Chapter 5

Baby and I

                “Sehun, you do realize that he was lying, right?” Lay whispered quietly to the maknae.

                The two dancers had went to the restroom together- they had both immediately and simultaneously excused themselves from the room after hearing Luhan’s father request for his daughter to enter SM Entertainment as a trainee. No one blamed the two- everyone knew Sehun would have had a difficult time finding the restroom himself based on the Chinese character signs as well. Having Lay accompany him was the best thing to do.

                When the two arrived though, both just stood staring at the large mirror above the sinks, a distressing silence between them. Whenever the EXO members excused themselves for the restroom, half of the time it was just so that they could cool their heads off away from the public eye. It was Lay who broke the silence with the statement he had just said.

                “I thought it felt weird, but I didn’t want to say anything while Luhan’s father was talking,” Sehun replied quietly as he stared at his own reflection in the mirror. It was a sad, slightly defeated refection that he saw from himself. “Were we the only two who realized it?”

                “I’m pretty sure all the members of M realized it was a lie dead on, while the members of K should have realized something was fishy as well,” Lay replied sternly. “It may take a village to raise a child, but I know for a fact that the Lu family isn’t a family that needs a village to raise a child.”

                Sehun nodded in agreement as Lay the faucet to wash his hands. He remembered how when they were taking about each other’s families once, Luhan had mentioned that his family was around the middle class range in terms of income, but the exact description was ‘upper middle class,’ according to what the numbers in his bank accounts showed. The ‘extra tight security’ at the funeral as well- he knew CEO Kim would have hired people to guard the funeral house, but he knew it wouldn’t have been able to cover a ten meter radius. Why would Luhan’s father lie about Luye though?

                “We should just keep to ourselves for now,” Lay suggested, turning off the water and grabbing paper towers to dry his hands, “we will find out eventually and we don’t really want to cause any tension after the funeral.”

                “You’re right hyung,” Sehun replied as he the faucet and washed his face a bit. “I have a feeling that CEO Kim and Teacher Lee realized it was a lie too, but they are smart enough not to say anything either.”

                “Yes,” Lay responded. “A bit cooled off now, Sehun?”

                “Yeah, I’m good,” Sehun said as water dripped off of his face, “Want to go back now?”

“Let’s go,” Lay said, turning off the faucet for Sehun.

                The two dancers returned back to their room and noticed that the table had been set with three hotpots placed in an orientation that marked three points of a large triangle, allotting a pot per thirds of the table. There was raw lamb meat, raw vegetables, raw mushrooms, and raw noodles ready to be boiled. The monotonous sound of the water boiling from the hotpots- along with the steam emitted, created an atmosphere that complimented the suffocating silence.

                “Welcome back Lay, Sehun,” Suho said with his angelic voice, breaking the silence as Lay and Sehun nodded in response.

                “Please take your seats,” Teacher Lee instructed sternly as the two boys walked over back to where they were sitting. “CEO Kim and I have reached our decision regarding Mr. Lu’s request.”

                “In the past, we have had siblings who have proven that talent can run in a family,” CEO Kim started kindly, “just look at the Jung sisters as an example. Both the older and younger sisters are extremely successful and talented. Luhan was a rising star in our company that many loved for his talent, charms, and charisma. Luye has his blood, but she hasn’t proven herself… as of now.”

                “We haven’t announced it yet, but we are holding SM’s 2013 Global Auditions in a few weeks- starting in Beijing,” Teacher Lee continued. “We will keep our eyes open to Luye- we want her to participate in it, and I will personally attend the one held here.”

                “I understand,” Mr. Lu replied. “When is the exact date of the audition?”

                “January 5th,” CEO Kim replied. “Two weeks from now at the Korean Culture Center.”

                “Thank you for letting me know- I’ll be speaking with Luye about it later,” Mr. Lu replied with a small smile. “Let us eat now.”

                While everyone else stood up to place items into the hotpots, Sehun, D.O., and Lay remain seated. D.O sat between the two and did not know of the conversation they held in the restroom.

                “Well that was unexpected,” D.O. whispered quietly, not wanting others to hear him. “I would have assumed that CEO Kim and Teacher Lee would have automatically said yes to Mr. Lu… but it seems like they realized what I think you guys have realized as well.”

                “Yup,” Lay answered as Sehun nodded. Everyone knew Mr. Lu was told a lie about their family status.

                “It was a bit odd because I didn’t remember Luhan’s family to be poor,” D.O. whispered, “Maybe Luye’s photographic memory skill or something was made up as well.”

                “This is all too confusing,” Sehun said quietly, “I don’t even know what’s going on anymore.”

