Chapter 3

The Vacation


Kai laughed to himself as he watched Kyungsoo unpack. It was the cutest thing he ever saw, really. As Kyungsoo unpacked the contents from his luggage, he had a small checklist beside him to check that everything was in place. Kai found it really amusing.

"What?" Kyungsoo clicked his tongue in annoyance. Kyungsoo did not like being disturbed when he was concentrating on really important stuff - well at least stuff that was important to him.

Kai stiffled a laugh. "Wouldn't it have been better if you checked what you brought before you took off for London?"

"I already checked my luggage before I took off for London. I'm not that stupid," Kyungsoo retorted. Kai raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Then why are you checking your luggage again?" Kai asked curiously.

Kyungsoo hesitated before answering Kai's question. "Maybe someone stole some of my stuff! It happens you know like -" 

Kai didn't give Kyungsoo the luxury to finish his protest as he burst out in loud fits of laughter. "Why would anyone -" Kai cackled, unable to finish his own sentence. Kai clutched the side of his stomach as he began rolling on the bed, trying to stop his own laughter. However, it was all too amusing for dear ol' Kai.

"Shut up you prick," Kyungsoo blushed while he grabbed a squeaky teddy bear from his luggage and threw it to Kai at full force. 

Kai stopped laughing for a while and grabbed the teddy bear that Kyungsoo had thrown to him. After about two seconds of staring at the teddy bear, Kai burst into laughter once again. 

"Why the hell - Why would you bring a squeaky teddy bear to London?" Kai shrieked in the most unattractive voice as he rolled on the bed, kicking non-existent stuff in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Don't make fun of Jong! I just need something to hug at night," Kyungsoo pouted, watching Kai laugh his guts out.

"Well," Kai suddenly turned serious. Kyungsoo stared at him. "You could always hug me at night!" Kai grinned while wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Kyungsoo felt a shiver run down his spine as he grabbed an alarm clock from his luggage. "Don't make me throw this at you, Kai."



"Hey Baek?" Sehun called out. Baekhyun popped his head out of the shower - his hair filled with soapy shampoo - wondering what Sehun wanted. 

Sehun grinned at the sight. "Cute. Anyway, can you lend me your laptop? Mine can't seem to connect to the Wi-Fi here. It suuuccks." He pouted trying to convince Baekhyun. 

"Yeah sure, my laptop's on the bedside table right? Anyway my password's 'iloveyoubacon', don't laugh at it or I'll murder you," Baekhyun threatened while going back into the shower. 

"You're no different than me! My password's 'iloveyoububbletea'!" Sehun joked.

"Whatever Sehun!"

Sehun giggled to himself as he snatched Baekhyun's laptop from the bedside table and entered 'Google'. "Doctor Google, oh Doctor Google~" Sehun sing-sang.

'Bubble tea in London' 194573 results.

"Assa! There's bubble tea in London!" Sehun rejoiced in joy while throwing his arms in the air saying ayooooo where's my mayooo.



"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours!" Chanyeol sang - screamed - while apparently shaking his booty.

Chen cocked his head to the side. "Well, someone's hyper today," He deadpanned.

"I'm hyper today, damn right, I'm hyper today!" Chanyeol continued dancing, only this time facing Chen.

"Oh God Chanyeol, my innocent eyes!" Chen wailed dramatically while covering his eyes with his palms. Suddenly, he felt the bed bouncing. Chanyeol had jumped onto the bed.

"Woooah, this bed is so comfortable!" Chanyeol gushed.

"Stop bouncing Chanyeol, it's making me dizzy," Chen complained. Chanyeol paid no attention and instead grabbed the pillow that Chen was resting his head on. 


"Pillow fight?" Chanyeol grinned, getting ready with his stance. Chen, realizing that Chanyeol wasn't joking and neither was he going to back out from his own idea, grabbed a pillow and stood on the bed. 

"Whoever loses has to give the winner a massage!" Chen howled while charging at Chanyeol.




"Hey Suho, hey hey hey Suho," Lay grinned from behind Suho. Suho turned to face Lay, only to poked on his cheek by Lay's finger. 

Suho smiled at Lay's old antiques. "Seriously Yixing?" 

