Chapter 4

The Vacation


Suho cleared his throat loudly in an attempt to get everyone's attention. Thankfully, it worked. The members stopped their chattering and turned to look at Suho obediently, waiting for him to speak up.

"Has anyone seen Chanyeol and Chen?" Suho asked calmly, eyeing each and every one of the members.

"Who ing cares about them, let's just go," Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, obviously pissed off. Suho raised an eyebrow questioningly and glanced over at Kai, who seemed to be locking his gaze of the floor's tiles, looking very guilty. Connecting the dots, Suho assumed that Kyungsoo was mad at Kai.

"Kyungsoo? What's wrong?" Suho asked in worry. 

Kyungsoo stared at Suho and then to Kai's direction. "Why don't you ask Mr. Stupid K over there?" he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm and annoyance. 

"Huh what?" Kris suddenly blurted out at the mention of 'Mr. Stupid K'. He gave Kyungsoo a questioning look but Xiumin laughed softly from behind him, making him turn to Xiumin.

"What?" Kris asked in confusion.

"Kyungsoo's referring to Kai, not you, ," Xiumin whispered as he tiptoed to match Kris's height.

Kris hit Xiumin's head lightly at the nickname he had given him but smiled nonetheless. "Oh I see, thanks. Where's Chanyeol and Chen anyway?" he asked firmly, unhappy that the two of them were late.

"Let me try calling them," Baekhyun volunteered, whipping his phone out from his pocket to dial Chanyeol's number. Before the call had the chance to connect, Chanyeol and Chen were seen running out of the lobby's elevator with fuming gazes. Well actually, Chanyeol looked furious, while Chen just looked plainly annoyed. "oh wait, seems like they're already here," Baekhyun talked to himself - he was sure he did because everyone else had their attention on the two of them - and ended the call.

"Now why are you guys late?" Suho questioned, walking up to the two of them. 

Chanyeol huffed a breath and gave Chen an accusing look. "What are you looking at?" Chen spat at Chanyeol.

"I wasn't looking at you," Chanyeol argued.

"Well I didn't say you were looking at me, doofus," Chen countered, glaring at Chanyeol.

"What's happenin-" Suho started to interrupt but was drowned out by Chanyeol and Chen's bickering.



"At least a troll face looks nicer than a potatohead,"

"Who in the world told you-" 

"Oh for God's sake and everyone's sake as well, shut up, you two!" Kris roared while rubbing his temples. The duo immediately stopped arguing and gave each other irritated looks before walking away from each other; Chanyeol to Baekhyun and Chen to Xiumin.

As they turned to each other again, Kris caught a glimpse of Chanyeol mouthing '' to Chen, but he decided to let it slide for now. They'd already garnered much attention early in the morning from the other residents of the hotel and Kris didn't want any more negative attention.

"Look, I don't care what happened to you guys, but we're supposed to have fun here in London, so don't, I repeat, don't mess up this ing vacation just because you have some issues with your roommate. Oh, and since we're supposed to be a team, you guys better ing make up with each other soon or I swear I'll have Tao to kill you," Kris threatened, sending sharp glares to Chanyeol, Chen, Kai and Kyungsoo. 

"Hey, I don't want to be a part of this. And since when was I ever your weapon?" Tao frowned disapprovingly. Lay took the chance to snicker at Tao's disapproval, earning a light punch on the shoulder by Suho.

"Just play along will you," Kris hissed into Tao's ear, which made Tao giggle since he was ticklish.

Clearing his throat, Kris continued, "the C squares and the K squares, you guys will ride a van with me on the way to the sightseeing spot that we're going to go to today. No excuses. The rest of you ride another van with Suho. Oh, Tao will ride the van with me too since he's my weapon," 

Sehun barely managed to stiffle a laughter at the 'couple' names that Kris had given the four. "C square and K square, how mathematically nerdy," he whispered to Luhan, who tried to stiffle a laughter as well.

"EXO," Suho suddenly bellowed enthusiastically. He reached out his hand and the members immediately knew what Suho wanted to do. Some enthusiastically while some reluctantly, they all put their hands on top of each others and hollered, "WE ARE ONE!"



"So who like to start off first?" Kris eyed the four people around him. They kept quiet and Kris frowned upon realizing that none of them would speak up first. 

"Fine then. Kyungsoo, you go first. Speak, now," he said in an authoritative tone. Kyungsoo brought up his huge brownish-black eyes to stare at Kris and then to Kai grudgingly. 

"Well you see Kris, little Mr. Kai here thought it'd be funny to toss my teddy around everywhere and eventually 'accidentally' flung it out of the hotel's wide-open window," Kyungsoo snarled, sending Kai nasty glares as he explained the situation to Kris.

Upon hearing Kyungsoo's statement, Kris had to muster all that he could in him to not laugh. However, it all failed when he caught a glimpse of Tao snickering beside him.

"A ing teddy bear!" Kris shrieked quite creepily (since he had a deep voice and all) while clutching his stomach. Tao then leaned onto him and laughed together with him. 

"All... because of a teddy bear!" Tao managed to say in between his hiccups of laughs. Chanyeol and Chen joined in the laughter as well, but when they realized that they were laughing together, they stopped laughing and turned their backs at one another, still as stubborn as ever. 

On the other hand, Kai wanted to laugh as well, but he was too flipping scared that Kyungsoo, who was sitting next to him, would start hitting him and maybe hate him forever for throwing out his favorite teddy bear.

