
When Life Turns Itself Around

I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I just wanted Seunghyun right now more than anything, besides the sky was getting darker and it was getting colder out here. I started to regret pushing him away and causing all this ruckus. If I didn't do that one little thing then this wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have fought and I wouldn't be lost right now. I couldn't take it anymore and decided to just hide somewhere and started to cry my eyes out. 


A few minutes later. I couldn't even think straight, so when I entered a random building looking for better shelter I was faced with a bar filled with drunkies and most likely rapists. I figured it wouldn't hurt to just drink one glass right? Even though I was still scared of everything and everyone around me I didn't let it show.


"What would you like to drink?" asked the bartender.


"Anything is good." I say wanting to try alchohol for the first time.


After I drank one cup, I kept drinking and drinking until I lost count. The whole world was spinning and I couldn't exactly see what was in front of me, but somehow I managed to make it back outside.


It was dark and all I could see was shadows and figures moving at the corner of my eye. Now that I was drunk I was once again wandering around and trying to find my way back home. When I heard a noise around the corner. I don't know why, but I followed it.


Still drunk I half walked half dragged myself around the corner and into an alley. I could see the shadow of three people and they looked like they were surrounding a woman and trying to do stuff to her.


"Yah!!" I said in my drunk voice. The men stopped what they were doing.


"Who's this guy?" One of them said.


"Who do you think you are?" I kept on with my drunken attitude not realizing what I was getting myself into.


"Who do you think you are?" Another said as he shoved me against the wall.


"Just a simple person trying to find my way back home." I said half crying.


"Look at him. The guy is half drunk let's leave him alone and keep on with this g-. She's gone!!" The third guy yelled.


"This bastard made us lose her!" The "leader" yelled. He grabbed me with one hand and slammed me against the wall of the alley. The only bad thing about this alley right now is that it's empty, dark, filled with rapists, and one drunk me.


I felt some of their punches and heard some of their insults, but before I knew it my world had turned black.



When I woke up I realized I was still in the alley. Bruised, beaten, with one hell of a headache. My head hurt sooo bad I needed to get home soon. My head was spinning worse than it was yesterday and as I got up I felt pain in every single bone of my body.


I started to walk and I got stares from every person I passed by. Some even asked if I needed an ambulance, but I just ignored then. I kept walking finally starting to notice some of the buildings around me.


*Laughs* Now. When I don't need the familiar neighborhood it starts to appear. Now. When the time I needed it was last night it didn't help me. I hate this. I hate fighting with Seunghyun. I'll never do it again. Just let me get home to his warmness, to the person I really want to be with right now. *sobs*


"S-Seung..." Those were the last words I heard myself say before I out once again.




A/N: Bwahahahahahahahaha short update I know but I couldn't stand making you wait any longer so this is what I came up with. =/ Like n subscribe and update n plz comment i love reading them all.

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vododoll #1
Chapter 9: Updaaaaaaaaate pleeeeeease hhhhh I really love this story
Chapter 9: yes you are evil!! haha JK! but you just left it there!!! I can't take that!
gisela #3
Chapter 8: Argghh!!! Why cliffhanger??? (T_T")
Chapter 8: please let seunghyun find jiyong
youngforever #5
Please let seunghyun find ji in that place...
erikaeam #6
O.O 2 more days seunghyun, c'mon! or are you just making ji jealous? i hope.:)
LovesAsianDrama #7
FOR ALL THAT IS...PLEASE DON'T LET JI GET HURT PLEASE!!!! Let it be Seung was going to surprise him for his birthday or something. Ji please be. Seung please go get him.
LovesAsianDrama #8
Yes !!!! But why not just jump to the 6 months? I mean make 1 more chapter the the chapter after that make it Ji's birthday and then Seung can give him his *cough* birthday present ^_~. Just a suggestion. However you do it, is fine. I'm still gonna love this story. Just glad he's not getting hurt anymore
gisela #9
It's getting good.... B)updateeeeeee
elisechoi #10
I still like the story