




Birthdate: December 26,1993 


Position: Maknae/Main Dancer/sub Vocals 

Persona:THe Cute Kid

Stage Name:Miss M

Personal Fan Group:: M&M 

Ethnicity:Fully Korean


-Making Jewlery
-Sketching people she finds interesting.
-Scrap booking
-Playing video games
-Playing pranks and scaring people but in a playful way
-Poi (a type of dance that contains fire)

ex. http://ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcUXzRKWg9w&feature=related

Talented in: 

English, Korean, Japanese, French and Mandarin.

She is also fluent in sign language, because her baby sister was born deaf.

She also can play guitar, bass guitar, violin, cello, piano, and drums (her father was a music lover).

She can ballroom dance and belly dance.


She puts the Ubbly in Bubbly. She loves to make people laugh and she always comes up with a new joke each day. She has a minor obsession with teddy bears and anything that is fluffy. When she is excited she grows a potty mouth and every other word out tends to be a curse word, unless she focuses really hard on keeping her language clean.
She always has either chocolate or a er in . Because of the candy she always seems to be on a sugar high. When she gets sleepy she gets extraordinarily hyperactive because like a toddler she hates going to sleep, and when she does go to sleep it's rarely in her bed, because she sleeps wherever she passes out. She is very outgoing and always speaks her mind, sometimes she says whats she thinking on accident, because she can't control . She is a very good listener and always does what she can to help those in need. Some say her generosity is her only flaw, because she can forgive very easily. She also is willing to give everyone the benefit of a doubt.
She is a strategist and always comes out with the best solution for her problems. When it comes to conflicts she tries not to let things get as far as turning physical but somehow they always do. Luckily for her she always wins the fights because her father placed her in martial arts at age three where she continued to rise in dans (the levels it's measured by) until she reached the age of 15. And though she is a skilled fighter she really doesn't like violence but isn't afraid to bring out a can kickass if she needs to.
When there is something bothering her she can't focus on the things around her and tends to zone out. She sometimes throws childish temper tantrums when things don't go her way.
Whenever she's meeting someone for the first time she hugs them, because she believes that a hug starts off a friendship much better than a handshake. If someone doesn't like the hug she quickly gives them their space and finds another way into their heart.
She will display a smile even when she feels like crying because she hates bringing down someone elses mood, so she tries to suffer in silence. She is very gullible and believes things easily. She lacks common sense but makes up for it with book sense (she's very smart in school but doesn't think things through before doing them in the real world).
She isn't very observant so she doesn't look where she is going often and she tends to run into: people, walls, trees, cars, anything that is in her path, etc. She talks so much that she even talks in her sleep unknowingly and will tell her truthful answer to whatever questions people ask her in her sleep.
She likes to ask people random questions like: “Are you threatening me?” after a person says something like “Do you know where the bathroom is?”. Afterward she'll apologize and direct them to the bathroom. She is very random and always tries to make each day better than the last.

-She broke her leg in two places when she was 12 while playing soccer.
-She has a tattoo covering most of her back of the lyrics to this song (Don't listen to a word you've heard): http://www.lyricstime.com/justin-nozuka-don-t-listen-to-a-word-you-ve-heard-lyrics.html
-She has her belly button peirced.
-She won the Miss Hawaiian Tropic Beauty Pageant when she was 15.
-Her favorite colors are: Red, White and Black.
-Her right is bigger than the left but its not really noticeable.
-She's a B cup but wears padded bra's.
-She is 5''1 and weighs 90 pounds.
-She' afraid of heights.
-She has a small heart tattoo on her left hip that she got on a dare.
-She can never turn down a dare.
-Her favorite animal is a tie between Zebra's and Penguins.
-The first thing she notices on a guy is his then his mouth, then eyes.
-She's allergic to mango's and grass.
-She is beyond clumsy at times but is ultra competitive.
-She has a barcode tattooed on the bottom of her foot.
-Blood type: O
-Favorite color: Red, Black & White
-She loves scary movies, the scarier the better.
-She hates milk but loves chocolate soy milk.
-Sweets are the key to her heart.
-The reason she was placed in karate was because her parents wanted her to be able to protect herself.
-She's afraid of hospitals, because she thinks about how many people have died in them.
-She sleep talks and sleep walks.
-She is afraid of the dark.
-She is afraid of clowns.
-She doesn't like it when birds fly over her head, they scare her as well.
-She is 5 years old at heart and does childish things like playing in the rain and splashing in puddles, and rolling down hills, even though she's aware that she is allergic to grass.
-She has an obsession with lady bugs, and most of her things have a lady bug on them. When she signs autographs she draws a ladybug beside her signature.
Family members: 
Her parents had her and her twin brother (Makai) in Maui Hawaii, where they lived until they were 7. Then when they were 10, their parents gave birth to her little sister (Emelina) who was born deaf after she was born premature from a car accident that they were all in.
IKR!!!! Her Application Makes Mines Looks Gay! xD CONGRATTSS TO LoveliCandiBabi!YOUR IN MY STORY!! HOW YOU FEEL???C:
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=DD<br />
@KimAriel-IKR?! THey ARe Soo Awesome!They are going to though xD<br />
IT's just...They Surrendered xD<br />
@SHINeeTae-Awess~ THank you! Your AWesome =DD<br />
I agree~ Blinded Love!!!<333<br />
<br />
no problem !<br />
i love this story !<br />
why can't hana and key see they are made for each other ? silly people xD
Black Queens = Awesome !<br />
Wah ~ ! Key and Hana both fainted ! xD<br />
I wanna know who'd win if the boys DID<br />
perform though ~ But it'd probably be KISS =P<br />
Update soon ^^
=DD THankss<33 I'll update tmr!<3 Promisee!~<br />
i accept your apology~!<br />
i love this storyy~!<br />
aahhh~ who's going to win the competition?<br />
who knows? oh wait... the author/co-author does~!^^<br />
update soon~!^-^
@Hitomi-Okayy~ THankss! =DD
@KimAriel-xD I LOVE HIM! xD Jkayss~ But Updateing right this momment~♥
Happy Birthday Dino Jongg !<br />
Love you in a Super Duper non creepy-sh<br />
weird way ! ^^<br />
Love the pics bytheway XD<br />
Update Soon ~
xD Yeah~ =D Been thinking all day...SO! Whatcha got =DDDD **Smiles Smiles Smiles~♥<br />
xD <br />
@KimAriel-Is she Being to weird? =D I think Key and You would be cute! xD<br />
@Hitomi-THankss!!~ =D<br />