3rd Main girl!!!


Meet's KISS's Leader~

Joo Hyun Jin~!!!

Birthdate:June 16,1989

Persona:Ice princess

Ethnicity: Fully Korean

Stage Name:jin or jinyo

Personal Fan Group:Jinions





4.)playing the electric guitar

5.)Doing Back flips

Talented in:



3.)playing the electric guitar

4.)writing poems

5.)choreographing dance moves


Hyun Jin is a TOTAL tomboy. Doesn't exactly show it but cares for her friends....ALOT(meaning her friends are her world.). Seems very cold,quiet,and reserved but is actualy really nice if she opens up to you. Hasn't smiled or laugh in 13 years. Not very trusting to people(especially to guys). If you made her smile now your probably very important to her. 90's music genius(K-pop and American music). Very athletic. Hyun Jin is the type that will break your arm if you mess with her. Is not a moring person at all. Gets grumpy if she doesn't get enough of sleep. I don't like people seeing me weak(like if i was crying i would run away so no one would see me.). She doesn't care about what people think about her. If she's mad at you she will put on the scariest glare you have ever seen everytime you walk in the same room as her. Is really good at lying but never lies(only lies when needed). Always has a emotionless face so its hard to find out what she's thinking. If she wants to she can put on the cutest aegyo. She's always the person in the room that distances herself from others by sitting in the back corner. Can do any famous boy group dance(Like Sorry Sorry, Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer.). Almost never falls for aegyos(There was one time when Sungmin of SuJu did an aegyo, she giggled like crazy!). Has actually got drunk once, well accidently. She acts very unlike her when she is drunk. Like she keeps saying secrets, I Love You, and stuff like that. Has a tendency to say "What do you want!?!?" if someone says her name, sometimes people think it's funny. Lots of girls respect her because she refuses to dance proacativilly, she believes attraction is not a talent. Has a weakness towards pudding. Feels very awkward around kids.


Wrote the song "Again Again" by 2pm(i know i didn't actually wrote it), likes the color blue,Catch phrase is "Do you wanna die?". Created the "Abracadabra" dance. Can wiggle her ears.
Color: Navy Blue
Movie: Finding Nemo and Sprited Away
Genre of Music: R&B and Soul
Genre of Book: Action, fantasy, and romance.
Book: Maximum Ride Series
Animal: Wolf
Number: 125
Element: Earth
Song: 'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houston.
Quote: "To have a friend, you need to be one." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Singer: Whitney Houston

Scandals: I was a background dancer for 2NE1 and a other background dancer touched my on purpose so I punched him......I never did danced for 2NE1 again......


•all canines(wolves, dogs, foxes, ect)
•Family Guy(the TV show)
•listening to music


•Father(he abused her)
• pink
• Girly stuff
•when people call her Jinnie.
•being tricked
• Being woken up


1.)Drinks a lot of water

2.) Meditates when really tired but can't go to sleep

3.)Always thinks before talking.

4.)Glares a lot

5.)Cracks knuckles sometimes

6.) Eye twitches when I'm really cold

7.)Plays with hair.

Family Background:

She had a great life to her birth and to her 5th birthday. But a couple days after her B-day her Mom died. After that Hyun Jin always blamed herself for her mom's death. Also soon after her mother's death her father started to abuse her(not ually). At school ever since her mom's death she was a loner, never having 1 friend. She also had a sister(Yuna. She was 5 when she died) who died of cancer. That pretty much crushed her. So ya she didn't have that many good moments in life.


CONGRATS HITOMI!~ xD Sorry For those who deosn't get in! very amm!~ xD&& Sorry for not Updating so much!!>:( But I got a Co-author!!~ xD LoveliCandiBabi You'll love her! Trust me! She's Awesome!!=D

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=DD<br />
@KimAriel-IKR?! THey ARe Soo Awesome!They are going to though xD<br />
IT's just...They Surrendered xD<br />
@SHINeeTae-Awess~ THank you! Your AWesome =DD<br />
I agree~ Blinded Love!!!<333<br />
<br />
no problem !<br />
i love this story !<br />
why can't hana and key see they are made for each other ? silly people xD
Black Queens = Awesome !<br />
Wah ~ ! Key and Hana both fainted ! xD<br />
I wanna know who'd win if the boys DID<br />
perform though ~ But it'd probably be KISS =P<br />
Update soon ^^
=DD THankss<33 I'll update tmr!<3 Promisee!~<br />
i accept your apology~!<br />
i love this storyy~!<br />
aahhh~ who's going to win the competition?<br />
who knows? oh wait... the author/co-author does~!^^<br />
update soon~!^-^
@Hitomi-Okayy~ THankss! =DD
@KimAriel-xD I LOVE HIM! xD Jkayss~ But Updateing right this momment~♥
Happy Birthday Dino Jongg !<br />
Love you in a Super Duper non creepy-sh<br />
weird way ! ^^<br />
Love the pics bytheway XD<br />
Update Soon ~
xD Yeah~ =D Been thinking all day...SO! Whatcha got =DDDD **Smiles Smiles Smiles~♥<br />
xD <br />
@KimAriel-Is she Being to weird? =D I think Key and You would be cute! xD<br />
@Hitomi-THankss!!~ =D<br />