Challenge #2


~Nobody's POV~

After The MV Shooting the members of KISS Stayed behind to Clean the set.

It was already 11:30 pm && The were nearly finished...

"You guyss can leave now~ We Can Finish upp~"One of the workers said

"No it's okayy~ We're almost finished!"the Memebers yelled

"Goshh~ Gotta admire their hard work~"One of the workers said to KISS's Manager

"Now you know why they're in the band right?"Kiss's Manager said then walked over to the members of KISS who were resting to

say "Okayy~ Don't stay up too late~! Tmr we will be recording our Solo songss~! So if you guys are to tired to do that,we will have concequencess~"

"Dnehhh~"They replied

"Okay well~! I will be leaving ~ I left you guys a car so Hyun jin or someone can send you to the dorm!"

"Okayy~!"They yelled again...

Once the Manager walked out the door Mi cha yelled...

"OMG! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! WE CAN STAY UP!! but not too late!=DD"

"Oh heyyy`! You guys are still here! No woner why There WAs So much noise!!"Someone yelled

The Members of KISS Turned to the Door to find SHinee Standing over there....

"Ohh....It's you guyss..."Hyun jin whispered

"What cha still doing here?"Onew asked

"What does it look like??"Joon Hee replied

"Getting dirty..."Jonghyn replied


"DON'T YELL AT HIM!"Key yelled

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"Hana yelled back

"I CAN DO WHAT I WANNA!~"Key yelled

Then those 2 bickered off somewhere.

"Such a lovely relationship..."Joon Hee whrispered to herself

"Ikr??"Jonghyun Said as He smiled his Beautiful Smile....

Causing Joon Hee To Blush like a tomato....

"I-ima...Go over there..."She said as she pointed to the Other side of the one,nodded,then quickly walked over there with her head down.....

"Hiii~!!"Taemin smiled Happily at Mi cha who was on a lollipop.

"Heyy~"She replied

"Soo...."Taemin said as he rocked back && fourth...

"You want one??"She asked

"Of What??"He asked

"Lollipop~"She replied while she took out a few of these small packets:

"Sure..."He said

"Here you goo~"She said as she handed it to him.

"Thank you~" He said happily,opened the packet,then started it...

Then they both started talking about random thingss....

"Heyy!~ You want some??"Onew asked Hyun jin who was listening to music while sitting on a chair....

"Hmm??"She asked then turned around && Saw a small cup of puddle...She looked worried && looked upp...

"What did you put in it??"she asked

"Nothing~ They just said you liked pudding so here..."He replied...

She looked at the pudding then back at him...

"Fine~! You don't want it?? Imma eat it~!"He said

"Noo! Gimme!"She said then grabbed the pudding cup && started eating....

While he stared at her in awe...

Jae hwa was reading a book by herself on the floor...

"HEY!~ THat's my Favorite book!"Minho yelled as he pointed to it...

"Mines too!~"JAe hwa said as she looked up then back down slowly...

"What part are you on??"Minho asked as he sat right beside her...

Making her scoot over a bit....

"I-i Just started chapter 6...."She said

"really? Me Too~! Mind if I join?"He asked as he pulled out the exact book...

"no...problemm"she replied...then they both went off to there storyland...

'I'm soo tired~! 'Joon Hee thought as she stacked boxes...

She started to sing the chorus to B1A4's Only one(BTW SEZAYY ASSHH GROUP<33)

I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you'll fly high in your life
I sesangeun jageun nuneuro
Tto geudael boryeogo hajiman
Boran deushi dangdanghage
Malhal su isseo
You're the only one '

"Heyy~"Someone whispered into her ear causing her to jumped dropping the boxes && to fall on her ...

"YAH!~ ARE YOU STUPID?!"She yelled

"Ohh~! Sorry!=D My bad! Lemme help you up~!"Jonghyun said as he grabbed her hands && Pulled her up..

"*Whimperss*" She said while pouting...

