"Is this you hyung?? I held the picture, shaking a bit.. "Since when did you become a piano tutor?? I've never known that you could play piano.." I commented, full with disbelief..


"I'm clueless about it too.." He shook his head and let out the suffering sigh..


"Then, this picture is fake.." I declared..


"I told Yubin sshi like that, and she's so scary after that.. She shouted loudly and slapped the table harshly.. Thanks God, she didn't torture me more than that.."


~~~~~~~~~ Flashback (KHJ's POV)


I didn't understand why this police investigator kept telling me stories I didn't know and forced me to confess the crime that I never did..


"Do you know little girl named ahn sohee??"


I shook my head "Who is she??"


"Don't pretend to be innocent in front of me!!!" She shouted.. Why a beautiful girl like her could shout so loud like that??


"I don't know her and the whole stories you told me earlier.."


"Then you think what's this??" She showed me a picture.. I was so shocked.. That's me with a cute little girl playing piano happily.. We smiled each other while our fingers are pressing the piano keys.. Who was that little girl?? Why I couldn't remember her??


"Who's her and why I was with her? I'm sorry but I really can't remember her.. Maybe this picture is fake because I can't play piano, and it's impossible if I was a piano tutor.. Please check it more carefully.." I was honest with all those words..


Blag!!! She slapped the table harshly, made me shocked and shivering.. "How dare you lecturing me about the authenticity of the evidence!!!" She yelled at me with her death glare..


This one of the reasons why I hate cops.. They always thought that they were right about anything while the others were wrong..


"You lost me my patience!! You keep saying you don't know.. How long would you play hide and seek with me?? because all the evidences clearly show otherwise than your "don't know" answers.." She shouted again more loudly..


I don't know why the evidences could appear.. This was really crazy!!! "Please don't force me, I really don't know what had happened to me.."


"Are you amnesia or what?? You make me want to explode.. This is useless!!!"


End Flashback..






"I don't believe a woman like her could do such rude thing.."


"Woman like her??" Young saeng hyung frowned.. "You think, what kind of woman is she?? You've just met her less than an hour, but you say as if you had known her for so long.. Moreover, she's a police investigator, she could and she allowed to do it.." Young saeng hyung emphasized..


I didn't know why young saeng hyung was apparently so disturbed with that yubin girl.. I could sense that he didn't like her..


"Is that dissatisfied face??" Young saeng hyung pointed at my face..


"No.. You never make me feeling dissatisfied, hyung.." I honestly said and I saw his face's softened..


"Kyu jong.. Hyun joong hyung.. Young saeng hyung.." I looked up to see whose calling us loudly, that was jung min who was waving his hand cheerfully, as if he was just meeting with us in henecia cafe, and gyuri sshi was walking beside him, obviously ashamed because her boss' childish act..


He hugged us, while gyuri sshi bowed politely at us.. Jung min started to open his mouth.. We knew that he wanted to bombard hyun joong hyung with questions, but young saeng hyung faster than him.. "Not now jung min ah, let him explain all clearly to you, and I think that you should sit first, because gyuri sshi obviously can't do it when you stand still.." Then jung min pursed his mouth, tried to control himself not saying anything.. We chuckled when we found out that his expression was funny..


"I'm still waiting for the explanation.." Jung min said cooly..


"The police investigator accused me as a murderer of a little girl named ahn sohee.. But I swear, I can't remember any single thing about her.." Hyun joong hyung straightforwardly explained..


"Ahn sohee?? I've never heard you mentioning that name before, hyung.." Jung min shrugged his shoulders..


"The two didn't recognize her either, but.."


Jung min interrupted hyun joong hyung.. "Ok ok no need further explanation hyung because I already understood.."


"Really??" We said in unison..


"Yes.. It's simple, hyung never know her, that's why hyung and us can't remember anything about her.." Jung min declared..


"Then what's this??" I showed jung min the picture..


Jung min took it immediately, startled a bit then smiled.. "I catch your wondering expressions.." He looked at us one by one and nodded slightly.. "I can tell the picture is fake, hyun joong hyung can't play piano.." Jung min stated confidently..


"If it's fake, then you try to tell us indirectly there's someone in this police station up to something to hyun joong hyung.." I said with low tone, we're in police station, for God's sake..


"It's possible kyu.. Maybe hyun joong hyung unconsciously did something that made a cop grudging at him.. You know, hyun joong hyung is a rebel.." Jung min emphasized..


