Chapter 4:Challenge??



~Nobody's POV~

After Everyone got their make up and hair done they drove off to where the MV was going to be Shoot...

(Trust me it's bigger than it seems!)

"WOAH~! IT'S SO BIGG!!~"Mi Cha yelled

"ECHO ECHO ECHO~~"Hani yelled

"Quiet down!"Manager-nim said.

"Araso!~"THey both chrorused.

"Ohkay So There's going to be Various Cameras.. "Manager-nim said when inturuepted by HAni

"Of course we're filming duhr~"

"You didn't Let me finish!!! Aish~ From Various TV shows! And You will be interveiwed by Arirang TV.Oh yea And Watch out for Those noisy Reporters and Fans!"Manager Finished.

"WHAT?! FANS?? SINCE WHEN??!~"Mi Cha yelled

"How Much??How Much??"Hani yelled afterwards.

"We have alot though right??"Joon Hee asked.

"Oh gosh!~ Dun you guys ever surf the web?? There's so much people Cheering us on already!"Jae hwa said.

"KYAHHHH~!!! KISSS~~~~~♥ I LOVE YOU GUYSS~~~!!!!"Shouted a few boys && girls.

"Speaking of the devil..."Hyun jin said.

"Ohkay everyone inside!~ Now!"Manager-nim said as she pushed them into the building.

While the members of Kiss Bowed and waved shyly...Well Not Mi cha,Hani,Or Hyun jin...

Hyun jin Ignore their Presence....Mi Cha was just Waving was Hani.

"Huuuuwahhhh~! SO MUCH PEOPLE!!!!"Mi cha yelled once inside.

"Shhh!!! THere's People staring!"Jae hwa said.

"Let's just start so I can eat!"Hani whined.

"Okay Ms.Kim here will Transfer you to your dressing room.While we get the set ready for you all!"Manager-nim said as he left you all with Ms.Kim......

"Hii!Ms.Kim!!~"Mi Cha said as she hugged her.

"Ah hah!~ A-Annyeoung!"She said.

"GEt off her!~"Jae hwa and Hani said as they pulled Mi Cha off The lady.

"Mianhe~ She a hugger"Joon Hee said.

"Dun worry about it...Well let's get to your dressing room! =D If we get there early you may be able to meet your sunbae's..."She said.

"Sunbaes??"Mi cha and Hani Questioned.

"Oh~! We're here~~"Ms.Kim Said as she opened the door.

"Omo~ Shinee~♥"She said as she Batted her Eyes likk crazy....

"Oh gosh..She already look old enough..."Mi Cha whrispered Loud enough So Ms.Kim to hear,Causing Both The Members of Shinee and Kiss to snicker and to earn a glare from ms.Kim...

"Bwohae??I thought she was already old...??Right???"Hani Questioned...

Everyone went Quiet....

"Ahahah~"Joon Hee said to make everything less Akward...But Failed..

"Ahem!~ Well Have a NICE DAy!Anyeoung shinee~♥"She said in 2 different tones...

(&& I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about Lmbo!)

Once she left the Dressing room Filled in Laughter from both groups.

"YAH~! MI CHA!~ YOU SO MEAN!!"Jae Hwa Laughed.

"Well Look At Hani~Also! You see how Ugly People are when they try getting people's Attention?? Ugh!~"Mi Cha protested...

"What did I do?? She is old right?? She looks 100000000 years old! >:("Hani said.

"Aigoo~ Laugh of the day~ =D"Joon Hee said.

"Hello, everyone. We're the shining SHINee"Shinee said.

Which caused the girls to jump a bit....

"omo~ THey're still here..Embarrasing~"Jae hwa said...

"Aha...Anyeounghaesayo Chonun Joon Hee inmida~ P-Park Joon Hee-inmida"Joon Hee said When Mi Cha jumped at the five ,Hugged,and yelled

"Anyeoungiiee~ Irinun Mi Cha-mida~~"

"xD Mianhe She's a hugger~"Jae hwa and Hani said.

"TheY'ER sooo Fluffly~~~I'M GONNA DIEE~~~♥"Mi Cha yelled

"Aha~ I'm Hani and she's Jae hwa~"Hani said


"Uhss....Then who's she?"Onew said as he pointed towards Hyun jin...

"Ah She's Hyun jin!!THe Leader the Amma~ Of KISS!"Mi Cha yelled...

"Ahh...Is that soo?"Minho asked.

"Mi Cha you want Puddie??"Joon Hee asked as she waved the cup of pudding over Mi cha's face.

Right when she was going to say/YEH~~♥/

Someone's eyes glistened at the back out the break room...then...ZOOOMMM~!!!!

Within seconds the pudding was ou of Joon Hee's hand and in Hyun jin...Which caused everyone to laugh but....

Shinee && Hyun jin...

"What's so funny?"Shinee asked.

"HYun jin's Weak spot is Pudding~"THe girls chorused..

"Ah~ Likk Onew and his chicken!"Key said

"CHICKEN??!!!!!~ *^* WHERE~!!!!!!!!!!!!"Onew yelled.

"Our point~=D"Taemin said happily!

"So you guys are that new girl band right??"Jonghyun said

"Dneh~"They all said...

"Would you guys likk to show us what you got???"Key said while smirking...

"What?? Is that a Challenge??"Mi cha said.

"Maybe Maybe not~"Jonghyun said.

"=PP Mehlelele~ BRing it!"Hani said.

"Yah! We can't!They have more experience~"Jae hwa said...

"xD What and that scares you?"Joon HEe said.

"Kinda!"Jae hwa said.

"Alrite!Let's go~"Much to surprize it was Hyun jin!

"Ohkay thenn~ *Smirks* Who's first??"Key said.

~~~End Of POV~~~


Ahahahahahahaha................ LMBO! YAY!~ I Only put shinee here because.....THey need a part sooner or later right?? xD

Ohhh~ I didn't put alot of Minho in here!!!>.< MIANHEEE!!!!!!

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=DD<br />
@KimAriel-IKR?! THey ARe Soo Awesome!They are going to though xD<br />
IT's just...They Surrendered xD<br />
@SHINeeTae-Awess~ THank you! Your AWesome =DD<br />
I agree~ Blinded Love!!!<333<br />
<br />
no problem !<br />
i love this story !<br />
why can't hana and key see they are made for each other ? silly people xD
Black Queens = Awesome !<br />
Wah ~ ! Key and Hana both fainted ! xD<br />
I wanna know who'd win if the boys DID<br />
perform though ~ But it'd probably be KISS =P<br />
Update soon ^^
=DD THankss<33 I'll update tmr!<3 Promisee!~<br />
i accept your apology~!<br />
i love this storyy~!<br />
aahhh~ who's going to win the competition?<br />
who knows? oh wait... the author/co-author does~!^^<br />
update soon~!^-^
@Hitomi-Okayy~ THankss! =DD
@KimAriel-xD I LOVE HIM! xD Jkayss~ But Updateing right this momment~♥
Happy Birthday Dino Jongg !<br />
Love you in a Super Duper non creepy-sh<br />
weird way ! ^^<br />
Love the pics bytheway XD<br />
Update Soon ~
xD Yeah~ =D Been thinking all day...SO! Whatcha got =DDDD **Smiles Smiles Smiles~♥<br />
xD <br />
@KimAriel-Is she Being to weird? =D I think Key and You would be cute! xD<br />
@Hitomi-THankss!!~ =D<br />