Chapter Five

The Better Match


Nue’st boys had his eyes wide, they didn’t even blinked, just open eyes amused at his leader and JR grinned showing the small whiteboard with several arrows departing from Sungmin, Donghae and Kyuhyun towards Hyukjae.

“So, the plan is?”

Baekho finally asked, because let’s confess. JR wasn’t a master drawing and the latter hummed in content, hands over his waist and proudly saying.

“Battle Royal!”

Even Minhyun widened his eyes and Aron lifted a brow “That isn’t a japanese movie?”

“Exactl—No!” JR started but stopped half way “What I mean is we’re gonna give to the person we like the most  from Super Junior the chance to go on a date with our favorite hyung! So is a battle, between them to win hyung’s heart.”

Ren nodded but blinked “That means they’re gonna fight? Hyukjae-hyung hates violence.”

JR shook his head “No, no, no. They must show us first whose is the better match for our hyung and then, we will set the dates  according to which one has more points, for that, we must set them separately together and then…”

Minhyun cut the excited leader “we will know who loves Hyukjae-hyung more, but what if we’re wrong, we don’t even know if he is dating.”

Everybody turned to him and JR waved his hand shoving off that assumption “Na~ He isn’t dating. So we will help him, okay?”

And the boys stood with high arms “Nue’st fighting!!!”


“No!” Kyuhyun glared at Leeteuk, who wasn’t backing off on his order.

“You will do it, that’s final.”

Kyuhyun hardened his glare “No.” the dragged words were icy and Leeteuk sighed.

“Listen Kyuhyun, Hyukjae needs a singer to help these boys and Yesung has a play on the theater and must essay daily while Ryeowook has been choose to be in Eternal Song again, since you were banned for a while after making a tantrum because the lady from the news gripped your that time. It isn’t as if it was the first time. I don’t under—”

“I even smiled because I thought it was Hyukjae!!!”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes and Leeteuk lost his words for a moment and then commented; “Wh-why Hyukjae would like to touch you there if is not for fanservice?”

Kyuhyun lowered his face biting his lower lip “I know… but he was next to me and I… but I got mad when I notice it was her and Hyukjae saw me with those teary eyes, I felt like an idiot.”

Leeteuk nodded and patted Kyuhyun’s shoulder, making the youngest to watch him “Kyuhyun, can I ask you something?”

Kyuhyun frowned but obliged sighing “Asides asking me he usual ‘do you love Hyukjae?’ question that you have being doing this last week; yes, you can.”

Leeteuk chuckled “If Hyukjae doesn’t love you, doesn’t see you, doesn’t even is your friend, why do you not give up? Why not moving on and forget him?”

Kyuhyun blinked astounded and Leeteuk continued “Maybe he isn’t the one, maybe the person you would really love isn’t him, what about searching in other people?”

Kyuhyun cautiously asked “Like who?”

Leeteuk smiled “What about Changmin?”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes, “Are you serious? He is a brother, it would be…” Kyuhyun shuddered. Leeteuk blinked, he was sure that maybe… no?

“Mm, any girl or boy, you choose!”

Kyuhyun sighed “Listen hyung. It can’t be other, because I know Hyukjae is the one” Kyuhyun chuckled a little ruffling his hair messily “I-I don’t know how to explain, I just know it isn’t just because I feel butterflies near him or sometimes I-I get well, ual frustrated or anxious or my heart hurts, but is because…” Kyuhyun smiled “every day when I wake up, I think on him, before sleep he is my last thought, and when I’m doing something, he is on my mind, also… when I see his smile, I think ‘oh, I want to spend my life with him, until we get old’.”

Kyuhyun turned to Leeteuk and he smiled at the youngest “You’re really in love.”

Kyuhyun blushed and frowned “Whatever, but that doesn’t give you the right to send me with him to help those brats.”

Leeteuk smirked “Actually…”

Kyuhyun watched him suspiciously and he stepped back at Leeteuk’s glint on his eyes.



Damn it! Kyuhyun cursed on his mind glaring at the boys before him. JR smirked and Kyuhyun stared him icily mouthing ‘I hate you’. JR smirked wider and smiled when Hyukjae turned to him.

“So, are you okay with Kyuhyun as your teacher?”

Kyuhyun shook his head and JR nodded grinning, clinging onto Hyukjae’s arm, the latter chuckled and Nue’st members were bewildered at his leader behavior but hid his amused expressions when they saw Kyuhyun glaring him and Aron shook his head. He really thinks Kyuhyun is sincere, so he lifted his hand.

“Yeah, Aron?”

Hyukjae asked and the named cleared his throat “Can I practice my singing too, please?”

Hyukjae watched awkwardly at Kyuhyun, who glared but nodded. Why is was so hard to be next to Hyukjae, he loves him!! and yet, he only hurts him… always.

“Sorry, I’m lat—!” Sungmin stopped on the doorframe staring at Kyuhyun “what is he doing here?”

Hyukjae laughed nervously “Leeteuk send him as the singer teacher”

Kyuhyun eyes were daring Sungmin to say something else. Hyukjae sighed walking to plug his mp4 to the speakers.

Minhyun started to warm up near the mirror and Hyukjae smiled to him, making some exercises. Baekho started as well while Ren went to Sungmin to practice his aegyo. JR and Aron walked to Kyuhyun for vocal lessons.

“Move your hips to the right, one, two…and turn!”

Hyukjae made a twirl, clumsily imitated by Minhyun and Baekho chuckled embarrassed for his mistake. “Sorry.”

Hyukjae smiled disheveling Baekho’s hair. Minhyun turned to see Kyuhyun glaring at Baekho and Sungmin pouting, he sighed.

