Let's dance~

I'm In Love with A Cat


“Faster guys, we have to go for our dance practice! PALI PALI.” Grandpa gyu urged s to get themselves changed as he stood at the doorway dressed up like a leopard and biting a piece of bread. (Seriously, hamster in a leopard print suit?)

“Wait hyung! I have to feed my cat first!” Woohyun shouted from kitchen while preparing for your cat food.

You have to admit this, you hate the cat food so much. It’s so tasteless and hard. However, your eyes immediately lit up when you heard that the boys are going for dance practice! Hmm, maybe I can learn how to dance with them. Oh! And lose weight too! Meow~

“Meow~ Meow~ Meow~” (I want to go too!)

“Faster  Woohyun! You spent too much time with your cat already! I’m jealous!” Sunggyu complained jokingly.

Omg omg omg omg,  Woogyu moment!

… …

No wait, it is not the right time to spazz. Sunggyu is my No.1 rival!!

“Okay! I’m done! Let’s go!”

“MEOWWWWWWWWWWWwww!“ (Mr Nam Woohyun, you can’t abandon your poor fancat here!)

You paws grabbed his pants tightly, trying to tell him that you want to go too.

“Eh? What’s wrong Pawwie?“ Woohyun looked at you and obviously could not understand your cat language.

“Pali Woohyun! Don’t tell me you can’t be separated from your cat even for a few hours!” Dongwoo burst out laughing and dragged Woohyun out of their dorm, leaving you alone in the house and killing Dongwoo with your eyes.

URGHHHHHH. Dongwoo bully me! TT^TT Never mind~ It is not like I don’t remember  the choreography for “The Chaser”.  After all I have watched their performance for a million times~  

Let’s dance~


Firstly, Sungyeol’s swaggy move~

No wait, I have four legs, can’t stand on two legs and move my hands/paws around! Urgh, this step, OUT.

Next, Sunggyu’s y turning head action~

WHATTTTTT. My neck is way too fat! Can’t turn! URGH, what have the ex owner of this body eaten mannnnnnnnnnnnn.

Never mind, Myungsoo’s trade mark, cover mouth action~

Finally touched my mouth! Wait, I look like I’m cleaning myself by my own limb. TT^TT

How about a body wave?


The shoulder wave?

Sigh, I give up. I’m a cat now after all.  Why did I even try to dance in the first place? I’m just a cat after all. TT^TT 

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Chapter 7: The story is so cute...hopefully one day you will continue writing this story
best-absolut-perfect #2
soo cute i love it....Update please soon!! <3
mshin94 #3
Oh cuteeee XD
Update soon please, i cant't wait XD
this story is so cutee XD great update!
update soon! i cant wait!
Inspiritwoogyul #6
update please :D