My Pabo Seatmate


You entered the detention class. Its surprisingly quiet. You went to a random chair and threw your backpack on the desk. You sighed as you saw the teacher enter the room. You bowed at the teacher to show respect. He just looked at you sternly. You sat down on your chair when the teacher spoke to you. "Where is Baekhyun? Isn't he supposed to be here?". You looked around, but there is no sign of him... "I think he is just late." The teacher just nodded at you while he picked the whiteboard marker and started writing the lessons to be discussed. You grabbed your notebook and started jotting down notes. In the middle of the 'awkward' discussion, Baekhyun barge in to the room... He bowed to the teacher and said in advanced, "Im sorry im late. I went to my locker to find my missing Physics book.". The teacher just simply nodded at him. You peeped at Baekhyun and he also started to jot down notes. You stared at him for a while and noticed that he's an idiot. You shook your head at this thought and went back to jot down notes. The teacher finished writing the whole discussion and started discussing. You took a glance of Baekhyun... still, that face with his signature smile disturbed you.

When you're about to tap his shoulders, a phone suddenly rang. The teacher eyed you, you knew that he was supecting that it was your phone that rang but its not yours. "That's not mine."... "Me neither!" Baekhyun raised his hand. "I think its yours teacher...You should go pick it up.". The teacher got his phone from his pockets. "Please excuse me. Its about family matters so you're early dismissed. But we will continue this tomorrow." Baekhyun smiled, up to his ears "Ne!~".

When the teacher left the classroom, you still didn't have the urge to talk to Beakhyun... "Let's go!" Baekhyun flashed you his signature smile as he grabbed all his things and hurriedly put it in his bag. You just blushed... That smile of his makes you blush. You dont know why... The two of you went out of the classroom. You just followed Baekhyun's direction.

Baekhyun spotted Chanyeol outside the room, leaning his back on to the wall. When Chanyeol saw Baekhyun, he smiled like a real derp. "Good work. Here's what i've promised", Baekhyun threw some money to Chanyeol which made him jump out of joy. "Now that the contract is fulfilled, you can now go home." He just saluted Baekhyun in a cool manner...

You witnessed the whole conversation and harshly stomp at Baekhyun's foot, causing him to groan in pain. "YAH! Why did you do that? You're supposed to thank me!". You shot death glares to him. "YAH, I know why did the teacher left. Its all your doing... Y-you didn't have to do this..." The last words you uttered made your face flushed. You stuttered while saying this... Baekhyun just stared at you blankly... "Why wont i? Its pretty boring if we have to attend that stupid detention class..."

Out of instinct, you yelled at him, while your face is still painted with red..."You dont have to do that! All i want is to be with you all day. That detention class is suppose to be my chance to be with you. Im afraid that you will hurry to do your practices with your members so that's why YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT... All i want is to be with you... but im also afraid that your fangirls ---"

You are cutted off by Baekhyun, "Im sorry... I didn't know you want to be with me. You should have said it earlier... Im sorry..." He explained to you everything, that explanation is more like of a confession... He continued speaking to you while his ears are as red as his cheeks. "Even though you didn't notice me, i always notice you. When we have a test and im suppose to pass to you the paper, im always bowing down to prevent you from noticing me. Im afraid that you will not like me. Im afraid that you didn't like clingy guys so i chose to be apart from you, apart from your world, even thought it hurts. But i cant stop it... Until one day, i mustered up my courage to talk to you. That faithful day when we 'first' met at the park. If i didn't move first, im afraid that i might lose you someday... To be honest, im afraid that day, but i have to do it. That KISS started it all... I really like you Ha Neul.!"...

Your face... Your WHOLE body heated up when you heard his words... his 'confession'. You tugged his shirt from behind and made a small peck at his reddish cheeks... "Its alright... I know, OPPA~". Baekhyun's eyes got widened after hearing you say the word "OPPA~". It sent shivers down his spine. He felt like his whole body will collapse anytime from your sweet words... It feels like his day, his life is already complete now that he have said everything...




















Here's the FAST update...

Im really B-O-R-E-D =__=


Hope you'll LIKE this guise. :">

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Yeancah #1
Chapter 6: Stupidly cute. But i love it
Yeancah #2
Chapter 6: Stupidly cute. But i love it
loved it!
make more!!! ehehe~
Kris_Paulene #4
Chapter 5: WOW!!! Whutda!! This is so COOL!!! CUTE!! Love it!
AWWW so cute!!!!
aimechan #6
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 update plssss~~~~~
doctorcharmbaek #8
eyyahhh! update!! NOW NOW NOW T.T
WHOA.... Wonder why he kissed her haha:) update soon