                Inside Sehun’s head, he was trying to piece together all that has happened the past few hours. He had met Luhan’s younger sister that no one knew about, he had watched her kiss her older brother on the cheeks, he had carried his coffin to the furnace, he had heard the flames roar as they burned his best friend’s body, and now he had heard Luhan’s father ask for the younger sister to join his company. It was all happening way too fast- too many things happening at once, intertwined with unexplainable lies and surprises. Where was the truth to all of this?

                The afternoon passed with the group finishing their lunch at the Mongolian hotpot restaurant. It was the first time the Korean members of EXO had eaten this special Beijing cuisine of lamb hotpot. They were all amazed by the various flavor combinations that could be obtained after mixing the sauce flavorings that included peanut butter, hot peppers, sesame oil, etc. Mr. Lu picked up the tabs- apparently the bill was high, according to Lay who took a glance at the prince of the entire meal, further causing his neighbors Sehun and D.O. to question the legitimacy of Mr. Lu’s previous statements about his children. Nevertheless, everyone thanked him for the meal and readied themselves to leave- Mr. Lu to rejoin his wife and daughter, and the EXO members, CEO Kim, and Teacher Lee to return to the hotel all the SM Artists were staying at.

                “Thank you for inviting us,” Kris said to Mr. Lu.

                “Thank you for coming,” Mr. Lu replied as the EXO members, CEO Kim, and Teacher Lee

                There were four cars that waited for the SM family at the entrance of the restaurant. CEO Kim, Teacher Lee, and the EXO members split up between the three cars and drove to the hotel as Mr. Lu stepped onto his ride as well, heading off to the opposite direction.

                Sehun as sitting next to the window, with Chanyeol to his left and Baekhyun to Chanyeol’s left. Suho sat in front of Sehun and next to the driver. The usual rapping and singing from the Breakfast Couple could not have been heard- the entire car was silent.

                “I don’t even have to say it since we were all close to Luhan,” Baekhyun started. “we could tell a lie from a ten meters away.”

                “Exactly,” Suho said from the front. “That was what you and Yixing were talking about in the restroom and what you, him, and Kyungsoo were whispering about at the table, right Sehun?”

                “Yeah,” Sehun replied. “I’m thinking more about Luhan’s sister though. Do you actually think she can remember everything she sees?”

                “It sounds crazy, but you know it could be possible,” Chanyeol replied. “When you and Lay were in the restroom, CEO Kim said we were going to stay in Beijing for a few more days because EXO will be the last to leave. They don’t want to crowd the airports by having the entire SM Family leaving at the same time.”

                “I see,” Sehun said as he bit his lips, “What is the order?” He wanted to visit his family, but he felt as if he had some unfinished business to do here in Beijing and he wanted enough time to finish them.

                “Everyone is staying through Christmas,” Suho answered while taking out his phone which had the entire schedule sent to him as an email. “Teacher Lee and about half of Girls’ Generation on the 26th, CEO Kim, Kangta, Ara and Shinee on the 27th, BoA, TVXQ, and the other half of Girls’ Generation are leaving on the 28th, half of Super Junior on the 29th, the other half of Super Junior and f(x) on the 30th, and we are leaving as one on the 31st.”

                “We need to film the SM 2013 Global Audition video during the next few days,” Baekhyun added on. “I heard CEO Kim and Teacher Lee talking about it before they got onto their car.”

                “You know I honestly hear about the audition until today,” Chanyeol admitted, “I think CEO Kim and Teacher Lee made it up on the spot. Not that it is a problem though, since they have the power to do that.”

                “They probably made it up on the spot for Mr. Lu’s request- I feel like they really do want to take Luhan’s sister into SM, but she has to prove herself first or else it will look like a charity case,” Baekhyun replied as Chanyeol nodded in agreement.

                After about half an hour, they reached the hotel all the other SM artists were staying at, the boys in the car feeling as if they were going up an incline plane. Sehun looked out the window and noticed that they were driving up a hill surrounded by green life. The car stopped after making a circle around the circular driveway near the entrance. As the EXO members readied to get off their cars, the flash photography session started from the crowd of paparazzi waiting for the arrival of the EXO members.

                “Chanyeol, get ready,” Suho whispered to his friend, worried about his vision. “Are you sure you’re not gonna put on sunglasses this time?”

                “It’s for the fans,” Chanyeol replied softly with a sad smile. “I’ll be fine- the walk from the car to the hotel doesn’t seem too far either.”

                “I got your back if anything happens,” Baekhyun said sternly as the four of them stepped off the car, into the outside of the entrance of the hotel.

