By My Side


At Hyo-Lay new house.




"Yah! What is that? So annoying!", Lay said but the alarm clock still ringing.

"Arghh!!!", Lay shouted then he take the clock but when he see at the time, his eyes got bigger.

"WHATT????? 8 am!?? What the hell! I'm late already... Damn!", he said then he got up from his bed quickly and go to bathroom.


Lay and Hyoyeon have separated room. They don't sleep together that's why Lay bought a new house for them because it's difficult if they live at his mom house. She surely will not agree with him to get separated room. After his bath he get out from his room and found Hyoyeon eat her breakfast.


"Yah! Why are you don't wake me up???", Lay shouted at Hyoyeon.

"I'm not your maid or your omma to wake you! You already adult so wake up by yourself! I'm not payed to wake you up!", Hyoyeon said.

"Yah! Yah! You are my wife, isn't that's what a wife supposed to do????", Lay said.

"I'm not your wife!", Hyoyeon said.

"You are not my wife? Then what about the ring that you wear? Jinjja! What this crazy girl think?? I really don't know!", Lay said getting annoyed.

"Yah! You really make my whole day down!", Hyoyeon shouted at him then he looks at the table.

"Where is my breakfast?", Lay asked then.

"Made it by yourself Mr. Crazy, I already said I'm not your maid!", Hyoyeon said.

"Yah! How can I married to this annoyed girl! You are my wife so that's all what you supposed to do! OMG! You know what wife should do? You know right!!?", Lay mad.

"I don't know...", Hyoyeon answered.

"OMG! How can this girl is so teribble!?", Lay said.

"Then why are you marry me?", Hyoyeon asked.

"You think I want it!!?", Lay asked back.

"Then divorce!", Hyoyeon said.

"Okay!", Lay said.

"You really want it???", Hyoyeon asked.

"You suggest it... Why not? Besides I already tired of you... I don't want correspond again with you! Jinjja!", Lay said with annoyed face and leave Hyoyeon alone with her food.


'Hmm... I think I'm too selfish, he must really mad at me...', Hyoyeon thought and start to eat her food but suddenly she feels don't taste at her breakfast so she just throw her food and go to her dancing class.




"Good morning...", everybody bow at Lay when he enter his office and Lay just past them without a smile in his face, just annoyed face and enter his room.

"What happen to you?", his bestfriend and also his assistant asked him when he saw his bestfriend annoyed face when he entered his room.

"Nothing!", Lay said and sit at his chair.

"Yah! Yah! What is it? Why your face like that? I remember that yesterday someone just get married...", his bestfriend said again.

"Just shut up, Sehun-ah! I don't know if my life will have happy moment again or not... And I don't know why I can end to that girl!", Lay said.

"Just calm down, what is she doing to you until you being like this??? Oh... Don't tell me you... doesn't got your first night?", Sehun said.

"Yah! Stop your crazy mind, Sehun! We never love each other so why I must... must.. do that thing with her...", Lay said.

"Okay! Okay! Araso, then what is it?", Sehun asked.

"She... she don't wake me up and then she doesn't make me some breakfast! She just eat by herself!", Lay said again with his mad face.

"Yah! Yah! Calm down! Don't said that you mad because of that?", Sehun said.

"Of course, what again?", Lay said.

"You said you two don't love each other then why are you so care about she didn't wake you up and don't prepare your breakfast?", Sehun asked.


'He's right, why am I should care about this little thing? I don't like her... I should not mad because of this...', Lay thought.


"Don't said to me you already fall for her??", Sehun ask with teasing tone.

"What!? That can't be! How can it be!? I must a crazy if I fall for her and I'm the stupid one if I fall for her!", Lay said.

"Yah! Yah! Don't said like that... By the way, you have a meeting...", Sehun said.

"Meeting!? When!?", Lay asked surprised.

"10 minutes again...", Sehun said.

"What? Why are you don't tell me before?", Lay asked.

"I want to tell you but you always splutter about your annoying wife...", Sehun said.

"Ahh! Araso, quickly prepare for my meeting...", Lay said.