"Ahh~ hahaha! I'll help dun worry!"He replied

"Dummy~ You have to do it yourself!=P"She said then sat down next to the wall...

"Wait...What??"He asked

"Yeahh~! You heard me! Unless Your too weak?"She asked

"PFft yea right!"He said

After 5 minutess He was already panting hard on the ground...

"WEAK!!!~"She yelled as she got up && finished stacking the boxes...

"I'm not weak!>:O"Jonghyun said as he struggled to stand up...

"Pfft...Yeahhh~!Just Short....&& weakk..."Joon Hee said as she rolled her eyes....

"Oh really? Want me to show you??"Jonghyun said as he walked closer to Joon Hee~!

"Fine!=P"She said as she Folded her ams...

"Alrite~ Don't regret~!"He said

"Why would I Re-"Before Joon Hee Could finish Jonghyun had lifted her in the air...

"Y-YAHHHH~~!!! LET GOOOOOO~!"Joon Hee yelled

"Nopee~"Jonghyun sanged

"Y-YAHH~! WANNA DIE! I Mean....Please???"Joon Hee replied

"Fine cause you said Please~"Jonghyun said as he placed her back on her feet...

"Hii! xyy floor I missed you!!"Joon Hee said as She started Patting the floor...

Making Jonghyun Laugh && her to Blush....

"UNNI!!~""JONGHYUN!!~" Key && Hana came in the room screaming...

"What??"They both replied

"HE!""SHE!"THey both chorused

"STOP COPYING ME!"They yelled

"SHUTTTUPP~! NO YOUUU~~~ MEHRONGG!!~ UGHH"They yelled until Jonghyun && Joon Hee screamed sooooooooOOOOOooOOOoooOOOOo~~ Loud THat People out of space could hear...=P PFFT Jkayss just loudd!

Causing the other 2 to cover their ears....

"So what's wrong?"Joon Hee asked

"SHE!""HE!"they yelled

"STOP!~ You go first~"Jonghyun said as he pointed to Hana && winked...

Causong her to blush && Joon Hee to pout....

"Don't Flirt With her~!"Joon Hee Said then Punched him lightly on the arm...

"Why?? Jealouss~"He sanged....

"Pfft!~ Oh pleasee! Don't you wish =P"Joon Hee replied

"Anywayysss~ He Said that Shinee can Beat KISS! But It's Not true! So I Slapped Him on the head! && He Slapped me back!

&& I fell!! So I Pulled him down! Then He Tackled Me!So I punched him! && Then He Kicked me!~ && It hurted...SO I Want him to apologize~"Hana said


"YOUR LIFE DO DEPEND ON IT!!~"Hana yelled as she started Hitting Key...

"Ow!~ OW!~ MY HAIR!! STOP DUDE!!!MY HAIRRRRRRR~!!!!"Key screamed

"S-STOP!!"Joon Hee said as She grabbed Hana && Jonghyun grabbed key...

"YO LUCKI HE HOLDIN ME BACK!!!~ GIRL YO FACE WOULDN'T BEEN MESSED!"Key yelled as he fixed his hair && rolled his eyes...

"Oh gosh..."All the other three mumbled

"What was that??"Key asked

"WE SAIDD~"Hana said but before she could finish Joon Hee Covered && Said


"What's going on??"The Other Members Said as they walked in the room...


"Soooo.....What happened?"Onew asked

"Key said That Shinee Was Better than KISS && they started fighting~"Jonghyun replied

"Okay...Well! Let's Prove it!=D"Mi Cha said

"Prove they are better?"Hyun jin Asked

"No Prove whose better~ Us or Shinee!=D"She replied

"YEAH!~ LEt's Do that!!=D"Jae hwa said

"Okay....How??!!"Onew asked

"Let's do GRoup performances~"Joon Hee said

"Then Single Performances~"Mi cha said

"THen we could split up unto Couples && then we have to seduce the other person =DDD"Jonghyun said

"WHAT?!"THey yelled at him...