                The hotel was about twenty five stories high or so, the building completely white and located on what seemed like the top of a hill. The outside of the entrance’s circular driveway had a fountain in the middle of the circle- a baby cupid was shooting water from his private parts being the main focus of it.

                CEO Kim and Teacher Lee lead the way, followed by the rest of the members of EXO with the group in Sehun’s car walking towards the end. Everyone was still in their suits so it was a sight to remember and an opportunity no media outlet wanted to miss- eleven hot men in black, no matter what the occasion was. Sehun felt sick to his stomach- how inconsiderate the media was made his blood boil once again. If it were not for Suho that was dragging him towards the hotel entrance, Sehun might have cursed out the paparazzi.

                They reached the lobby of the hotel without many problems besides the annoyance of camera flashes that had started to turn Chanyeol’s eyes teary.

                “Before we go to our own rooms, we’re having an SM family meeting in the large conference room,” CEO Kim said to the EXO members as he pointed towards a door to the left. “It can fit all fifty of us.”

                The boys, led by Teacher Lee, walked towards the direction where CEO Kim was pointing. It took about five minutes for them to reach the conference hall he was talking about- when they stepped in, the EXO members saw the SM family sitting together in fold up chairs while all still dressed up in funeral attire, in groups based on their idol groups. Kangta, BoA, and Ara sat together near the center front of the room with TVXQ to their right. The rest of the seating was based on seniority- there left a row of empty seats for EXO towards the back of the room, and they went and sat down in the order they sat down in at the restaurant as everyone else bowed to CEO Kim and Teacher Lee.

                When the two leaders of SM reached the podium at the front of the room, the artists who were bowing took their seats. Teacher Lee would be the one who would do the talking as he bent over and leaned his head towards the microphone on the podium.

                “Everyone, as you may or may not already know, we will be staying in Beijing till after Christmas,” Teacher Lee started, “we must film a promotion video for the 2013 Global Audition. The flight dates for you guys have been each sent to your mobile phones.”

                “Teacher, did you decide on a Global Audition just now?” Yunho asked from the front. “We didn’t hear anything about it…”

                “It was actually decided about an hour ago,” CEO Kim said. “It’s a long story, but it was what had to be done.”

                “I told you so,” Chanyeol whispered to Sehun. “I knew they made it up on the spot because of what Mr. Lu asked.”

                “This is all too ridiculous,” Sehun said bluntly. “What the hell is even going on now… I… really want to talk to her and just her.”

                “Doubt you will find the time to,” Chanyeol replied quietly. “We’re probably going to be stuck in this hotel to stay out of the eyes of the press unless you can somehow make the request to CEO Kim and Teacher Lee in a way in which they cannot refuse.”

                Sehun didn’t even understand what Chanyeol was saying while CEO Kim walked towards the podium, putting his head towards the microphone.

                “We will rest today, but record tomorrow. Everyone please prepare yourselves to show up here at 8AM tomorrow morning- no exceptions,” CEO Kim announced as the groans were let out from the audience, mostly from Kris who hated getting up in the mornings.

                “Any questions? Comments?” Teacher Lee asked. The hall went silence for a second, but then Sehun stood up from the back, causing everyone to turn their head around to face his direction. This was his time to cause a scene to make an undeniable request.

                “I want to see Luye again,” Sehun blurted out shamelessly. “I want to talk to her again privately without everyone else there. Please.”


oh god.



i might end up rewriting this chapter. alskdnfalksdlnfwe

i already know how i'm gonna make the ending of this fanfic though lullzzz<3; *runs away*

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EverlastingExoticElf #1
Chapter 5: Omg its so sad D':
luye is really like lulu!!
Crying TT^TT such a great story :') <3
Are you going to updat this story, or have you given up on it? I really want to see what happens next and have been waiting. I hope you update, it's been so long that it doesn't feel like this story has an ending for us :(
Chapter 2: I was reading this in class, and almost cried, but such a good story! :) :)
2PMOkTaec #4
Chapter 5: omg >< its soo sad T.T please update soon!
Bamerman #5
Chapter 5: Author-nim! i can't contain my emotions right now! i mean, this story is good! please update soon author-nim!! fighting!!
maryumizme #6
Chapter 5: omg ! i freaking silently cried very ugly tears reading the first three chaps in the library and every single person stared at me .. and i freaking cried every single time i hear luhan's voice ! what have you done to me ?! nevertheless, it was totally great and congratz on the feature; without it, i'd never have discover this awesome piece . please continue writing !
glotterjongup #7
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. It's just beautifully written and I had to hold back my tears the first three chapters. Luye sounds just like her brother though.
congratz on the feature~
Chapter 5: congrats on the rf
Congrats! :)