"Ne, ne...", Sehun said.






"Ahh! What a tiring day...", Lay said when he arrive at his home.

"Where is she?", Lay said and look around.


'Yah! Why I must care about her, it's not my business!', Lay thought then he walk past at their dining room and found Hyoyeon at there sleep at table with full of food.


"Why is she sleep here? Don't tell me she is waiting for me?", Lay said then he looks at Hyoyeon, he admire her beautiful face and he tap his hand at Hyoyeon head and careless her hair but suddenly Hyoyeon wake up, Lay suprised and then he remove his hand and look at Hyoyeon.

"You are back?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ne...", Lay said.

"I make you food, let's eat it together...", Hyoyeon said.

"...", Lay confused with what he just heard.

'What happen with this girl?', Lay thought.

"Wae? You don't like it? Or you already eat?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ani, it just..."

"Ahh, don't ask too much, I just do what I should do. You are right even I don't like you but you are my husband now and I'm your wife and I must do what wife should do...", Hyoyeon said.

"Ohh, then... Gomawo...", Lay said and sit to eat the food.

"Mianhae, if the foods already cold because I have been waiting for you so long...", Hyoyeon said.

"It's okay...", Lay said and they started to eat.


There is silent moment between them when they are eating.




"Lay...", Hyoyeon called him.

"Hem?", Lay asked.

"You know...", Hyoyeon said.

"What?", Lay asked again.

"I don't really like you or love you but we can be friends...", Hyoyeon said.

"I know...", Lay said.

"So, do you want to be my friend?", Hyoyeon asked.

"According to you...", Lay said.

"Jinjja?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ne...", Lay said.

"Then from now on we become friend!", Hyoyeon said.

"Ne...", Lay said.

"By the way, if you are my friend you, will you do anything for your friend when he/she got trouble?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ne... Don't tell me you already prepare this all to trap me...", Lay said suspiciously.

"Yah! Who said so? I just want to ask you would you come to my competition tomorrow. Jinjja! How can this rude boy think?", Hyoyeon grumpy.

"Yah! Yah!"

"So you want to come or not?", Hyoyeon asked again.

"What competition?", Lay asked back.

"Dance...", Hyoyeon said.

"Hemm... What time?", Lay asked.

"6 pm...", Hyoyeon said.

"Okay, I think I would...", Lay said.

"Jinjja?", Hyoyeon asked excited.

"Ne...", Lay said.

"Wow, I'm so happy to hear that, haha...", Hyoyeon said then laugh.

"You are happy?", Lay asked.

"Ne...", Hyoyeon said.

"Why?", Lay asked again.

"Because you want to attend at my competition tomorrow...", Hyoyeon said.

"You are really like me...", Lay said with smile at his face.

"What??!!??? Why you said that? I don't!", Hyoyeon said.

"Just admit it, Hyo-ah... Because if you didn't, you won't be happy like this when I said that I would come...", Lay .

"Yah! I'm not ! It just... just...", Hyoyeon confuse how to say.

"Just what?", Lay asked again.

"Nothing! I'm full and sleepy so I want to go to sleep now...", Hyoyeon said and then she get up from her sit and went to her room.

"Yah! Wait! Didn't you said that you want to do what wife should do?", Lay said before Hyoyeon enter her room.

"What? I already do it. I cook for you, now what again??", Hyoyeon asked Lay with her annoyed face.

"It just cook! You have so many thing that wife should do especially at bed...", Lay said and then



The sound of the door's room. Hyoyeon close the door really hard and make Lay laugh at her. He really like to tease Hyoyeon.




"Onnie~", Seohyun said and then she hug Hyoyeon.

"Yah, Hyunnie… How can you come here? Are you fully recovered?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Onnie, don't worry too much. Yonghwa-oppa will take care of me...", Seohyun said and smile to Yonghwa whose stood beside her.

"Hi, Hyoyeon. Good luck!", Yonghwa said.

"What????? You and Yonghwa??? But how... I think... No it...", Hyoyeon confused and getting surprised by Seohyun word.

