Chapter Two

The Better Match



Less than an hour and Hyukjae already had learn the choreography, the boys were amazed, he make seems this so easy even when it wasn’t; Hyukjae was dancing ahead of the boys, he was enjoying it since this was like a free dance for him, but still he was concentrated so he didn’t miss any step.

His mind was counting; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and repeating the same numbers at every change of steps; he did not notice how the boys had stop to watching him; everyone following his moves with their eyes.

The music stopped and Hyukjae too, he blinked when he saw no one dancing and lifted and eyebrow, turning to the boys.

“I did something wrong?” he asked uneasy because they were watching him strange, but they just shook their head from left to right with open mouths, until JR stood a step ahead of the members and said bowing.

“I’m sorry for this” and he then watched Hyukjae “is because we are impressed at how you dance, we had watched you on T.V. Shows but never in real life and you are… amazing” Hyukjae blushed a little, and later smiled his gummy one.

“Thank you, but I still need to practice more” and they nodded, his eyes sparkling at the words of the man, because he did not take for granted anything but was training very hard even when he already was famous. So Ren talked “Can you practice more and more with us then?” and he made puppy eyes; “please?” the elder agreed, oh, how cute these boys were.

It was afternoon and all in the practice room were very sweaty and panting, even Hyukjae was but all had a smile on his face.

“You are good!” praised Hyukjae drinking a bottle of water while the boys were resting with his backs at the floor, watching the ceiling, chest up and down, but when they heard that, even if were tired, they stood and bowed to the man, saying in unison:

“Thank you so much, Hyukjae-sunbae-nim!” and the elder frown a bit, so JR asked.

“We said something wrong?” But Hyukjae shook his head, scratching the back of his neck bashfully and smiling uncomforted.

“Is not, is just…” He sighed, watching the confused boys “I’m happy but for some reason I feel like an ahjussi if you called me like that” and he laughed at his own statement, well, he was ten years elder than the boys but still…

“Can we call you ‘hyung’ then?” asked tentatively Baekho with a smile, a little unsure of his own words because even when he always had said what he thinks, still he didn’t want to be disrespectful to the dancer, so he gulped when Hyukjae observed him for five long seconds.

At that moment, all the members of Nu’est were watching Baekho like some strange creature, because how can he be so careless with his words, but after, when they saw a smile on Hyukjae’s lips and how he nodded, saying:

“I prefer that. Then you are not my hoobaes but my dongsaengs” and the boys smiled too; so Baekho said to no one in particular.

“I’m hungry, let’s get something to eat” and he watched one of the member “Aron-hyun treat!!”

Hyukjae thought about it, he liked to be invited but he really didn’t know well these kids, and he sighed on his mind, if he didn’t knew them, why he accepted to be called ‘hyung’ so easily; then the blond boy got near him and told him.

“Aron-hyung has agreed, so…” and the boy blushed “if you want and can, we…would like you to come with us, please” and everyone bowed, Hyukjae smiled awkward, he never had seen so many bows from the same persons in the same day, these kids were really something.

“Arasseo~ But I will eat a lot” he teased and no one said to him no, so he just smiled.


He shut his eyes, massaging his temple, but still the voices were there, bothering him.

“Where is Hyukkie?” is all he could hear since breakfast and if it weren’t because Donghae is one of his favorites, he will already hit him, then Sungming pronounced.

“We want to know where he is” and Leeteuk sighed, very deep. This joke wasn’t funny anymore.

He then saw how Kyuhyun went out of his room with tired eyes, like if he has been under a lot of pressure and it was then when Leeteuk remembered why he did all this.

“I already said Hyukjae went to meet his lovely person” Two men frowned and Kyuhyun tried to act like if he heard nothing while clenching his teeth.

“You are lying! He can’t” shouted Donghae and the leader rolled his eyes, after that his phone sounded; three gazes set on him, even when Kyuhyun was far from them.

“Oh…” was all Leeteuk could say when he answered the phone, continuing “I see…” his expression was confused, turning to an amused one “well, you can slept with them” and Donghae wanted to put his ear on the other side of the phone, but Leeteuk turned, letting him pouting and Sungmin widened his eyes at his leader statement, who can slept with who?; while Kyuhyun walked to them, his eyes glaring the electronic in a try to kill him.

