Chapter 2: Waking up


~Nobody's POV~

/Joon Hee's && Mi Cha's Room/

"Unni Unni! WAKE UP!~"Mi cha yelled.

"I'm up I'm up! What is it? Who died?!"Joon Hee yelled as she shot out of bed

"Ugh...What time is it?"Joon Hee asked the younger girl

"6 am~! Hurry we have to go record!"Mi cha said.

"6AM?!!!!What?! Aish Our schedule don't start till 3pm!!"Joon Hee said.

"Hurry up unni!"Mi cha said as she ran to the bathroom...

~~~End of POV~~~

~Joon Hee's POV~

'I'!!!! T^T 6AM?! FOREALSS?!'I thought after I washed up &&

Started Making some Namul,Japchae,&& Soondubuchigae For Breakfast.

Afterwards I Made Some Kimbab for the rode.

'Gosh...It's so Quiet....=(' I thought.

"UNNI~!!!!"Mi cha yelled.

Then again....

"eww...namul"Mi cha said.

"Just eat it it's good for you! Imma go wake everyone up! =D"I said as I walked into Hani's && Jaehwa's Room.

/Jaehwa's && Hani's Room/

"WAkey Wakey~"I sanged.AS I Shaked Hani then Jaehwa.

"Hmm...What time is it??"Hani asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"6:30AM"I said

"What?! Why so early??"Jaehwa asked.

"Molla~ Mi cha woke me up!"I said.

"Get up! Breakfast is ready!"I said shortly afterwards.

THey didn't even budge....

"Sooo~ Who wants to wake up Hyun jin??"I asked.

"You can do it!=D"They said as they ran to the bathroom.

'Mehrongg~' Gosh too funny!

So now on to Hyun jin~

'knock knock....'

"Hello?Hyun jin??"I whispered.

She started to move.. =O

Maybe I should just leave her Alone...I mean

She might have not gotten her sleep....


Before I was able to get out of her room....I heard her say.

"Joon Hee??"

"Y-yeh??"I stuttered...

"What time is it?"she asked me...

"Umm about 7 or 8....AM"I replied.

"Oh okay...."She said....


~End Of POV~

~Nobody's POV~

After everyone washed up they all settled down and began eating....

"Soo uhs....WE have alot of time before our schedule starts....What do you guys want to do??"Mi cha asked.

"Let's just stay home and get ready..."Jae hwa said.

"Let's go to the park..."Hyun jin said.

"Yeh!LEt's GO To the Park!"Mi cha said excitedly

"Andwe! LEt's go SHOPPING~~♥"Hani said

"How about we just do both??"Jae hwa said.

"ARaso`!!! LEt's go Get dress so we can be back her before our schedule starts!=D"Joon Hee said.

All the girls got dressed in less than 10 minutes then they were off to the mall~=D

~~~End of POV~~~

/HYun Jin's Outfit/

(She has her regular short hairstyle)

/Hani's Outfit/

(Her hair being down)

/Jae hwa's Outfit/

(Hair being braided)

/Mi Cha's Outfit/

(HEr hair being curled)

/Joon Hee's Outfit/

(HEr hair being in a bun)




Here you goo!!~ xD It took a while cuzz I reloaded the page && had to restart!!T^T

Hope you enjoyed!!~ I just realized THis is a short chapter!=O

But can't do nothing until you guys vote...So yea Vote! xD

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=DD<br />
@KimAriel-IKR?! THey ARe Soo Awesome!They are going to though xD<br />
IT's just...They Surrendered xD<br />
@SHINeeTae-Awess~ THank you! Your AWesome =DD<br />
I agree~ Blinded Love!!!<333<br />
<br />
no problem !<br />
i love this story !<br />
why can't hana and key see they are made for each other ? silly people xD
Black Queens = Awesome !<br />
Wah ~ ! Key and Hana both fainted ! xD<br />
I wanna know who'd win if the boys DID<br />
perform though ~ But it'd probably be KISS =P<br />
Update soon ^^
=DD THankss<33 I'll update tmr!<3 Promisee!~<br />
i accept your apology~!<br />
i love this storyy~!<br />
aahhh~ who's going to win the competition?<br />
who knows? oh wait... the author/co-author does~!^^<br />
update soon~!^-^
@Hitomi-Okayy~ THankss! =DD
@KimAriel-xD I LOVE HIM! xD Jkayss~ But Updateing right this momment~♥
Happy Birthday Dino Jongg !<br />
Love you in a Super Duper non creepy-sh<br />
weird way ! ^^<br />
Love the pics bytheway XD<br />
Update Soon ~
xD Yeah~ =D Been thinking all day...SO! Whatcha got =DDDD **Smiles Smiles Smiles~♥<br />
xD <br />
@KimAriel-Is she Being to weird? =D I think Key and You would be cute! xD<br />
@Hitomi-THankss!!~ =D<br />