"Lower your voice in 'cop or police phrases', we are in their nest.." I warned my hyungs, and they nodded understandingly..


"I know, but I don't believe that hyun joong hyung could do unlawful act to make any of the 'cops' planning something to revenge him.. He never crossed the line.."


"He obviously hates 'cops' kyu, and it's possible if 'cops' hate him as well.." Jung min said stubbornly..


"Ssssshhh.. Stop arguing.. I can't think properly and I need it now.." Young saeng hyung hissed and we silence..


After few minutes..


"Ok, we'll examine it.." Finally young saeng hyung broke the silence.. "It's fake or real.."


"I'd bet it's fake.." Jung min responded, still gripping tightly to his own opinion..


"Amen.." I prayed sincerely to it..


"Amen??" The three looked at me confusingly..


"What??" I saw them all staring at me..


"What do you mean 'Amen'??" Jung min supplied what the others wanted to ask from me..


"If it's fake, then hyun joong hyung never did whatever the 'investigator' accused him.. Amen for that.." I explained and they nodded in unison..


"Ouwh.." Jung min suddenly startled with his own thought.. We're staring at him and he continued "Maybe, it's the 'police investigator'.. She or he?"


"She.." I answered dumbly..


"Ok, she's the person.. I mean, she's the one who holds responsibility in this 'investigation' include ensuring the authenticity of the evidences.."


"But hyun joong hyung didn't know her before, did you hyung??"


"Yes, I didn't.."


"For God's sake!!! you're a lawyer kyu.. Don't be too innocent.. As I told you before that it isn't important our hyung knows her or not.. I still hold onto the possibility of hyun joong hyung unknowingly made something that's bothering her so much.."


"I ain't innocent, but I trust hyung!!! He never crossed the line, moreover I can't find any link between hyun joong hyung and the 'police investigator'.. I mean, hyung always try to not making a deal with 'cops'.."


"Me trust him with my life kyu, but you know, nothing is impossible in this world.. About the link between them, we must try to find it out.."


"Jung min ah, as a lawyer, we taught to always uphold the presumption of innocence principle in any case we are dealing.."


"As a detective, I agree with jungmin.. Nothing is impossible.. Besides, I saw you're being subjective kyu.." Young saeng hyung supported jung min..


"Mwooh??" I was so shocked.. Young saeng hyung not on my side?? This was the first time that he was against me, he always supported me all this time.. This new feeling was really affecting me so much.. It was like I flushed with tons of cold water, the coldness was piercing my heart..


"Look who is talking.." I said coldly, couldn't control my emotion this time..


"What do you mean??"


"It's obvious that you didn't like her hyung.. Which means, you're being subjective as well.."


"Mwoya?? I didn't hate her.. Where the idea comes from?? I just wonder why a woman you've just met awhile ago could affect your objective view that much.. I'd bet that you even only can describe her physical appearance, not more than that.."


Hyung was right.. I was being subjective because of her.. Maybe I only could describe her physical appearance, but something about her that made me feel close to her.. She wasn't like a stranger to me although she was cold at me.. It was her face.. Her face reminded me to someone.. Someone I loved.. My forever love.. My lost love.. My....


"See!!! You can't answer me back.." His voice dispersed my reverie about her..


"You're right hyung.. I can't describe her more than that, but something I..."


"Enough!!! I don't need a rundown of yubin physical appearances, besides I got the drift.."


"I could tell that she's affecting you as much as she's affecting me.." He glared at me and ready to retort me but hyun joong hyung raised his index finger, signaled him to silence..


"We have to clear our mind.. Because this sudden matter makes us hard to think about anything properly.." Hyun joong hyung mediated..


I stared at young saeng hyung and he looked away, avoiding my eye contact.. I could feel the atmosphere was full of awkwardness.. Me and young saeng hyung had never been like this.. Among the five of us, me and young saeng hyung is the most get along couple.. Me and him had grown up together, for God's sake!!


"Ehrm.. Where's hyung jun by the way??" Hyun joong hyung finally broke the spooky silence, trying to melt the awkward situation.. Yeah Hyung jun, we almost forgot about him really..


"Do you miss him already??" Jung min's infuriating smirk appeared, like he was about to uncover the world's greatest scandal..


Hyung blushed slightly "A-ani, you three are here, but he didn't come.. He's my best friend as well.." He stammered..