“Yeah… I will” and he hung up, glancing at the other three.

“Who was?” Leteeuk smile went wider at the question of Donghae and shook his head.

“It’s a secret” he walked some steps away of the members, he was already at the front of the exit of the dorm with the gate opened, so he turned and said.

“It was Hyukjae, he will slept with some boys” and then shut the door very quickly before the three men could processed the words, when he was at the elevator, he heard a shout and he could see Donghae and Sungmin, never Kyuhyun; and when they were for reach him, the doors were closing and he laughed reaching his floor, almost running to close himself on his room, he didn’t want to explain nothing to those two.

Maybe this joke could continue until tomorrow.


He was at the center of the table; JR at his right side, followed by Baekho and Aron, while at his left was Ren and Minhyun; everything was fine until for some reason the waiter that had been attending them changed for some waitress and she by accident after gasping, let some soup fell over Hyukjae.

Everyone widened his eyes and the girl bowed many times, after he stood, Hyukjae moved his hand motioning nothing had happened and started to waved his shirt in a try to lessen the burning sensation on his skin, he show an awkward smile; he wasn’t angry but he felt very uncomfortable, the girl bowed again, but Hyukjae just said to her it was okay even when it wasn’t.

He went then to the restroom and put out his phone, he dialed some numbers and pressed call; when at the other side of the line someone answered; JR entered the restroom worried and bowing like if it was his fault.

“Hyung! I have a problem, I was soaked in soup!” and he just heard an ‘Oh…’ Then Hyukjae watched JR and shook his head, mouthing a silent; “It’s okay, is not your fault” with reassuring eyes but JR wasn’t convinced and even when he knew was impolite to talk while Hyukjae was talking by the phone, he choose to express his worry.

“I can… lend you one of my shirts” and JR stopped glancing the door and Hyukjae, “Well, is clean and new, so you can use it… if you want” and Hyukjae blinked and said by the phone “Hyung, I found a shirt” and the person answered ‘I see…”

So JR continued “And you can take a shower at our dorm and even rest there, we are very sorry for this to have happened and we don’t have any other way express our concern, so…” he left the sentence unfinished and Hyukjae felt bad, maybe he showed some angry expression after all before when he stood and now he was regretting since it was an accident, the waitress didn’t have the fault to ruin his expensive shirt, neither the boys, it was just something to happened and he bit his lower-lip; guilty.

He didn’t like other place from take a shower or to sleep, but maybe with that the boys will be less worried, so he told to the other person on the phone after some seconds of thinking.

“Leeteuk-hyung, I will stay today at Nu’Est dorms, is that okay?” he waited for an answer while JR was watching him; expecting nervous, but the smile on Hyukjae lips and the way he nodded his head told JR that he will slept in the dorms with them, so he smiled as well.

“Ah! And send me some clothes for tomorrow, since I will need them to change me to return to the dorms” when he heard the affirmative answer of Leeteuk, he hung up, smiling to JR.

“Then I guess we need to go now”   


Sungmin was pouting while squeezing a plush bunny, Donghae was on the same room too, watching the blue dark sky through the window and he sighed, he then set his eyes on half of the room and furrowed his eyebrows.

“I hate pink” but Sungmin dropped his shoulders, still with the bunny on his hands “Who do you think is Hyukkie now?” asked Sungmin, and Donghae frown went deeper.

“I don’t know, but what bother me is that Leeteuk-hyung said ‘them’” and Sungmin widened his eyes remembering and he left the bunny and walked to Donghae.

“Do you think he become a playboy?” Donghae observed him for seconds, thinking about his words; then he sighed and stood from his seat.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want him for other hyung, I will recover his love” and he left, Sugmin then sighed, throwing his body to his bed, watching the ceiling.

“I want him for me too” and he closed his eyes “I guess this means war, right?” and he covered himself with the blankets, sleeping.

Kyuhyun entered to his shared-room after Donghae had left, he could hear what they were talking and that made him loose his mood, though it was very bad since the phone call received by Leeteuk.

Then, he his lap top and started to play, but for some reason he didn’t reach the next level but stood on the same, repeating the scene of the game over and over again.

 It was Hyukjae, he will slept with some boys

And he throw his lap top to the bed after closing it, he passed his hand through his hair, then he stood and walked out of the room glancing the clock; 10:00 o’clock.


