Sunny: ok me Tiffany need to go back home now

Tiffany: bye guys! hope you guys have a fun time :) 

TOP: bye *hugs them* 

Soo: bye i'll miss you! 

Sunny: bye :) 


TOP and Sooyoung didn't know what to do next so TOP decided to go back home since it was getting dark. 


TOP: i'll drop you home 

Soo: no it's fine

TOP: no what if you fall? would would help you?

Soo: fine

TOP: i don't want you to get hurt. 

Soo: ok 


TOP and Sooyoung walked out of the ice-cream shop and headed home. Sooyoung was falling asleep when she was walking. she feel to the ground and TOP had to piggy back her, all the way home. They arrived 25 mintues later and TOP got the house keys out of Sooyoungs pocket. He opened the door and put Sooyoung into her bed. TOP wrote a note to Sooyoung saying. 


TOP's note: 

Sweet dreams my little Sooyoungie, i love you 



He stuck it on Sooyoung's head. He gave a kiss to her on her forehead. and said Goodnight! 

He closed the door behinde him and Sooyoung immediantly woke up and ran down the hallway to hug TOP. 


Soo: thank you TOP, sorry for letting you carry me.

TOP: it's ok, i'll do anyhting for you

Soo: don't leave me i''m scared, i'm scared being all alone.

TOP: ok i'll stay, just for you 

Soo: call your mum on my home phone. 

TOP: ok, but i have to go when your dad get's back

Soo: ok thank you 


TOP called his mum on Sooyoung's home phone


TOP's mum: hello?

TOP: oh ye, mum i'm gunna stay with Sooyoung a little longer. 

mum: ok, why?

TOP: she can't handle being by herself. 

mum: ok, i'll pick you up, call me when the dad come home ok?

TOP: ok 


TOP hangs up and Sooyoung hugs TOP. Sooyoung holds hand with TOP when shes walking down the hallway. They both get into bed and sleep together. TOP was hugging Sooyoung, she felt much better when she was with him. TOP remeber about the photo's they had to take but it didn't matter, all he cares about is Sooyoung she ment everything to him. it was 6:30PM and Sooyoung's dad came home. Sooyoung's dad came into Sooyoung's room to check is she was ok. Sooyoung's dad came inside to wake up TOP. TOP woke up 


TOP: huh? oh your here

Dad: thank you for taking care of her. 

TOP: it wasen't just me, it was Tiffany and Sunny to

Dad: ohh ok, you can go home now

TOP: ok thank you, could i use your phone?

Dad: sure 


TOP kissed Sooyoung on the cheeck and said goodbye. Sooyoung's Dad and TOP walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. TOP dialed his mum's number 


mum: hello?

TOP: mum Sooyoung's dad is here. 

Mum: ok i'm coming now.


TOP hanged up 


Dad: would you like anything to drink or eat? 

TOP: just a drink

Dad: ok, do you want water?

TOP: yep water is fine. 

Dad: ok


TOP was sitting on the couch. he was so tired. Sooyoung suddenly woke up and she saw her dad


Soo: hello dad! TOP why didn't you wake me up?

TOP: i couldn't i didn't want to disturb you 

Soo: ok 

Dad: here's your glass of water. 

TOP: thank you 


Sooyoung sat on the couch and slept on TOPs lap. she was so tired, She wanted to stay up but she couldn't, TOP was patting her head and Sooyoung's dad gave her a blanket. 


Dad: you can come here any time you want

TOP: ok, but i have to call?

Dad: don't need too 

TOP: oh ok

Dad: when she was little, her mum died. 

TOP: how?

Dad: a few years ago, our house caught on fire, and i was only able to save Sooyoung. i went back inside to find her, i couldn't find her. so i thought she went throught the back door. Everything was collapsing so i ran outside the front entrance. I saw Sooyoung standing alone she was crying and saying to me WHERE'S MUM? WHERE IS SHE? i said to here everything is going to be okay, i'll find her. then the fire brigade came and the police. Me and Sooyoung had to stand on the other side. 30 mintues passed and it was alright for me to find Sooyoung's mother. I found the body i was crying and saying WHY? WHY? i held her in my arms and i kept saying to myslef why? why did this have to happen? That was it, i never talked to it with Sooyoung. She doesn't remebr about the fire, since she was very little. 

TOP: *cries* i'm sorry about your wife. 

Dad: you don't have to cry

TOP: i'm sorry but's its just so sad. 

Dad: i know, i threw out all the pictures of her burned it, but i kept this one 

TOP: could i see?

Dad: here

TOP: she's very pretty, just like Sooyoung 

Dad: yes, Sooyoung loved her mother very much. 

TOP: i don't want to loose Sooyoung, after what happened after you lost your loved one 

Dad: always stay with her, otherwise you might end up loosing her. 

TOP: i will always look after her. 

Dad: please don't tell this to anyone especially to Sooyoung. 

TOP: ok


They hear a knock on the door, Sooyoung's dad opened the door 


Dad: TOP it's your mother. 

TOP: ok, Sooyoung! 

Soo: huh? are you going now?

TOP: yeah. 

Soo: *kiss* bye TOP, be carefull 

TOP: ok *kiss* 


Dad: your son is very caring to Sooyoung, he never takes his eyes of her. 

TOP's mum: oh really? 

Dad: yeah, since Sooyoung just got out of the hospital, he always coming here to take care of her, he's very worried about her. 

TOP's mum: he's a very nice boy. one day they'l both geet married. 

Dad: yes, we'll arrange that. Sooyoung feels the same way about TOP, she can't stop talking about him, she never let's him go, 

TOP's mum: we'll im going 

Dad: TOP it's time to go!

Soo: bye TOP !  i love you!

TOP: bye Sooyoung <3 



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hoped you enjoyed the story so far i will be updating very soon :)
Just stay with top and sooyoung would be nice ^^
TOPSUN is Sunny and TOP :)
what do you mean TOPSUN?
Guys just to let you know I'll try finish half of my story tonight STAY TUNED!