"No Seriously!=D It'll be fun!!"Jonghyun said

"Noo!"They yelled

"Please TAeminn~"Jonghyun said

"Why are you going to the youngest?"Onew asked

"Because His Cuteness Can convince alll of you guyss~=DD"Jonghyun said

"Ohhhh~ Smart!"Minho said

"CUTENESS?! I'M NOT CUTE~"Taemin said

"I mean Manliness~"Jonghyun sanged

"Fine! PLEASEEEEEE~~"Taemin said as he pouted...

"Okayy~"Mi Cha Said as She stood Next to Taemin & Jonghyun...

"Our Lil Maknae...=("Minho said then walked over there...

"I-i Guess I'll Do it as well`"Jae hwa said as she stood next to minho...

"Fine!~"Onew said as he walked over to the other side...

"I'm up for competition..."Hyun jin said then walked over to the other side...

"COME ON UNNI~"Mi Cha yelled

"U-uhh~ I'm good!~ Seducing peoples Not for me=D"She replied

"Pleasee~~"Everyone said as they gave an aegyo instead on Hyun jin...

"errr...Sure...??"Joon Hee said as she walked to the other side...

"COOL! LEt'S GET STARTED!!!~~"Onew yelled

"Get started with what?"Hana && Key asked

"The competition thing!=DD"Mi Cha yelled As She got on stage

"WHAT?! why You guys get to go first?!"Key asked

"Cause were Girls!"Hana said



"What did you call him??"Jonghyun asked

"Huh?"Hana asked

"You just called me pretty!=D"Key said as the room filled with 'ooohhhhss~' && 'aahhhhss~'

"WHAT!~ NO I DIDN'T!"Hana yelled

"Yes you did!"Key said with his arms folded && a Smirk Wide across his face..


"BE my Guest~"Key said as He smiled

"UGHH~"She said as she stomped her way on stagee to discuss what they were going to do...


SORRYY MY AYY READERSS<333 Please Except My Apologyy~!♥

I'm not gonna liee!!xD I don't have any excuse about school or anything!=DD

It's just my Performance is coming up!&& I dedicated most of my time to practice!~

This performace is soooooooooo improtant to me Since last year we just messed up hard!xD

ANYWAYZZ~~ My Awesome Co-Author! She Broke her arm =( But she can still help me~!

Just Give Her Your regardss<333


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=DD<br />
@KimAriel-IKR?! THey ARe Soo Awesome!They are going to though xD<br />
IT's just...They Surrendered xD<br />
@SHINeeTae-Awess~ THank you! Your AWesome =DD<br />
I agree~ Blinded Love!!!<333<br />
<br />
no problem !<br />
i love this story !<br />
why can't hana and key see they are made for each other ? silly people xD
Black Queens = Awesome !<br />
Wah ~ ! Key and Hana both fainted ! xD<br />
I wanna know who'd win if the boys DID<br />
perform though ~ But it'd probably be KISS =P<br />
Update soon ^^
=DD THankss<33 I'll update tmr!<3 Promisee!~<br />
i accept your apology~!<br />
i love this storyy~!<br />
aahhh~ who's going to win the competition?<br />
who knows? oh wait... the author/co-author does~!^^<br />
update soon~!^-^
@Hitomi-Okayy~ THankss! =DD
@KimAriel-xD I LOVE HIM! xD Jkayss~ But Updateing right this momment~♥
Happy Birthday Dino Jongg !<br />
Love you in a Super Duper non creepy-sh<br />
weird way ! ^^<br />
Love the pics bytheway XD<br />
Update Soon ~
xD Yeah~ =D Been thinking all day...SO! Whatcha got =DDDD **Smiles Smiles Smiles~♥<br />
xD <br />
@KimAriel-Is she Being to weird? =D I think Key and You would be cute! xD<br />
@Hitomi-THankss!!~ =D<br />