I automatically glanced at young saeng hyung.. I couldn't really mad at him.. He had filled a special space in my heart, and that space would be empty without him.. I won't to see him hurt, even by other SS501 family members.. That was the reason why I had avoided his question about his feeling towards hyun joong hyung, because I didn't oblivious that hyun joong hyung and maknae loved each other beyond friends or brotherly love..


"Yah kyu!! Daydreaming again!!!" Jung min tapped my shoulder.. "Aiiiissshhh.. I really hate this spooky atmosphere!!!" He whined..


"And this spooky atmosphere created by you and your unexpected idea, Messing Charisma!!!" Hyun joong hyung smacked my shoulder..


"Be nice hyung!!" Jung min pouted.. "Who's the messing charisma by the way.."


"You of course.. Who else?!" Hyun joong hyung rolled his eyes playfully..


"Me?? Messing charisma??" Jung min pointed himself.. "Yah hyung, how could you blame me about it?? I'm innocent.. I was just trying to spread the idea from my luxury brain.."


"Luxury brain???" We stared each other with disbelief of what we had just heard, then laughed together..


"Pssstt.." Young saeng hyung whispering at my ear..




"Are you thinking about our conversation on my car??" Young saeng hyung said in low tone then smiled at me warmly.. Ouwh, I missed that smile already..


"How you feeling, hyung?"


"I didn't mean it, besides I knew that our hyung fated for our maknae.." He winked at me.. Seemed like he already forgot about our tongue war.. Thanks G.O.D., YOU're the best!!!


"Yah you two!!! What are you talking about??"


"It and that.." I grinned..


"Curious!!! Just tell!!!" Jung min was sulking..


"We both talking about hyun joong hyung and baby jun.."


"Mwo?? Me?? Junnie??"


"Yes.. I told kyu that our hyung fated for our maknae.." Young saeng hyung explained teasingly..


"What??" He responded while we were looking at him in unison..


"What is 'LOVE' hyung.." Jung min formed a heart-shape with his fingers when saying the 'LOVE' word..


"Yah messing charisma, zip your mouth or I'm gonna snatch your precious secretary!!!" Hyun joong hyung threatened jung min while he was wrapping his arm around gyuri's shoulder..


"Yah hyung.. Take your hand off of her or I'm gonna snatch your precious turtle!!!" Jung min retorted and smirked, while gyuri sshi was bowing his head.. Her red cheeks was too obvious to be hidden..


Hyun joong hyung took off his arm from gyuri's shoulder and shouted loudly "Don't ever think about it!!!"


Me and young saeng hyung threw the knowing gaze to each other then laughed..




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Cutekyufan1996 #1
Chapter 7: Update soon^_^
ahhh.. sorry for this late comment, chingu ya.. this chap made me so sad TT they're sweet-loving brothers, and this problem really an ordeal for their brotherhood TT reconcile soon, nde?! saengie's always be kyu's best defender.. the two really complement to each other in this fic :)) update soon, chingu yaaa :)) give me your cookies more!!! ai____e :))
hehehe.. jungminnie always be so impatient :b and saengie always defending our kyu kyu no matter what.. ohhh, ignorant leader.. although saengie's words were harsh, but I have to agree with him.. sorry leader.. huhuhu.. they'll be reconciled soon, rite?? hehehe :b hard to forget every chaps of this fic, kaka ^^ update again when you have time ^^ luv ya kaka <3
Wahhh Keke I started re reading all over again :) Wooooo kyusaeng!! I missed them in your story Keke. Update soon! :)
You make me love kyusaeng as much as I love hyunkyu!!! Totally your fault, chingu!!! Hehehe :)) Kyu is so cute :)) and I like the new image of saengie :)) I used to think that saengie was the innocent one, but I prefer this "evil" saengie, chingu :)) Thankyu for update this between your tight schedules :)) Looking forward to the next chap, chingu :)) Ganbatte!!!
Finally!!! Another update *bounce bounce ^^* Awawaawaw.. Kyusaeng is sooo sweeett as ever!!! *squirming ^^* Thankyu for re-write this, kaka ^^ Your writing skill improves so much ^^ Ohhh, saengie is getting _____ o.0 Seriously!!! Ahahaha ^^ and Ahhh, kyusaeng started here!!! Yayayayayay!!! I love how you describe the feeling of our kyusaeng ^^ Can't wait for another update ^^ Phweaseee update soon ^^ Love this fic more and more <3<3<3
i miss you so much !!! ^.^