have been a mistake. Clearly. " Conny tried to make a point here. "Kritika was supposed to go and see that movie with Seunghyun. "

Kritika just couldn´t help but: "I KNEW IT!" 

"And Anya!" Conny tried making eye-contact over the cake "I wanted you to go to that "nice" restaurant with Jae-"

"With Jaejoong!!" Megan finished for her.

"And you Megan, were supposed to be in that little cafe where Jenny went. Because I know how much you like cocky guys with a weird sense of humour an-"

"AND giant nostrils." Jenny added and found herself having all eyes on her. "What? He also had weird ears...don´t get me started. So Jonghyun is not Jinki´s cousin?"


Conny was clearly caught off guard... that thought seemed just too hilarious. "Oh no!! I mean, they are just, really, in no way, blood-related. His cousin´s name is Joon and apparently Youjin met him."

"Oh no!" Jenny fell into a deep hole "I was meant to be with Mr. abs?! So unfair."

"That means I should have been with Kritika´s date?" Youjin had figured it out already. "What´s his name?"

Kritika seemed to be thinking hard. "Baboon? Something like that?"

Again the whole room burst into laughter.

"I didn´t really get his name because of the music and he was speaking not as loudly as he should have..."

" His name is Jiyong but everyone calls him by his nickname." Conny started to explain.

Kritika burst out: "HIS NICKNAME IS BABOON!?!"

"That´s the worst name ever." Megan said.

"Noo! it´s G-Dragon. DRA--GON!" Conny emphasised each syllable. "And not baboon. He´s such a sweet boy! And quite an artsy person."

"Geez, that´s so ed up!"

Megan sighed in frustration. What a weird V-day.

"But I´m still clueless how this happened. You all clearly sat in the right order...?"

"Well, let´s go through this then?" Anya suggested "You obviously knew we´d end up in that Starbucks and you knew where we´d sit."

Nodding Youjin said: "That makes the Starbucks staff the weak link. Right?"

"That is right bu-"

What was it with people interrupting Conny today?

"Oh, It´s ALWAYS the butler!" Kritika almost screamed "We should have known it!"

"Seriously, Kriti, are you on drugs?" Megan made a mental note to avoid being alone with her today.

"ANYWAY!" that was Conny "I was trying to say that it´s unlikely that it was his fault."

"How so?"

"I knew that Kriti would be wearing her favourite green coat which is quite flashy and therefore really noticeable, SO I told "Benson" to give the first letter to the girl with the emerald coat. And he did? Didn´t he?"

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congrats :)
Coffee2s #4
Chapter 6: I'm re-reading this and really want an ending where we all go on our real dates hahaha
So much praise! xD and I didn´t forget about a possible sidestory with the guys.
Love this story! ^___________^
Mistral: believe me...haven´t forgotten about this :3<br />
<br />
francesca: uhm, sowieee? :3 I mean...it was loud in that club!! incredibly loud! XD<br />