Panda Seungri

Collection of One-Shots!

Seungri was waiting at the park for you to arrive.  They wanted to spend some time together but had no idea what to do so they decided to just meet up and figure it out.  Seungri started looking around when he noticed a girl talking to a boy but suddenly she winked at him.  He got startled but couldn’t help himself from smiling.  He didn’t realize that you had arrived.
She automatically grabbed his arm and walked to a different place.  Seungri was once again startled but a smirk appeared on his face.  It was obvious that his girl was jealous.
“I’ve got it easy.”
“What do you mean?” She stopped and turned to him.
“Well, I’ve got nothing to do when someone flirts with me.  You do all the work to shove the girl away.”  He laughs.  “But don’t go all crazy jealous on me.”
“Right,” you laughed.  “I just don’t want…”
“Look, as long as you know I’m with you and you trust me.  Don’t feel burdened to protect me all the time.  Feel…happy,” he paused, “that I chose you.”  He gave her a smile and linked his arm with hers.  “So what are we doing today?”
“I don’t know.  I was hoping you had something in mind by now.” They both became silent.
“Lets go visit our relatives.” you’s eyes widen.
“You haven’t even met my parents and you want to meet my relatives?”
“It’s a joke. I meant the zoo.” They both snorted and laughed.  you nodded getting up walking to the bus stop to head towards the zoo. 
“Lets go see the pandas first since it was your idea.”  She said once they arrived.
“And then we can go visit your cousins next.”
“Which are?” She eyed him.  She was curious what he was going to say.
“The cute monkeys of course,” he laughed but you seemed debating if that was good or not.  “No? How about the felines? Cause they’re aggressive but beautiful like you.”  He laughed nervously.  you chuckled and smiled.
“If that’s what you think. Come on lets go before it gets dark.”  She pulled him to the entrance.  They got to touch and hold cute baby cubs and other animals. 
“So when will I be meeting your parents,” Seungri asked while they watched an elephant showering her baby with water from its trunk.
“You really want to meet them?”
“Yeah,” he smiled assured.  This made her really happy for some reason.
“Soon, I’m sure.”  They both linked arms and headed to the exit.

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Chapter 10: omg i luv this
toilet #2
Chapter 26: I loved it! I haven't been on recently and really need to update my stories. so no worries I'm really grateful for the cute date with dongwoo, you're the best ^^
toilet #3
Name of bias and group: Infinite - Jang Dongwoo
Simple description of bias: Um absolutely adorkable, sweet and clumsy.
Name preferred: I am toilet XD
A bit y?: Always, oh you mean the oneshot, fluff is awesome
Location: Everywhere, I actually can't pick a place sorry.
Drama?: No simple is good but you're the author I trust you to write something good, I mean I liked the other oneshots, (spends too much time reading) ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I luv it, I luv it, I luv it!!
Request: VIXX - N

Simple description of bias: N is a simple guy, he doesn't belong to any label. He isn't a kingka or a nerd but he's really popular, the heartthrob of almost 50% of the entire female population in school. Girls drool over him and guys wish they can be him . Well which guy wouldn't? He's got the looks, the brain, the nice personality, everything that is needed to be the kingka.

A little y?: No, no plz. Requester is innocent xD

Location: At school.

Do you want a bit of drama? Yes what's the problem: N is in love with his best friend Leo's sister Eunwoon but sees the school kingka confessing to her.
Chapter 4: request :-snsd tiffany?