Hungry Kyuhyun

Collection of One-Shots!

“I’m hungry!”  Kyuhyun claimed holding his stomach and making a pain face.  He was only fooling around and you knew it.  She was cooking, making some delicious treats for their picnic.
“Have some cookies that I made yesterday or better yet, an apple from the fridge.”  She offered slapping his hand away from the bowl of goods she was getting ready.  He pouted but grabbed a cookie.
“Should we invite Changmin and Karla?”  He asked innocently.
“Hmmm…if you want to.  I think I’ve made plenty of food but knowing you and your friend…you might leave us girls without food.  But give him a call.”  She returned to her cooking and he started calling.  He stepped away from the noise you was making and came back after he finished his call.
“So what did he say?  Should I make some more food or will they be bringing something?”  you asked.
“Karla had cooked something up as well.  They could have joined us but Changmin made a mistake of giving her alcohol.”  He hesitated.”  She can’t handle it very well soooo…they’re going to stay indoors for now.”
“Is she okay?”  you asked concerned.  Kyuhyun only grinned and shook his head.
“Of course she is.  They’ll be fine.  He’ll know what to do,” he leaned over her shoulder and looked what she was making.  “It smells great; when can we start eating it?”  He wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder.
“Once we’re settled somewhere outside on this lovely day.  It’s almost done.  If you could please start preparing the basket.”  He headed over and started putting things into the basket and checking everything they needed was in there.  You then added what was left and smiled.
“You’re so good at this.  Men usually just let the girl do everything.”
“It’s so we can leave faster.  You know I am hungry.”  He seemed to be jittery.
“Yes, I know you’re hungry but won’t it be worth it eating all this food and enjoying a beautiful view under a peach tree.”
“Hmmm…but I’m not going to carry this huge basket.”  you stared and the heavy load they had to take.  She didn’t say anything but Kyuhyun seeing her face smiled and laughed.
“I’m only joking.  I’ll take it.  I’m the man and of course…I’m strong.”  you came back to her senses and scolded him.
“You jerk!  Let’s go then.”  They headed out and started heading to their spot they usually go to when they want some fresh air and not be disturbed.  They had just arrived when Kyuhyun got a call.  He answered but all he heard was noises.  He looked puzzled but just hanged up.
“Who was it?” asked you.
“Changmin’s from the sound of it.”  He shrugged.  “Let’s start eating!”  you prepared everything so they could sit and start eating.  They were halfway through when she had a sudden urge to hear Kyuhyun’s voice.
“Kyuhyunnie,” she paused.  She let him clear his throat from stuffing it with food.
“Yes, dear,” he finally mustered to speak.
“Can you sing me a song?”  He stared at all the food that was still left to be eaten and then looked at her, seeing how beautiful she was there waiting for an answer.
“Can we finish eating first?”  He teased but you felt rejected.  He scooted closer to her and wrapped his fingers with hers.  “Of course I will.”  He kissed her hand and started to sing.  They embraced each other and stayed like that for while.  They finished eating and cleaned putting the basket aside so they could lay down and just be there together.
“I’m stuffed!”  He said while rubbing his tummy.
“Did you enjoy today?”
“Every bit of it,” he smiled.  “But we have some unfinished business.”  He smirked, let her up and you knew they were heading back home…if only she was able to watch the dishes so they wouldn’t stink up the apartment.

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Chapter 10: omg i luv this
toilet #2
Chapter 26: I loved it! I haven't been on recently and really need to update my stories. so no worries I'm really grateful for the cute date with dongwoo, you're the best ^^
toilet #3
Name of bias and group: Infinite - Jang Dongwoo
Simple description of bias: Um absolutely adorkable, sweet and clumsy.
Name preferred: I am toilet XD
A bit y?: Always, oh you mean the oneshot, fluff is awesome
Location: Everywhere, I actually can't pick a place sorry.
Drama?: No simple is good but you're the author I trust you to write something good, I mean I liked the other oneshots, (spends too much time reading) ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I luv it, I luv it, I luv it!!
Request: VIXX - N

Simple description of bias: N is a simple guy, he doesn't belong to any label. He isn't a kingka or a nerd but he's really popular, the heartthrob of almost 50% of the entire female population in school. Girls drool over him and guys wish they can be him . Well which guy wouldn't? He's got the looks, the brain, the nice personality, everything that is needed to be the kingka.

A little y?: No, no plz. Requester is innocent xD

Location: At school.

Do you want a bit of drama? Yes what's the problem: N is in love with his best friend Leo's sister Eunwoon but sees the school kingka confessing to her.
Chapter 4: request :-snsd tiffany?