The Reason Why

When Life Turns Itself Around

I woke up extra early so I could get home in time to get ready and figure out a way to hide my wounds from my parents. I think I might have woken one of them up because as I was taking a shower I heard a knock on the door.


"Who?" I asked.


"Open the door you !" My dad yelled from outside.


"Just for that you're going to have to wait until I'm done." I said back to him.


Seriously though I hate it when they both call me bad names it hurts so much, but somehow they are oblivious or maybe don't care to how hurt I am. When I got out the shower I recieved a REALLY hard smack to the face because my dad had pissed on himself and now has to clean it up.


After I hid my wounds well enough, I went downstairs to eat before going to school. The "funny" thing is they didn't even ask me where I was or why I was gone all day yesterday.


When I finally got to school I was called down to the principals office. As I entered Mrs.Park told me to sit on the chair in front of her desk and that's when the door to her office opened again. I saw Daesung and Seunghyun enter, Daesung looked pissed, but Seunghyun looked stressed.


"So now that you're all here I can start explaining why you are all here." Mrs.Park said. 


"Is it because I bully Jiyong? Did Mr.Choi tell you?" Daesung asked angrily with a hint of nervousness in his voice.


"Indeed Daesung that is why we are here." Mrs.Park said. 


I looked over at Seunghyun, who was standing by the wall, with a face full of surprise. While in my head I was questioning why did he tell? Because he loves me? Or because he thought it was the right thing to do? 


"Can you explain to me why is it that you bully Jiyong Mr.Daesung?" Mrs.Park said snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I know it's a stupid reason for you, but I bully him because he to me. Which reminds me of my brother who got bully for that reason and he ended committing suicide for that" Daesing replied.


I stared at him in awe. "So what if I am gay, you want me to end up like him? Is that it!?" I said starting to get angry.


"Calm down Ji." Seunghyun said with a warning tone.


"Mr.Kwon I know you're upset, but if you would stay calm we can find a solution to all this." Mrs. Park said.


"Solution my . They have been bullying me since the first year of high school and you only notice now! That's how ignorant you all are about your students!" I said with anger while looking at Mrs.Park


".............." Silence took over for a few minutes.


"Tsk. If that's all you had to say I'll be taking my leave now." I said while walking away.


When I got home after school that day I was greeted by my mom with a look full of worry. "Ji baby why didn't you tell me you got bullied in school?" She asked.


"Well..... I didn't want you or dad to stress about it." I lied. The real reason I didn't say anything was because I was afraid of how they would react, but now I see it's both a good and bad thing that they know. Good because I can see that they care enough to be worried, but bad because now they really are going to be stressed.



"Oh hon, it doesn't matter if we stress about it what really matters is if your safe or not." She said so nicely it scared me. Its just not "normal" for her to be like this so, I did the only thing that came to mind. I pushed her away.


"What happened why did you push me?" She said looking startled.


"Are your words sincere? Why do you treat me like garbage and then show me love when you're "worried"? You know what don't answer that because I'm officially leaving you guys until I find a cure to this pain you both caused." I said going to my room to start packing my stuff.


"But where are you going to stay?" She asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.


"I don't know I'll figure it out once I'm out of here." I said while I kept packing random clothes and stuff I wanted into my bag.


When I finally made it to the front door, my dad was there and he looked surprised to see me holding a bag and ready to leave. So he did what any dad would do he tried to stop me by blocking my way.


"Where do you think you're going?" He said.


"Anywhere better than this hell hole." I answered.


"What did you say?" He asked angrily.


I didn't want to waste anymore time in here so...........I kinda....punced him in the face. When he hit the floor I ran for it, and as I ran all I heard was "Come back here!!!" as it slowly faded away. A few minutes later, I stopped running, hid behind an alley, and started to cry.

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vododoll #1
Chapter 9: Updaaaaaaaaate pleeeeeease hhhhh I really love this story
Chapter 9: yes you are evil!! haha JK! but you just left it there!!! I can't take that!
gisela #3
Chapter 8: Argghh!!! Why cliffhanger??? (T_T")
Chapter 8: please let seunghyun find jiyong
youngforever #5
Please let seunghyun find ji in that place...
erikaeam #6
O.O 2 more days seunghyun, c'mon! or are you just making ji jealous? i hope.:)
LovesAsianDrama #7
FOR ALL THAT IS...PLEASE DON'T LET JI GET HURT PLEASE!!!! Let it be Seung was going to surprise him for his birthday or something. Ji please be. Seung please go get him.
LovesAsianDrama #8
Yes !!!! But why not just jump to the 6 months? I mean make 1 more chapter the the chapter after that make it Ji's birthday and then Seung can give him his *cough* birthday present ^_~. Just a suggestion. However you do it, is fine. I'm still gonna love this story. Just glad he's not getting hurt anymore
gisela #9
It's getting good.... B)updateeeeeee
elisechoi #10
I still like the story