"Onnie, after your competiton we will explain to you. So now don't worry and hwaiting onnie!", Seohyun said and smile to her.

"Ne, ne. You better did! Ohh... Gomawo but I really feel nervous. Can I really do it? Can I win this competition?", Hyoyeon said.

"Gweanchana, onnie. You are great! You can do it, onnie...", Seohyun hug her to calm her down.

"Hem... Gomawo, Hyun. I feel better now...", Hyoyeon said.

"Jinjja? Then I will watch you out there. Hwaiting, onnie!", Seohyun said.

"Ne, gomawo...", Hyoyeon said.

"Let's go, oppa...", Seohyun said and drag Yonghwa out from Hyoyeon's room.

'They are really good together, I really hope I can find someone like Yonghwa, who will love me forever...', Hyoyeon thought.




"Now is the third contestant, Kim Hyoyeon. She was known as Dancing Queen! So we will see what kind of dance from the queen that can make us amazed!", the MC said then Hyoyeon came out and looks around.

'Omo, it's so many people...', Hyoyeon thought and suddenly she feel nervous.

'Ottokhe?', Hyoyeon thought.

"Onnie! Hwaiting!!!", Seohyun shouted.


"Hwaiting, onnie! You can do it!!!", Seohyun said.

"Hwaiting, Hyoyeon!!", Yonghwa also shouted.

"Kim Hyoyeon! You must win!!!", Yoona shouted.

"Hwaiting!!!", Jonghyun said.


Then suddenly Hyoyeon face looks bright, her nervous disappear. Hyoyeon whose already calm started to make a move and dance, her dance was great and make everybody bug out and amazed even the judge also being hypnotized by her dance. But when on a half of the song, suddenly she looks like no focus anymore and she fell down on the stage. Everybody got surprised with her action and then she run away, because she embarrassed with that incident.


"Onnie!!?", Seohyun said.

"What happen to her!!?", Yoona asked.

"I don't know...", Jonghyun said.

"Wow, our Dancing Queen fell down. She make a big mistake but will she won the hearts of the judges? Will she win at this contest? We will find it out later!", the MC said and he call another contestant again.

"I want to see onnie!", Seohyun said.

"Me too!!", Yoona said and then the four of them walk away to meet Hyoyeon but at the half way they meet Kai.

"Oppa!?", Seohyun said.

"Hyun...", Kai said with Jessica standing beside him.

"You come with Sica-onnie??", Seohyun asked.

"Ne. Why, Hyun?", Kai said.


Without answered Kai’s question, Seohyun and Yoona run away quickly. They are worried about Hyoyeon. Maybe their mind was thinking at the same way.


'Don't say that Hyoyeon become like that because of him?', Yoona thought when she running.

'Don't say that onnie become like that because of oppa again...', Seohyun thought while running.


Yonghwa and Jonghyun confused when they see their girlfriend running like that so they just follow them.


"Onnie!!", Seohyun said when she found Hyoyeon is sitting at sofa with hurting face.

"Hyoyeon-ah, what happen!?", Yoona asked.

"...", Hyoyeon just silent when look at them, Yonghwa and Jonghyun know the situation so they leave the girls alone to talk.

"Onnie... What happen!?", Seohyun asked with worried face.

"Nothing...", Hyoyeon answered shortly.

"Waeyo? Why are you like this, Hyo!? Aren't we are friend!? Aren't friend supposed to help each other!? Or you never assume we are your friend!!?", Yoona mad.

"Yoona-onnie...", Seohyun call her when she heard what Yoona said, she knows Yoona is right but this is not the right time to ask that question.

"Waeyo, Hyun? Isn't I'm right? She never assume we are friend so she never tell us everything! Why we must so concern about her when we just nothing in her eyes!!?", Yoona said again.

"Yoona-onnie, is not like that! Maybe Hyoyeon-onnie just don't know how to tell us or maybe she didn't want to burden us with her problem...", Seohyun said, she understand Hyoyeon's feelings because she like that too.

