Chapter 4

Baby and I

                “Alright, let’s just cut to the chase.”

                The eleven members of EXO, SM’s CEO Kim, Lee Soo Man, and Mr. Lu- Luhan’s father, were sitting around a big round table in a large private room of a Mongolian hot pot restaurant in Beijing. It had been just an hour ago that Luhan’s casket was cremated a few miles from where they were sitting.

                An hour ago, while Sehun had Luye sobbing below his chest, Luhan’s mother had fainted from outside of the crematory room. Yunho and Yoona had grabbed onto her, breaking the fall as Sehun hugged Luye tighter.

                “I need to help my mother,” she sobbed as she pushed herself away from the surprised Sehun. Her eyes were red and her lips were pressed tightly together, but no matter what, Luye knew she had to help her mother out. She walked out of the door that lead back to the smaller hall as Sehun’s eyes followed her moving silhouette all the way until she reached where her mother was being supported by Yunho and Yoona across the glass wall.

                Sehun could still feel the heat coming from the furnace. It had to be over a hundred degrees in this room as he felt his body heat rising simultaneously with the rising room temperature. His mouth was dry- he hadn’t had a sip of water since coming from home, and all the crying that was done today didn’t really help either. Sehun thought he himself could have fainted in this blazing room, but a tap on his shoulder from Lay caught his attention.

                “Sehun, we were instructed to leave this room,” Lay whispered. Sehun did not notice that he had been spacing out while the funeral staff was making announcements- he nodded in response to the dancer.

                Lay was able to keep his cool demeanor throughout this tragedy- part of the reason why he and Suho were asked to help Luhan’s mother while she was having a mental breakdown an hour prior, but it was obvious that he was torn underneath the surface. It has been said that a person’s eyes are the opening to a human’s inner soul- if this was correct, Sehun saw a weeping soul in Lay just as broken as the next person was.

                The people inside of the crematory room walked out of it and rejoined the attendees in the smaller hall. CEO Kim and Teacher Lee were speaking with Luhan’s father- Victoria and Amber rushed over there to help as translators. Luye was sitting with her mother on a bench with Yunho and Yoona. When CEO Kim and Teacher Lee saw the EXO members coming out, they waved- signaling for the boys to walk over.

                “We are going to have dinner with Mr. Lu at a nearby restaurant,” CEO Kim announced, “only you boys, us, and Mr. Lu will be attending. Get ready to leave immediately- we have cars near the front. Victoria and Amber, please go with Yunho and Yoona in helping Mrs. Lu.”

                The boys nodded in agreement as the entire group (Mr. Lu, EXO, CEO Kim, and Teacher Lee) walked out of the halls and the two girls walked over to help out Luhan’s mother. Sehun was walking at the end of the group- he was staring at Luye with her mother and his label mates as he was taking his steps. Luhan’s mother was awake again, but she was staring at the floor while Yoona was trying to cheer her up. Sehun sighed as he stepped through the doors leading to the great halls, the sight of Luye fading away.

                It took a few minutes before the group reached outside the funeral house. The skies were still as gloomy as Sehun first saw them after stepping out of the car earlier this morning. He looked around and saw the ‘extra tight security’ that was mentioned prior- there were police lines with at least a ten meter radius from the entrance of the funeral home. Along the radius he saw Beijing’s police officers guarding the blocked area where a mass of fans, paparazzi, and news reporters gathered- all looking like hungry dogs slavering for a piece of fresh meat. Sehun clenched his fists with rage.

                “This isn’t a photo shoot… why the heck would they even come here?” he hissed loudly, his anger boiling the blood flowing through his veins.

                “Sehun, don’t worry they won’t be taking any photos,” Teacher Lee reassured as he noticed the fury that Sehun emitted. “Let’s hurry to the vehicles.”

                Kris, who was just as infuriated as Sehun was, led the way. His tall suave appearance in the black suit along with the general emergence of the EXO members to the sight of the spectators caused the fans to start screaming. While many were screaming “oppa oppa!” there were various fans in the crowd dressed in black themselves- trying to calm the other fans down as they knew it was extremely disrespectful to their Luhan and Luhan’s friends and family to be creating such a sight in front of the sight of mourning. Sehun’s anger lessened a tad bit after seeing the caring fans who were trying to respect his deceased friend. They reached the five cars that were waiting for them and the group boarded them.