"Yup seriously gramps," Lay nodded. 

Suho subsonciously pouted. "Why do you always call me that?"

Lay raised an eyebrow to indicate that he didn't really understand. "Call you what?" He asked. 

"Gramps, I'm not that old, am I?" 

"Yah, have you seen your hair lately? You look like a grandpa!" Lay laughed. 

"A y grandpa," Suho joked suggestively. Lay scrunched up his face in disapproval. "An old grandpa, actually," 

"Hey, it wasn't my decision to have this hair!" Suho protested, feeling hurt. Lay patted his shoulder and smiled. "We're in London right now... and there's no stylists around..." Lay whispered.

"Let's get your hair changed!" He continued triumphantly. Suho looked at him uncertainly. "But manager wou-"

"Screw them all! Let's get your hair changed gramps!" 

Suho flinched at the nickname and slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, let's get my hair changed."


"You don't have an issue with me walking around shirtless, do you?" Kris suddenly asked. Tao looked up from his book and shook his head. Tao really didn't mind - Kris had a tendency to walk around shirtless back at their dorm.

As soon as Kris took off his shirt, he heaved a sigh of relief. "Those clothes were so stuffy," He complained. 

"Fashion always has a price to pay," Tao agreed. Kris then walked over to Tao and peered from behind to see what Tao was reading. It was a Chinese Martial Arts novel.

"You've been reading this all week," Kris pointed out as he straightened his body. Tao nodded. "It's a really interesting book," He explained. 

Kris seemed to disagree. "What's so fun about words when you can see all the action?" He retorted while switching on the television. 

"Words are for the soul, images are for the weak," Tao replied calmly. "Right..." Kris rolled his eyes slightly while slouching on the couch. He mindlessly switched through the channels when suddenly Tao halted him. 

"Wait! I like this show!" Tao cried out when shutting his book and proceeding to sit beside Kris. 

"And you said images are for the weak," Kris teased. 

Tao laughed. "Whatever Kris, this show is really fun." Turns out it was a Chinese Martial Arts movie.



"I wonder what Sehunnie is doing?" Luhan thought out aloud. 

"Why don't you go to his room?" Xiumin suggested while fixing his hair in the mirror. 

Luhan shook his head. "Nah, it's okay."

"Anyway, I've been meaning to ask this, but, why didn't you share a room with Sehun? I always thought you guys couldn't last a minute - no scratch that, a second - without each other. Why the sudden change?" Xiumin asked, turning to look at Luhan.

"That's exactly the reason why. Everyone thinks we can't last a second without each other. We wanted to somehow prove all of you wrong. Well that was what I wanted to do," Luhan explained. "I don't get why you guys think like that though," Luhan pouted. 

Xiumin laughed. "It's not exactly complicated. You're always stuck beside each other, as if glued or something. Whenever we need you, we just need to look for Sehun and vice-versa. And when you're not together, you're always bringing Sehun up, as well as for Sehun," Xiumin pointed out.

Luhan thought about it for a while. "Well that's true..."

Xiumin smiled as he patted Luhan's shoulder. "You don't need to prove to everyone pointless things; we don't mind actually," 

Luhan grinned at Xiumin's kindness. "Yeah, but it's okay. I don't mind sharing a room with you, Xiu. Let's rest up now, our vacation officially starts tomorrow!" 


A/N; Sorry for the long wait ;A; And I know I said vacation starts next chapter, but the last chapter was too short and I felt like I needed to make up for it hahaha! 71 subscribers already omg I love you guys <3 *shooting hearts out of my eyes* Thank you to all who commented and subscribed!

Ok bai! 

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Chapter 3: Yay! ^o^
Love the different scenes and interactions between the members :3
And the wait is worth it, just glad you're back!
hyooohoon #2
Chapter 3: so is there going to have ??
/just ask/
keep updates^^
update soon~ :D
Why you separated HunHan? *POUTED*
update soon!
OMG THAT PHOTO!!! Priceless!! Lol can't stop staring at it and laughing hahaha
Anyways I hope you update again soon, can't wait to see how the vacation goes!! And the pairings XD muahahahaha
I was anticipating all of the parings to room with each other but they didn't and it was actually kind of refreshing (though some of them did)