“Hyukjae-hyung. Sungmin-sunbae and Kyuhyun-sunbae aren’t doing anything.”

Hyukjae widened his eyes, when he turned to watch them. Kyuhyun was making hand moves while JR was nodding holding his laugh. Aron slapping his face and Ren was blinking at Sungmin doing faces suddenly.

Hyukjae shrugged. They way to teach was weird, and he smiled.

Minhyun walked next to him “Hyung, you’re beautiful when you smile.”

Hyukjae blushed, Minhyun almost smirked when he felt the sunbae’s stares on him but he didn’t because was worried holding his need to shiver for some reason as he turned, watching JR making thumbs behind Kyuhyun’s back.


Sungmin narrowed his eyes, he didn’t hear right, that was, because…

“I said, I like you to be Hyukjae-hyung’s boyfriend.”

Baekho repeated and Sungmin blinked unsure, since when a kid was an adviser about love, it isn’t as if this boy knows even about relationships, and now, he is talking like a father talking with the boy he just meet for his daughter.

Sungmin didn’t replied and Baekho excited smile fell.

“I really thought you were sincere and kind.”

Sungmin lifted a brow “If you’re talking about my feelings for Hyukjae, they are sincere.”

Baekho watched Sungmin’s face for a long moment that made the eldest made a face and Baekho smiled again.

“I will bet for you then!”

Sungmin was lost when Baekho left.


Meanwhile Kyuhyun was left alone with Hyukjae. The younger keeping his mouth shut, so will no hurting words could left his lips and Hyukjae sighed, glancing the door. The boys were taking a long in the bathroom and why Sungmin wasn’t here?

“I—” Kyuhyun started, gaining Hyukjae’s attention and he felt his heart sank and twirl. Hyukjae face was blank for a moment but the way his eyes fluttered was… “I will search for the boys.”

Hyukjae stood after Kyuhyun. The latter raised his eyebrow and Hyukjae smiled “It is better if both search for them, and also I have your phone number, so if I find them, I can call you.”

It wasn’t rare that Hyukjae had his number, but Kyuhyun cheeks went pink-red and he smiled a bit, it was more a smirk though, but still soft like a smile.

“So, I will go this way.”

Kyuhyun grabbed Hyukjae by the wrist. Hyukjae stared him confused, but couldn’t see Kyuhyun’s eyes since they were behind his dark fangs. “W-we, let’s search them together.”

Hyukjae beamed, holding Kyuhyun’s hand, making the younger blush. Not noticing since he was leading the way, while Kyuhyun’s gaze was set on the intertwined fingers and he finally smiled, feeling those butterflies and not a pang on his heart.

Kyuhyun remembered what Leeteuk told him about giving up and his hand held Hyukja’s one, not just letting the other drag him. Hyukjae stopped for a moment, feeling Kyuhyun’s hand hold firm and not lazy as before, but Kyuhyun didn’t notice since the dancer masked it well. Hyukjae smiled, faking not noticing the way their hands were entwined.

Minhyun blinked since he was walking at that exact moment by the corner of the opposite side the aisle with two cans of soda, one for him and another for Hyukjae.

Kyuhyun was smiling silly with blushed cheeks while Hyukjae was walking very happy holding Kyuhyun’s hand and Minhyun grinned when no one was watching him.

“I know who my chosen sunbae is.”

JR appeared behind him.

“What did you say?”

Minhyun shook his head, offering the can to JR. Maybe wait for a bit and help another for the meantime would be interesting, and… Kyuhyun stills needs to pay for what he had done to Hyukjae, so…

“Grape or Strawberry?”

JR picked the green one and Minhyun sipped the red one as he smirked. 




So, I was ready to go and sleep after a relaxing bath and I said, let's make an extra effort and update Better Match too, tomorrow the others. I hope you enjoyed it ^^

Saranghe~! Thank you for your lovely comments!! 


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Update!!! Sorry for taking ages --bows--.


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RingoJuice #1
Chapter 8: Kyuhyun you pabo! How can u even treat hyukkie like this! :( be more gentle!! Gentle! And just be truthful will ya!
257471 #2
Chapter 8: They gonna ruin their date....can't wait for that...
please update soon
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 8: aaaaaaaaaa this story is so interesting ><
i love it :)
Chapter 8: Omg, can't believe it was Leeteuk who thought on ruining Sungmin's date!
Wonder if something ir going to happen between baekho And ren in the next chapter And if everything will go well with Kyuhyun <3
Chapter 8: Seriously adoro your story because is so exciting. I'm so anxious to know that will happen. Who will be the best competitor by the heart of cute Hyukjae and that more will make those precious cupids... Update soon please ... ^ ^
Chapter 8: aishh kyu~~ why ruining the moment, you brat!! you have to control your emotion -_-

and ming~~ why so harsh?? we know kyu is a brat, but you don't have to talk to him that harsh, right??
ckyuhyuk #7
Chapter 8: Ahhh kyuhyuk talking sweetly for now...but kyu learn to control your mouth :/
That harsh shouldn't something like that to kyu....
But why teukie always ask kyu to giveup?!you should support him!dont let him giveup easly :(
Kyu i bet for you!!!!(justdonttalklikebrat)
ChoLeeKH #8
Chapter 8: i like it so much unie
NuESt is so lovely^^
poor kyu...
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 8: That's harsh sungmin-ssi...

Update soon!
Chapter 7: Nuest boys really make an effort to find his hyung which is Hyuk the best partner. Glaring Min, fuming Hae and deadth stare Kyu really makes you shiver when you tried to go near their Hyuk. Aigooo~