Chapter 2

The Vacation



"Ah, damn." Kai said first thing after they got off the airplane and into the airport. London's airport was jam-packed with EXO fans as well, just that this time, it was lesser than the ones at South Korea's airport. As if on cue, Kyungsoo suddenly tapped Kai on the shoulder lightly while giving him the i-told-you-so look. 

"You owe me 10 bucks," Kyungsoo whispered while leaning into Kai. With that, the Kaisoo shippers at the airport went wild, screaming their lungs out for their beloved OTP.

Kai nodded to tell Kyungsoo that he adknowledged the fact that he'd lost the deal. As usual, the EXO members did what they usually did at the airport, which was to greet the fans and be polite-mannered.



Baekhyun was quietly following the rest of EXO from behind, when suddenly a tall figure loomed beside him. He turned his attention to the tall figure and smiled upon realizing who it was. "Hey," Chanyeol grinned. "What's up?" Baekhyun responded. "The ceiling! Oh gosh I'm so funny!" Chanyeol cackled, making Baekhyun roll his eyes.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so amused," Baekhyun replied sarcastically, rolling his manly guy-linered eyes. Chanyeol stopped laughing and then pinched Baekhyun's cheeks. "Why so moody Baek~" Chanyeol hummed, still pinching Baekhyun's cheeks. 

"Stop it, you're making the fans go wild!" Baekhyun puffed up his cheeks. "Exactly what I wanted," Chanyeol winked. Baekhyun blushed slightly and let Chanyeol do whatever he wanted with him, simply too used to it - Chanyeol always got what he wanted with Baekhyun.



"Alright guys, time to pick partners!" Suho smiled warmly as soon as they reached the hotel's lobby. The members quickly scrambled around to divide themselves into pairs to see who'd share the same room. After all, the hotel only had 2 beds per room, and they were masterbeds, not single beds. That meant that they would be sharing beds, and their roommates had to be someone that they could tolerate.

"You're coming with me," Kris pulled Tao aside with the keys dangling in his possession. "Uh? Why...?" Tao stammered. "You'd be a good roommate, you're clean. Let's go to our room then, 1412," Kris instructed, flashing a smile. "Ah..." Tao nodded and followed suit. Kris kindly helped Tao with his over-packed luggage. However, instead of being grateful, Tao scrunched up his face. 

"Hey be careful with that bag! It's Gucci!" Tao hissed when Kris picked the bag up and slung it over his shoulder. Kris simply ignored Tao's complaints and took big strides to their room, smirking when Tao had to run in order to keep up with his pace.

"Hmm seems like Kris and Tao are already partners.. Gramps you're coming with me!" Lay smiled cheekily, pulling Suho away from the rest of EXO and proceeding to take a random key from Suho's possession. "Alright~ We're in room 1415!" Lay announced before taking all the keys from Suho and giving them to Kai, saying that he was in charge of the keys now. Lay then practically dragged Suho to their room, with Suho not protesting even once.

Kai stared at Lay as he dragged Suho away from the scene and then to the keys dangling in his hand. Soon enough, the keys were being snatched from him one by one, leaving him with only one key left and one roommate. Kyungsoo. "Guess we're roommates?" Kai said uncertainly while looking at Kyungsoo. 

"What room, Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked. "Uh.. 1413," Kai replied. 

"What're you waiting for then? Let's go!" Kyungsoo grinned as he pulled Kai by the hand and dragged their luggage along with them to their room.



Currently, Luhan was being paired up with Xiumin, Sehun with Baekhyun, Tao with Kris, Kai with Kyungsoo, Chanyeol with Chen and Suho with Lay. They were all more or less satisfied with their roommates, so there was no roommate-swapping among the members.

After they'd all settled down in their respective rooms, Kris called them all to the lobby for a short meeting. They immediately scrambled out of their bedrooms, careful not to anger Kris.

"Today," Kris began with a serious tone. "We relax. Tomorrow however, our real vacation starts! Sightseeing, relaxing, everything! Let's have fun! EXO-" Kris continued cheerfully while holding his palm out.

"WE ARE ONE!" The members screamed, putting their palms on top of each other with happy expressions. Even though their screams in the lobby gained weird looks from people, they couldn't care less. They were just too delighted to be able to go on a vacation after so long.


A/N; Vacation starts next chapter! he he he! 

Here, have a Krisus derp photo.

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Chapter 3: Yay! ^o^
Love the different scenes and interactions between the members :3
And the wait is worth it, just glad you're back!
hyooohoon #2
Chapter 3: so is there going to have ??
/just ask/
keep updates^^
update soon~ :D
Why you separated HunHan? *POUTED*
update soon!
OMG THAT PHOTO!!! Priceless!! Lol can't stop staring at it and laughing hahaha
Anyways I hope you update again soon, can't wait to see how the vacation goes!! And the pairings XD muahahahaha
I was anticipating all of the parings to room with each other but they didn't and it was actually kind of refreshing (though some of them did)