The Plan

You Are My Destiny
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“Sulli Choi! Stop sleeping!”
Sulli yawned in front of Soojung. “I’m just so tired of studying! Can we do something else?”
“Aniyo! Exams coming, we have to ace that.”
“Aish. You go study, I’ll head outside.”
“Yah!” Krystal just ended up following Sulli outside.
Sulli inhaled then exhaled. “Finally, some fresh air!”
“Come on, let’s go back inside to study.”
“No way! I don’t want to be a brainiac like you! And it’s the weekend!” *mehrong*
“At least I get high grades, and sometimes I ace the test.”
“You boastful person!” Sulli punched Soojung’s right shoulder. “Come on.” Sulli took Krystal’s hand.
“Let’s go for ice cream!”

“Two please.” Then the ice cream man gave Sulli the ice creams. “Jjung, here’s yours.”
“Thank you. Hmm. Why’d you decided to eat ice cream?”
“Well, I just remembered our childhood days when we used to eat ice cream on boring days. I just missed eating it with you. Let’s go!” Sulli immediately dragged Krystal to the park.

Both of their hands were intertwined, while their free hands were holding their ice cream and at the same time they’re it. They really looked like lovers, laughing, giggling about each other. They were just happy at that moment. They were satisfied that they can bring back time when they used to spend time together. The whole afternoon, they just stayed at the park. Walking while holding hands, eating ice cream, playing, and just having fun.

Sulli sighed while she let herself fall into the grass. “That was so tiring!”
“I know, Choi Jinri.” Krystal also fell into the grass.
“I love you...” Sulli faced Krystal.
“I love you too...” Krystal smiled at Sulli.
“I hope we’ll be like this forever. I would do anything, just anything to be with you.”

At that right moment, they ended up kissing. People passing by were staring, but they didn’t care as long as they were together. They looked into each other’s eyes, and they knew they were destined. Destined to have known each other, destined to love one another, and destined to be together forever.

“Krys, can I ask you tonight? Are you free?”
“I don’t know, Amber. I mean exams are coming, I and Sulli have to study.”
Amber sighed. “Why don’t you even have time for your girl friend? I’ve noticed these past few days, we never dated, and we never hang out. What’s with you and her?”
“Amber... It’s nothing, okay? We just missed the lessons for the past few weeks and we need to study hard for the upcoming exams.”
“And you’re making that as an excuse for not spending time with me? Wow, Krystal Jung. Just wow! Okay, fine.”

“Ssul!” an approaching Jiyoung called Sulli.
“What’s up lately? You’ve been studying so hard. I don’t get to see you that much, though our houses are near.”
“Just studying for the exam, that’s all. Why?”
“I missed you...”
“Jiyoung, I missed you---“
“I miss us!” Jiyoung paused for a moment. “Can’t we just get back together?”
“Jiyoung... Why are we starting this again? Nothing’s gonna change.”
“I won’t stop loving you, Ssul.”
“Just, don’t love me.”
“Why? If you were me, would you have done the same thing? Ssul, whatever you do. Krystal and Amber... Amber won’t let her go. And you know that.”

*text conversation*
Jjung: Ssul. Why did you cancel our meeting this day?
Ssul: Just...
J: You okay?
S: Yeah.
J: Do you want me to come over there instead?
S: No, I’m fine. I’ll manage to study by myself tonight. You can rest for now.
J: Bbuing~ Bbuing~
J: Yah! Are you ignoring me?!
S: Let’s tell them.
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junglishipper #1
Chapter 8: I just finished this reading... and i love how the ending went :)))))
i'm gonna read the sequel now :D
junglishipper #2
Chapter 1: aish! jiyoung is so irritating~
love this story <3 finally JungLi~ i hate amber in this story...
yakiniaku #5
Oohh , amber is the bad guy here but poor amber losing everything