Fly Taeyang

Collection of One-Shots!

you was saying goodbye to Taeyang at the airport.  He was leaving to Japan for work.
“Wait for me.”  He said hugging her.
“Always,” her voice cracked.  Her eyes were starting to get watery.
“I’ll be back in 3 days.  I’ll let you know.”
“Yes, I…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.  The lady in the intercom had announced his flight and that they were to take off in less than 30 minutes.
“I’m sorry.  I have to go now.”  He kissed her near the lip.  He had missed, being rushed and ran to the check point.
Three days later, you was waiting for him at the airport.  He had sent her a message saying that he would be there in the morning.  She was there ready to see him and with a bag of food for him knowing he would be hungry.  She finally spotted him and ran towards him.  He welcomed her with open arms and both became embraced together, just like the ones in the movies.
“Welcome back,” she almost cried.
“Did you miss me?” he squeezed her.
“Of course I did.  You must be tired and hungry.”  She showed him the food she had made for him.  He smiled and nodded.
“Lets go sit somewhere here and enjoy the delicious food.”
“Don’t you want to go somewhere else, not the airport?” she asked.
“Nope, I’m hungry right now.” He smiled and found a table.  “We’re missing drinks.”  He got up and went to buy some.  you looked where he went, amazed how good he looked despite the fact that he just got out of the airplane.
“I would look like a total wreck,” she muttered.  He then saw him talking and smiling with a girl at the counter.  She was really pretty and started to feel insecure.  She knew she shouldn’t but she couldn’t help it.  He came back and sat down but you was looking down without saying a word.
“Are you okay?” he asked trying to catch her attention.  She looked up and put on a fake smile.  But he sensed something.  “What’s wrong?” he said seriously.
“Nothing, nothing.  I’m sorry I forgot about the juice.”  She waved it away trying to avoid the subject.  “So what are you going to do after this?”
“Hmmm…” he wasn’t convinced but went along with her intentions.  “Well what do you think of Paris?”  She looked surprised.
“But you just got here.  Don’t you want to rest and sleep?” she paused.  “You’re joking!”
“I have a few days free now that I got over some business duties done.  How about Italy then?”  She saw that he was about it and looked down at her hands. 
“If that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you.”  She finished.  She wasn’t happy that he was leaving again but then forced another smile.  If that’s what makes him happy then she should be happy for him.  He has been working hard and deserves it. 
“You do know you’re coming with me?”  She looks up and stares at him seeing any hint of fooling around but he was smiling warmly but serious at the same time. 
“You’re kidding right?  I got nothing ready in order to go with you.”
“I’ve got things under control.  I called your friend and had things arranged.  She knows you the best so she figured what you needed and stuffs.  So she’s packing your things at this very moment and sending them as soon as possible.  Our flight doesn’t go in like two hours so there’s time to kill around her.”  He puts all the trash in the bag and throws it away.  you  stayed seated chocked. 
“I…” she couldn’t speak.  Taeyang grabbed her hand and leaded her to the stores.
“So before we take off, I’m sure you’re going to need some things you don’t have so let’s go find them.”  He winked at her.  For most of the part, Taeyang was taking the lead. 
It didn’t hit until they were in their seats in the airplane that you acknowledged that Taeyang was being serious after all. 
“We’re really going to Paris?” she whispered.
“Yes, and Italy,” he added.  He grabbed her hand and finally you relaxed after recovering her shock stage.

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Chapter 10: omg i luv this
toilet #2
Chapter 26: I loved it! I haven't been on recently and really need to update my stories. so no worries I'm really grateful for the cute date with dongwoo, you're the best ^^
toilet #3
Name of bias and group: Infinite - Jang Dongwoo
Simple description of bias: Um absolutely adorkable, sweet and clumsy.
Name preferred: I am toilet XD
A bit y?: Always, oh you mean the oneshot, fluff is awesome
Location: Everywhere, I actually can't pick a place sorry.
Drama?: No simple is good but you're the author I trust you to write something good, I mean I liked the other oneshots, (spends too much time reading) ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I luv it, I luv it, I luv it!!
Request: VIXX - N

Simple description of bias: N is a simple guy, he doesn't belong to any label. He isn't a kingka or a nerd but he's really popular, the heartthrob of almost 50% of the entire female population in school. Girls drool over him and guys wish they can be him . Well which guy wouldn't? He's got the looks, the brain, the nice personality, everything that is needed to be the kingka.

A little y?: No, no plz. Requester is innocent xD

Location: At school.

Do you want a bit of drama? Yes what's the problem: N is in love with his best friend Leo's sister Eunwoon but sees the school kingka confessing to her.
Chapter 4: request :-snsd tiffany?