After a few minutes of laughing heartily, Kris and Tao finally subsidied their laughter (though they still broke out into smiles while trying to contain their laughter) and Kris turned his attention to Kai.

"And what do you have to say for yourself?" he asked quite seriously even though he found the whole matter ridiculously amusing.

"I uh... I really sorry, Kyungsoo. I honestly didn't mean for it to be flung out of the window... I'll buy you a new one...?" Kai stuttered nervously, avoiding Kyungsoo's eyes. Kris seemed pleased with Kai's answer though Kyungsoo didn't. 

Kris then turned to Kyungsoo. "Since he's apologized, don't you think you have to forgive him? Plus, he's getting you a new teddy bear too. Not to mention how ridiculous this whole thing is Kyungsoo. I'm sorry, but doesn't it sound stupid that you're angry and won't forgive him because of a teddy bear?" he bargained.

"I didn't say I wouldn't forgive him, I just needed some time to calm down," Kyungsoo pouted. 

"So you forgive me?" Kai asked with hopeful eyes.

Kyungsoo looked into those eyes and sighed, giving in to himself. "Fine, I forgive you. You better give me a damned teddy bear for compensation, and I want it to be four times bigger because I want to hug it at night," he warned.

Kai immediately smiled after what seemed like forever of him not smiling and leaned in to hug Kyungsoo tightly. "I'll buy you the biggest teddy bear in the whole wide world!" he gushed. 

Kris smiled with satisfaction as he gave Tao a thumbs up. Tao nodded and smiled as well, liking the sight of Kyungsoo and Kai, or the "K square" making up to each other. Kris then looked over to the huffing "C squares" and sighed. 

"Now what're your problems? Because I swear if it's as stupid as the K squares over there I will throw you off this van for all the vultures in the world to eat," he said. 

"Oh, our problem isn't stupid, you'll see," Chanyeol sneered to which Chen snorted at. 

" please, you childish brat. Kris, I don't think you even want to waste your time on our problem. Plus, I don't want to get eaten by vulture. What a horrible way to die," Chen told him, ignoring Chanyeol's mutterings of '', 'meanie' and 'bully'.

Kris sighed again. "Fine I won't kill you that way but I'd still like to know what is going on. I can't have the group being disfunctional just because you two are unhappy with each other," 

"He's the one not happy with me," Chen argued, shouldering Chanyeol.

Chanyeol gave a dramatic gasp and pointed an accusing finger right in Chen's face. "You're a bully! How can I be happy with that?" he protested. 

Kris frowned at Chanyeol's choice of decriptive words. "Bully?" he enquired. 

"Damn right Chenchen's a bully! He beat me in a pillow fight yesterday and demanded that I gave a massage for him late at night!" Chanyeol howled. 

"Excuse me? I believe you were the one who initiated the whole 'pillow fight' thing and you agreed to the deal that whoever loses will have to give the winner a massage!" Chen snorted, glaring at Chanyeol. 

Kris stared at the two of them and once again tried to stiffle a laughter. "So in other words Chanyeol, you're a sore loser?" he pointed out, smiling brightly. 

Chanyeol stared at Kris with a horrified expression. "How could you say that?! Whose side are you on anyway!" he gasped.

"Chanyeol is a sore loser," Tao repeated, laughing a little at the description. Chanyeol turned to Tao and gave the same horrified expression. Soon, even Kai and Kyungsoo were laughing at him, and Chen was seen snickering at him. 

Pointing another accusing finger at Chen, he stuttered, "You guys... what... this is a conspiracy isn't it?!" 

Kris laughed and patted Chanyeol on the shoulder lightly. "From what I see here, you're the one who's at fault, because if you agreed to a deal, you should stick with it, Yeollie. I'm sorry but it's true, and I have to point out that you're being childish right now," 

Chanyeol was at a loss of words as he stared at the four who were staring at him laughing. Suddenly Chen ruffled his hair and said, "You know what, I don't even care about your stupid massage. I bet it'll just feel like a giant trampling all over my body anyway,"

Chanyeol broke out into a small smile and shook his head. "No, no, you're right. I'll give you the massage Chenchen, as revenge for losing the pillow fight!" he smirked while laughing maniacally. This time, it was Chen's time to give a horrified expression.

"No Chanyeol, I'm serious, you really don't have to-"

"MWAHAHAHAH! You're not running away, Chenchen!"



"So are their problems sorted out?" Suho whispered to Kris.

Kris, remembering the 'problems' that they all had laughed softly and nodded. "Of course they are," 

"What were they about?" Suho asked nosily. 

Kris shook his head and smiled, "You seriously wouldn't want to know,"



A/N: ooops it's been a while since I updated, yes? I hope you haven't forgotten this fanfic! Though I'll be updating irregularly :( Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) here's some similar otp selcas hehehe

happy advanced birthday, kaisoo! <3

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Chapter 3: Yay! ^o^
Love the different scenes and interactions between the members :3
And the wait is worth it, just glad you're back!
hyooohoon #2
Chapter 3: so is there going to have ??
/just ask/
keep updates^^
update soon~ :D
Why you separated HunHan? *POUTED*
update soon!
OMG THAT PHOTO!!! Priceless!! Lol can't stop staring at it and laughing hahaha
Anyways I hope you update again soon, can't wait to see how the vacation goes!! And the pairings XD muahahahaha
I was anticipating all of the parings to room with each other but they didn't and it was actually kind of refreshing (though some of them did)