By My Side


Tomorrow morning. KNOCK! KNOCK!


“Hyun, are wake up? Do you feel better?”, Kai asked.

“Ne, oppa... Wait there…”




“Hyun, how are you feel?”

“I already feel better, oppa…”


“Oppa, can you ride me to Sunshine Café?”

“Waeyo, Hyun?”

“I want to meet Yonghwa-oppa at there, hehe…”

“Why don’t he pick up you?”

“He is busy, oppa… So, you don’t want to ride me?”, Seohyun about to cry.

“Araso, araso… This girl really! Come on!”

“Yeahh!! Gomawo, oppa…”

“Ne, ne, ne…”


After that, Kai ride Seohyun to Sunshine Café and the he left her at that place. Seohyun go into the café and sat at the place where she usually sat.  She waiting for Yonghwa to come. She’s really want to meet him. She’s already miss him. Even he said that he don’t love her anymore, even he hate her, she don’t mind it. She calls Yonghwa but Yonghwa didn’t answer. She thought that maybe he must busy then she text him to meet her at Sunshine Café, the place that they always hang out.


At 1.00 pm. "He will come…"

At 2.00 pm. "Just a second…"

At 3.00 pm. "Maybe he's stuck in traffic…”

At 4.00 pm. "Maybe he is late, I will wait again…"


At 5.00 pm.


"Miss, is there anything I can help?", a waiter asked Seohyun.

"No, I wait for my boyfriend…"

"Okay, but I think he won't come…"

"What? Why you said that? He will come!"

"But you already wait for......"

"Quiet! How can you said that, he will come!! He will come! I disappointed with this café!! I won't come here again!"



Seohyun get out from that cafe "What a bad cafe, just make me angry, jinja!! Of course Yonghwa-oppa will come, how stupid he was! Is he never has a girlfriend? Jinja!! Ahh, oppa is late, I will meet him at his apartment…", Seohyun said to herself then she go to Yonghwa’s apartment. She want go into his room but he’s already change his password. Seohyun birthday isn't his password anymore. So she is waiting in front of his apartment. She waiting until 8.00 pm and then Yonghwa come. She feels excited but her heart broke when she look that Yonghwa come with a girl and the girl is Tiffany. Likes a knife stab at her heart, her tears is about to fall but she tries to survive.


"Ahhh… Hy..Hyun... Why are you here??", Yonghwa feel surprise and panic.

"Ohh, Seohyun. Annyeonghaseyo. Long time no see…", Tiffany said with a tease face


"Hyun…", Yonghwa said


"Hyun, are you okay?"


"I'm sorry, Hyun…"

"So... So this is the reason why you break with me????"


"Of course!", Tiffany said that.

"Quiet!!! I don't ask you!!", Seohyun yelled.

"Hyun!! How can you yelled at Tiffany!!?", Yonghwa angry.

"Yong… You are on her side now?? You always on my side, don't you??", Seohyun said sadly.

"You are not my girlfriend anymore, so I can't at your side again…", Yonghwa said.

"Waeyo!? Waeyo, Yong!!? WAEYO!!!", Seohyun yelled again and her tears about to fall.

"I just don't love you anymore…", Yonghwa said and didn’t look at Seohyun.

"That's right, Seohyun-ah, he love me more than you. And you ask waeyo? It's easy it just I'm beauty than you, y than you, more talent than you, and of course I’m rich than you. You look at mirror first if you want to be his girlfriend. You and Yonghwa don’t match!! Realize it!!”, Tiffany boasted herself.


PLAKK! Seohyun slapped Tiffany.


"YOU!!!! Yonghwa, turn her out of here!!! I don't want to see her!!! How can she slap me!!!", Tiffany angry.

"Baby, I'm sorry, you can go in first, I will handle this…", Yonghwa said.

"Better that…", then Tiffany enter the Yonghwa’s apartment.

"Seo Joohyun!! We already broke so can you not to meet me anymore?"

"What??? How can it be? Why she? Why!!?"

"It's not why, I just love her more than you. I already feel bored towards you!!"

"What, you say!!?"

"I said I already feel bored towards you! So you can go know. Don't disturb my life again. But before you go, you must say sorry to Tiffany!"

"What!!? Why I must say sorry to her!? She is the one who…"

"Stop it!! I won't hear, what I see, you are wrong because you slap my girlfriend!"

"What!!? Haha, so when someone is not your girlfriend anymore you can throw her away like a trash? She is already useful for you!!? I don't know you are like that!!"

"I always like that, you already know it! Now say sorry!"

"I won't. I won't !", Seohyun said then run away.


She can't handle it again. How hurts she was. His words, every word from him like knife for her. ‘Why is he like this? He don't know how hurts I am. Her tears non-stop dropped. How can I love him so much?? Even he did this to me? Why? I want to forget him, God. My hearts is really hurt!’, Seohyun think in her mind. She is run without look at the street even the traffic and then…




Seohyun hits by a red car.

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parvitasari #1
Chapter 45: Yay happy ending for all.. Can u make another hyolay story??
parvitasari #2
Chapter 35: I think this hyoyeon who I never thought she would be. She's usually a strong and tough person. And she won't trust everything so easy. This hyoyeon is so weak and spoiled. I hate it. Poor lay..
parvitasari #3
Chapter 33: my hyolay feels awwwww they're sooooo sweet..
parvitasari #4
Chapter 18: Yayyy finally hyolay moments..
Chapter 45: Yay, a happy ending! All are forgiven and Kai finds love <3
Chapter 37: Awww....their beautiful night was so sweet, and Yuri...-_-
Chapter 2: I'm a grammar Nazi but I ship the pairings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veolette #8
Chapter 45: I like the story but the grammar gives me a headache but the story is still good
Chapter 45: honestly , i want the end is hyo pregnant , but its ok ^^ love this !