"Seohyun-ah, how can you said like that!? You too!! You never tell me what happen until I know it by myself, you don't know how desperate I am!? How I'm worried about you until I going to be crazy!! I trust you all but you all never trust me!! I think we are friends!!!", Yoona said with angry and tears then she leave them.

"Yoona-onnie!!!", Seohyun shouted.

"...", Hyoyeon just keep silent, she know that she was wrong but she also doesn't understand about herself, why she being like that?

"Onnie, absolutely what happen?", Seohyun turn back to asked Hyoyeon whose sit silently.


"Onnie, it's doesn't matter if you didn't want to tell me and don't mind at Yoona-onnie, she is being like that because she worried about you...", Seohyun said with calm tone.

"Ne, I know... I understand... If I was her I would doing like her too...", Hyoyeon said.

"Onnie, we just worried about you. We afraid that something bad happen to you. We are not just like an ordinary friend. We are like sister already, that's why we would sad if something bad happen to one of us and doesn't know anything about it...", Seohyun said.

"I know...", Hyoyeon said then suddenly Seohyun hug Hyoyeon.

"Onnie, gweanchana... I still here for you...", Seohyun said.

"Hyun-ah...", Hyoyeon tears drop when Seohyun hug her and Seohyun just keep silent and rub Hyoyeon's back.

"I...i don't know what happen to me... It doesn't seems I don't want to tell you all. It just I don't know how to tell you all because I also didn't understand with my own feeling...", Hyoyeon said.

"What do you mean?", Seohyun asked confused.


'Onnie didn't understand with her own feeling? What is she mean? Is she still love oppa or not?', Seohyun thought.


"I...i suddenly feel disappointed with him...", Hyoyeon said.

"What do you mean, onnie? I really didn't get it...", Seohyun said.

"I think he comes to cheers for me but he is not, I see him with another girl and that's girl is my rival...", Hyoyeon said.

"Onnie, you must misunderstood about oppa... He just... emm... he just want to... ahh! I call him to come because I want him to cheers for you but I'm sorry because I make you sad, make you lose for your contest. I shouldn't call him if I know he come with that girl!", Seohyun said.

"Hyun-ah, what do you mean?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Onnie, mianhae because of Kai-oppa... You... You like this, you being hurt like that... That day I shouldn't introduce him to you...", Seohyun said with tears drop.

"Hyun-ah, what are talking about? Why you suddenly brought he up?", Hyoyeon said with confused look.

"Onnie, didn't the guy that you mean is Kai-oppa?", Seohyun said.

"Omo! It's not Hyun-ah, it isn't him. Besides I don't know he come today, is he coming today???", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ne, so who do you mean?", Seohyun asked.

"Emmm...", Hyoyeon still confuse how to say it.

"Onnie?", Seohyun call her.

"It's...", Hyoyeon said doubtfully.

"It's... Lay...", Hyoyeon said.

"Lay? Your husband?", Seohyun asked.

"Ne...", Hyoyeon said.

"Hah!? Waeyo? What's matter with him?", Seohyun asked.

"He... he promise me to come today and cheers for me... but... but when I'm at the stage I see him... with... with another woman and... and...", Hyoyeon try to control her emotion.

"And?", Seohyun asked again.

"And she is Kwon Yuri, my rival!", Hyoyeon said.

"WHAT!?", Seohyun got surprised.

"Ne, Yuri attend to this competition too, and I don't know that she and Lay know each other... I feel got betrayed...", Hyoyeon said.

"Onnie, do you falling in love with Lay-sii?", Seohyun asked.

"What? It's not. How can I falling in love with that bad guy!?", Hyoyeon asked.

"So, what are crying about? Why do you feel sad when you see him with another girl?", Seohyun asked back.

"Emm... It's because..because he already promise me but he broke it... I hate a liar people!", Hyoyeon said.

"But onnie... He didn't broke his promise...", Seohyun said.

"Mwo? How can you say that? Why are you at his side now!?", Hyoyeon asked emotion.

"Onnie, calm down. I said like that because I have a reason...", Seohyun said.


