Mir - When You Meet at a Fanmeet

MBLAQ Scenarios

requested by anon

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Groaning, you fumble for your phone, blinking blearily as you rub your eyes, trying to clear your vision.

Why am I up so early? you wonder, staring at the time. It's six in the morning, much earlier than you usually would have gotten up on a weekend.

It's not until you're brushing your teeth and spitting out the toothpaste foam when it finally hits you.

Today is MBLAQ's fansigning.

How could you possibly have forgotten that?

Today, you would finally meet your favorite group, and your favorite person, Mir. You'd been a fan ever since you'd seen Joon in Ninja Assassin, and you finally had the chance to see them in person.

Frantically, you apply some light makeup and pull on a cute outfit (you couldn't possibly meet MBLAQ dressed like a slob), rummage around on your drawers for your albums, grab your purse, and run out the door as fast as you can to catch the bus.


Luckily, you don't live too far away from the place the fanmeet is being held, but there was already a sizeable crowd, mostly teenaged girls, but you could see a good amount of women in their 20s and a handful of fanboys.

You get in line and sit down, glad that you decided to wear jeans today. It was going to be a while before MBLAQ actually arrived, but you just wanted to get their early to be close to the front of the line.

It's not until almost four hours later that you suddenly hear someone scream, and a van pulls up to the venue. You immediately jump to your feet, standing on your tiptoes to watch them as they wave to the crowd.

Around fifteen minutes later, once they finally get everything settled, they start letting the first round of people in. Even so, it's slow progress—after almost an hour, you're still not at the front of the line.

It's all worth it, though, when one of the staff members hands you a sticky note and tells you to write your name on it.

You pull a pen out of your bag and write your name, in nice neat print so that it's easily readable. As an afterthought, you decide to write a short message to Mir—just a quick little note of encouragement.

A staff member waves you through, and you walk up to Seungho, exchanging pleasantries as he signs your 100% Ver album. You do the same for the rest of the members, until your finally get to the end of the line with Mir.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" he greets, smiling brightly as he bows slightly. You respond in kind, handing him your album. He opens it up to his page and picks up his marker, glancing at your sticky not to see your name. Once he sees the message, he smiles and scribbles his signature on it, then closes the album and hands it back to you.

"Thank you for coming! Have a nice day and call me soon!"

"You're wel—WHAT?" you exclaim. Had you just heard him right?

"Yah, Mir, you can't do stuff like that!" Joon yells, throwing a marker at Mir's head. "Be a real man!"

"Joon," Seungho sighs, as though he's already used to this kind of stuff, "don't do that here. Save it for later."

"But Mir—"

"Save it."

Joon sighs, rolling his eyes. "Fine. But you," he says, directing his attention to you, "you better do what he says!"

You don't get a chance to respond, though, as a staff member is already ushering you out—you've spent too much time there already and you're backing up the line.

Once you're back outside, you open up your album, flicking quickly to Mir's page. Sure enough, underneath his autograph is a string of numbers, and a short message:

please call me ^^ or else the members will tease me forever and ever! you're very cute.

You smile to yourself, closing the album and stowing it away safely in your bag.

You'd definitely make sure to call him.

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abdb923 #1
omg I just read all of these and just <3
moonlover23 #2
Cute I love the squishy part ^_^
moonlover23 #3
Aww so cute but I will be so sad when they actually do enlist though
chenle #4
Message to My parents in the Mir scenario..

STOP USNG HER MONEY WORTHLESS ____ PARENTS! THIS IS ____ING BAD FOR HEALTH! YOU LITTLE ____S! ____ YOU! -Ehem well good Mir one! update soon Author-nim! I love your Scenarios! FIGHTING!
RamenLuver118 #5
Really Cute :)
Update soon !