                The Mongolian hotpot restaurant the Mr. Lu was taking them to was apparently a very famous one in Beijing. Sehun couldn’t remember what he saw during the drive to there though- he was busy staring up at the never ending grey skies that made his day in Beijing ten times more gloomy than it already was. The entrance of the restaurant, though, Sehun was amazed at. The entrance modeled after the ancient doors that stand in various historical locations including the Forbidden City. Also surprisingly, they were not greeted by fans of any sort- although he heard that there was ‘extra tight security’ here as well.

                The group walked up to the third floor where the private rooms were. In their room- 305, there was a table large enough to sit sixteen people, leaving two seats empty as the fourteen of them sat down. CEO Kim had instructed for them to sit in the order they usually stood at- with Tao on one end, followed by Baekhyun, then Kris at the other end. Sehun ended up D.O. on his left and Chanyeol on his right. Kai and Lay were next to each other because Luhan was not there. CEO Kim took a seat next to Tao, Teacher Lee sat next to CEO Kim, and Mr. Lu sat next to Kris. There were two empty seats between Mr. Lu and Teacher Lee.

                A waitress of the restaurant had walked in stating that their order was being prepared- Mr. Lu had made reservations along with picking the dishes of the meal the night prior. She was a pretty waitress, around her late teens, and she was taken aback by the table that was surrounded by a group of beautiful men the EXO members were. She blushed as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

                “Kris, if you can please translate for me,” Mr. Lu asked the leader sitting to his left. Kris nodded in response, agreeing to the request of his friend’s father.

                “Absolutely,” Kris said again in reassurance as Mr. Lu took a breath.

                “Let’s cut to the chase then about my children,” Mr. Lu said. “My son Luhan was born in the year 1990, the 20th of April. He was the child who brought so much happiness to me and my wife. You guys should know how my son is like- he is the sunshine of many people’s lives.”

                “He was indeed a great friend,” Xiumin whispered in response. Mr. Lu nodded.

                “You should all be familiar with the one child policy of China. When we first found out that my wife was with Luye, we were faced with a difficult decision because our family was not well off. We could pay the fine of having a second child, but the cost of raising another child was unimaginable,” Mr. Lu continued. “You know what they say: it takes an entire village to raise a child. However, it was my son who begged us to not give her up for adoption.”

                “I see,” Teacher Lee replied. “How does she speak perfect Korean then?”

                 “I’ll get to that soon,” Mr. Lu replied. “When my daughter was born on the 14th of February in the year of 2000- she cried for twenty four straight hours, frowning the entire time. The first time she stopped and smiled was when Luhan, who was almost ten at that time, walked over to her incubator and waved to that little girl. It was like those two formed a bond at that moment that could not be broken until death. Because of that we named her Lu Ye.”

                “The night deer,” Chen whispered after he had heard what Mr. Lu said about Luhan. Chen’s Chinese was improving so he could understand parts of what Luhan’s father was saying, including the meaning of Luye’s name.

                “Yes, her name means that. We also found out something our daughter was gifted with since birth- a special ability that was extraordinary and unbelievable to many- I was skeptical at first as well,” Mr. Lu continued. “After reading a book just once, she could recite the whole thing from start to finish based on her memory. After seeing a dance just once, she could perform it perfectly- just as the dancer had performed.”

                “So kind of like a photographic memory,” Kai replied in shock as his mouth dropped open and the others around him followed.

                “Yes, that’s what the doctor was describing it as,” Mr. Lu replied. “But because of this trait she had for remembering everything she saw and heard, she was bullied extensively quite often at school so we had to transfer her several times. My wife and I were also busy with work, so the person who would defend our daughter from the bullies was our son. It might not seem like a big deal, but bullying is a serious issue in the public school systems.”

                “Bullying is terrible, period,” Tao replied, remembering how he was bullied in Korea during his trainee period.

                “Yes, and when Luhan left for Korea for ‘studies’ in 2008, he was first extremely reluctant to leave because of his sister,” Mr. Lu replied. “Luye though, even while being only eight years old then, persuaded Luhan to go chase after his dreams- she could tell that he wanted to go to Korea to become a singer, a fact that my wife and I knew as well, but did not believe was possible. She encouraged her older brother to go, telling him to forget about her so that he could reach his goal. She told him that he must not worry about her and to only worry about taking care of himself.”

                “And the rest is history since we all knew what happened after Luhan joined SM in 2010,” Suho finished.

                “Yes, exactly,” Mr. Lu said.

                “That explains why she could speak Korean fluently,” Teacher Lee remarked, “did she learn it herself?”