"You said he promise you to coming today? And he come, didn't he? You should misunderstanding about him. You know Yuri better than anyone, you know what kind of girl is she like, you must know it too. How can a guy like Lay-ssi who's already have wife want to meet that bad girl?", Seohyun said.


"Onnie... I think you better think about it and the last thing I want to said is...", Seohyun said.

"What?", Hyoyeon asked.

"You must falling in love with him!", Seohyun said.

"I don't!", Hyoyeon said.

"Yeah! Yeah! You don't love him... Until you feel sad when he with another girl...", Seohyun said.

"It isn't, I-I just surprised because he know Yuri... Just that's all...", Hyoyeon said.

"Okay, okay... Just think about it, onnie... And if you have something that bother in your heart, just tell me and don't keep it by yourself, araso?", Seohyun said.

"Ne, hem... Gomawo, Hyun...", Hyoyeon said.

"No problem... Keke... I think I must go now, Yonghwa-oppa must be waiting for me...", Seohyun said and about to go outside.

"Yonghwa? Ahh! I remember... You haven't tell me about that, how can you remember that's all? Isn't you lost your memory...?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Onnie, it's a long story so I just tell you the short one...", Seohyun said.

"Short one?", Hyoyeon repeat what Seohyun said.

"Ne. I never lost my memory from the first time, I'm just acting. Then bye, onnie... I must go now...", Seohyun said and then go away.


'Mwo? I didn't hear wrong, right? What she saying about? Never lost her memory? So from the first we all being gullible by her?', Hyoyeon thought.


"Ahh! My mind can't work for it anymore!", Hyoyeon shouted.

"Then you should not use your small brain anymore..."

'Hah? Who said that? Guy's voice? Ah... I know who is it...', Hyoyeon thought and look up and yes, she's right he was Lay the one who make her lose from her competition.

"Yah! How can you fell down like that?", Lay asked.

"It's not your business!", Hyoyeon said angrily.

"Mwo? I come here and leave my work to cheers for you and now you are bad mood like this?", Lay said.

"Who tell you must come?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Yah!! You!! Jinjja!! I can't understand this stupid girl mind!", Lay said.

"Why are you must understand it? Is anybody tell you to do that?", Hyoyeon said.

"Yah! Yah! Stop it before I can't control myself!", Lay said try to maintain his emotion.

"How can you control it? You haven't brain to control it so that you can't control it!!", Hyoyeon said and Lay feels really angry, then he about to slap Hyoyeon but he stop it.

"What!!? Do it, you don't dare, didn't you?? I know it because you don't have strange to do it!!!", Hyoyeon yelled.



Just like that Lay slap Hyoyeon…


"Enough, I'm already enough with you! We must divorce!!", Lay said then he go out and slam the door, Hyoyeon just sit at there with tears flow down.

Why I suddenly being like this? I never being like this when Kai betrayed me but why this bad guy? We even not in relationship but...’, Hyoyeon thought and cry with her hand cover her face.

"Omo! I shouldn't talk to him like that, I must overly abundant… What should I do? Maybe this is the end of my love story again…", Hyoyeon said.



Sorry for this late update guys :(

Sehun appearance...

The big problem of Hyoyeon and Lay marriage... Omooo :(

How the problem is solved and will they get back together?

Just find it out soon :)


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 45: Yay happy ending for all.. Can u make another hyolay story??
parvitasari #2
Chapter 35: I think this hyoyeon who I never thought she would be. She's usually a strong and tough person. And she won't trust everything so easy. This hyoyeon is so weak and spoiled. I hate it. Poor lay..
parvitasari #3
Chapter 33: my hyolay feels awwwww they're sooooo sweet..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 18: Yayyy finally hyolay moments..
Chapter 45: Yay, a happy ending! All are forgiven and Kai finds love <3
Chapter 37: Awww....their beautiful night was so sweet, and Yuri...-_-
Chapter 2: I'm a grammar Nazi but I ship the pairings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veolette #8
Chapter 45: I like the story but the grammar gives me a headache but the story is still good
Chapter 45: honestly , i want the end is hyo pregnant , but its ok ^^ love this !