Just Another Day

When Life Turns Itself Around

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep


"Damn alarm clock." I said as I yawned and stretched. I lazily got up and got ready for another day of school or as I like to call it....hell. Oh, and by the way the names Kwon Jiyong.


Just like every other day I ate my breakfast without a word and left without saying bye to my parents since they stopped caring about me a long time ago. And since you might be a little bit confused as to why I'll tell you my history while I walk to school.


My parents were loving parents at first, but one day they stopped caring because they wouldd start arguing and they were so stressed about the bills that they forgot they had a son.....for a while. The "funny" thing is the anger they have for each other was taken out on me because for who knows how many years my dad beat me and sometimes still does, but what hurts the most is my mom insults me all the time. I personally think that words hurt more than fists so I cry more when I get offended by my mom rather than my classmates. Oh, I forgot to mention school is hell because I get bullied all the time and sometimes when it gets really bad they try to ually harrass me, but then somehow that one teacher always appears just in time to stop them from doin anything at all. 


Anyways, I just got to schoo- *school bell rings*


"Dammit!!! That's just great." I said as I ran to class in order to not be so late to first period.


Once I got there I got a lecture from Ms.Bom and then IT happened. I was walking to my seat when all of  a sudden Daesung put his foot in my way causing me to trip and the whole class laughed. Luckily Ms.Bom saw that coming and made Daesung apologize, however, he refused and she let him slide....once again.


After class Daesung and his minions all decided to follow me as I walked to lunch, and after I got my lunch two of them held me down as Daesung threw my lunch all over me. Once again everyone laughed and I ran out to the bathroom to clean myself. I knew they would follow me so I wasn't surprised when they came up behind me and started to push me around as I thought to myself 'Now I'm really screwed since next up is the trying to harrass me part.' 


However, my secret hero came to rescue me as he appeared through the door of the bathroom and stopped the students from bullying me.


"What are you immature weaklings trying to do to Jiyong?" asked Mr.Choi.


"N-nothing" they said as they let me go. "We were just asking Jiyong if he wanted to hang out with us after school. Right Jiyong?" One of them said with a dirty look.


"Yeah but I have better things to do rather than waste my time with you guys." I said. To be honest when there was a teacher around I was never scared of them, but I know I'm going to get my kicked another day for my "smart" comments.


"Alright now since he said "no" you guys can find your way to class am I right?" Mr.Choi said.


"Y-yes sir." They said as they left the bathroom.


"Jeez. How many times do I have to save you from all this bullying? Huh Jiyong? He said.


"Well I never asked you to save me. You do it on your own will, and besides you wouldn't have to save me if you just told my parents who are completely oblivious to all this DAMN BULLYING!!!!" I screamed.


"Now who do you think you're screaming at huh? Do you now I can give you detention  for this behavior?" He threatened.


"That's the least of my damn worries!!!! While I'm suffering and getting detention for yelling at teachers, there are bullies getting away with much worse behavior in this damned school!!!!" I kept yelling.


I started to cry. *sniff sniff* I couldn't take it anymore. * tears rolling down cheeks* How do I get in trouble for such a little thing like this, yet no one seems to care that I get beaten and pushed around by badder people??? I hate this school and my life!!!


"Jiyong........don't.....just don't cry anymore." Mr.Choi said. "I hate seeing you like this."


"What???" I was confused. He cares for me? Someone actually showed that they care for me for the first time in my life.


Mr.Choi walked over and hugged me. "Shhh stop crying you have to go back to class soon so just clam down. I'll make up an excuse for you okay?" I nodded still confused, but a little bit cheered up.





Note: Sorry if i started the story a lil bit too rough but it gets better. I PROMISE!!!! 

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vododoll #1
Chapter 9: Updaaaaaaaaate pleeeeeease hhhhh I really love this story
Chapter 9: yes you are evil!! haha JK! but you just left it there!!! I can't take that!
gisela #3
Chapter 8: Argghh!!! Why cliffhanger??? (T_T")
Chapter 8: please let seunghyun find jiyong
youngforever #5
Please let seunghyun find ji in that place...
erikaeam #6
O.O 2 more days seunghyun, c'mon! or are you just making ji jealous? i hope.:)
LovesAsianDrama #7
FOR ALL THAT IS...PLEASE DON'T LET JI GET HURT PLEASE!!!! Let it be Seung was going to surprise him for his birthday or something. Ji please be. Seung please go get him.
LovesAsianDrama #8
Yes !!!! But why not just jump to the 6 months? I mean make 1 more chapter the the chapter after that make it Ji's birthday and then Seung can give him his *cough* birthday present ^_~. Just a suggestion. However you do it, is fine. I'm still gonna love this story. Just glad he's not getting hurt anymore
gisela #9
It's getting good.... B)updateeeeeee
elisechoi #10
I still like the story