                “Yes,” Mr. Lu replied after hearing Kris’ translation. “She learned it by watching Korean dramas and reading manhwas.”

                Tao giggled because he had learned some of his Korean through watching Kdramas as well. Too bad he didn’t have the ability Luye had. The entire table, excluding Mr. Lu who didn’t know, joined Tao in smiling.

                “So why did no one know about her?” Sehun asked, breaking the small laughter that was erupting in the room. He still didn’t understand why his best friend never told him about his younger sister. “How did the fans not know about her either?”

                “That, my children have never told me,” Mr. Lu replied honestly. “It was a secret between siblings, they both said, as to why they would want Luye to remain a secret to Luhan’s new friends in Korea. I’m sorry that this has become a shock for you- it was the wishes of my son and I couldn’t say no to him.”

                “It’s fine,” CEO Kim replied with a soft and understanding smile, surprising the EXO boys who thought their CEO was going to be mad for not knowing, even after the explaination. “Please continue on,” CEO Kim said.

                “Regarding the fans though, Luye is very careful with everything she does. She always goes out of the house in disguise- because she looks too much like Luhan. You’ve seen her face- those two are identical to their mother. For the past four years, she walks around with a pair of sunglasses and a flu mask because she did not want to cause her brother trouble- her teachers allowed it because we got a medical note from a family friend who works as a doctor,” Mr. Lu answered. “It might sound a bit silly to you, but Luye was the one who suggested it because she did not want to worry her brother if sasaengs started tracking her down. Today was the first day in four years since she stepped out of the house without a cover. Everything was for Luhan.”

                There was a long silence in the room as everyone was reflecting upon what was just revealed. Luhan’s extraordinary sister- in both unbelievable abilities and her will to lead a secretive life for her brother. She was an incredible young girl.

                Mr. Lu took a breath. “Now I have something to request that might be too big to be requested,” he said as he looked every one of the guests in the room present.

                “What is it?” CEO Kim asked curiously with a stern face. At the same time, though, it was as if he knew what Mr. Lu was about to ask next and he was eager to hear it actually come out of Mr. Lu’s mouth.

                “The reason why my daughter has been self teaching herself Korean these past few years was because she wanted so badly to chase the older brother she loved so much across the ocean,” Mr. Lu started. “I’m asking you this while she is not here because my daughter has too much face and too much pride to ask for a big request like this- but please, can you take her in as a trainee at SM Entertainment?”

A/N: LOL SO APPARENTLY THE "F" WORD MAKES A STORY MATURE. Sehun was gonna say it except I changed it to "heck" since it's not a mature fanfic at all except for some language at parts where its just askjdflaksf and requires slight cursing... Q_Q; Anyways, I've been doing author notes in hard2read fonts since they're usually not important things to read and you can skip them without missing out on anything~ but like yeah this chapter was really to introduce more of Luye and her personality + background info~ little plot developement except for a few things in here (especially the last part!). I'll try to update again either tomorrow or over the weekend :D <3

Oh P.S. my editor decides to mysteriously poof away and I'm begging another one of my friends to proof read because whenever I do it, I miss like a zillion mistakes because I'm the Queen of Typos and Engrish.

To all my new followers, I LOVE YOU *gives my heart to you* /kisses :3

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EverlastingExoticElf #1
Chapter 5: Omg its so sad D':
luye is really like lulu!!
Crying TT^TT such a great story :') <3
Are you going to updat this story, or have you given up on it? I really want to see what happens next and have been waiting. I hope you update, it's been so long that it doesn't feel like this story has an ending for us :(
Chapter 2: I was reading this in class, and almost cried, but such a good story! :) :)
2PMOkTaec #4
Chapter 5: omg >< its soo sad T.T please update soon!
Bamerman #5
Chapter 5: Author-nim! i can't contain my emotions right now! i mean, this story is good! please update soon author-nim!! fighting!!
maryumizme #6
Chapter 5: omg ! i freaking silently cried very ugly tears reading the first three chaps in the library and every single person stared at me .. and i freaking cried every single time i hear luhan's voice ! what have you done to me ?! nevertheless, it was totally great and congratz on the feature; without it, i'd never have discover this awesome piece . please continue writing !
glotterjongup #7
Chapter 5: This story is so beautiful. It's just beautifully written and I had to hold back my tears the first three chapters. Luye sounds just like her brother though.
congratz on the feature~
Chapter 5: congrats on the rf
Congrats! :)