He was feeling a calm sensation and his muscles were relaxed after the hot bath, he walked out with dark pants and a white shirt, drying his hear with a towel, then some smell of hot milk capture his attention and he went to the kitchen.

He watched how the boys were there, their backs at him, whispering or at least trying.

“Do you guess he will like it?” asked Minhyun with a now empty pack of strawberry powdered milk on his hand, observing the hot liquid and Baekho smiled wide.

“I guess he will, I read is his favorite” and JR sighed.

“But he likes more natural milk I guess, not powdered milk, I guess…” he mumbled the last words.

And Minhyun watched with sorry the hot milk.

“He will like it, he has been very nice to us” said now Ren, since he knew that Minhyun was making that like a gratitude gesture to Hyukjae because he was the first to compliment his talent.

“He is here” expressed Aron in trance after turning, so his eyes were locked on Hyukjae’s and then he gulped and widened his eyes “he is here!” shout this time and everyone turned and covered the milk, so Hyukjae tilted his head.

“What are you are hiding, he?” he said playful, and the boys shook their heads.

“Nothing” said in unison and JR talked.

“Can you…eh, go to the room with” and he glanced one of them “Ren?” and the latter was shocked, he wanted to give the present to Hyukjae too but he nodded and Ren walked to Hyukjae “please?” he asked and Hyukjae nodded smiling.

“I follow you” they turned to right and walked the upstairs to the next floor; Hyukjae blinked confused, they were some cover and beds but no rooms, it was just a plane floor that if you reached the corner you can watch better the kitchen and he giggled.

“So, I’m going to sleep here?” he asked and Ren blushed and nodded, setting a bed with some blankets.

“I…we know is not much, but is comfortable” and Hyukjae agree, “Yeah, it seems very comfortable”, so he sat on the bed and pat the place next to him, indicating to the boy to sit next to him and he did so.

“Can we talk a bit, I’m still not sleepy” and Ren nodded very red and nervous.

“I don’t know what to say to sunbae-nim though” and Hyukjae frowned.

“We agreed that you will call me ‘hyung’ and I will call you ‘dongsaeng’ and you can talk about anything, like…” he started to think and said “Why did you say before you were scolded at dancing, you did good this afternoon, you know”

And Ren smile shyly.

“Well, it was because after learning the choreography I tried to make it personal, at my own pace and our teacher scolded me” he laughed bashfully and Hyukjae understood, so he smiled a gummy one.

“I was scolded sometimes too, so cheer up, it’s normal” and Ren widened his eyes, turning his face to Hyukjae.

“You!” he pointed unbelieving him; “Is impossible!! You are a great dancer, I admire you a lot” and Hyukjae laughed a bit not of the boy or his words but because the boy had a very amused face

“Sorry for laughing, is because…” and he turned serious at the pouting Ren “I was scolded a lot, you know, but I always listen to my teacher in my trainee days and after, so now I can perform better than before, so, listen to them even if sometimes they make you feel bad, okay?” and Ren nodded happily, he didn’t knew someone like Hyukjae could have been scold at dancing since he is perfect, at least to his eyes.

Then some smell of hot strawberry milk was on all the place and Hyukjae his lips like a child, the rest of Nu’est were now on the floor, JR cleared his throat and signaled Baekho to show the thing he was hiding, there, on Baekho’s hands were a sweet cake with strawberries on the top, with the words; Thank you.

Hyukjae opened his eyes very ample and showed a gummy smile that he covered with his right hand.

“This…” then Minhyun showed a tray with six glasses, his face was serious but his eyes were glowing and he said a bit cold but with his cheeks flustered.

“I made this, is powdered strawberry milk, and maybe you will not like but even so–” Hyukjae stood of the bed and took the glass, drinking half of the milk and he smiled, ruffling the boy hair.

“I like it, thank you” They cut into six pieces the cake and eat it before sleep, since it was just one bed for everyone in Nu’est, Hyukjae choose to share it with Ren, since the boy was cute and for some reason when Hyukjae seem him, he remembered his young days with Sungmin or Ryeowook, even when he wasn’t so close to the latter.

It wasn’t the most comfortable night since it was new for him shared a room after so many years but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all; without noticing, he started to feel sleepy and he dozed off, embracing the blond boy like a teddy bear, and being embraced in return.


Kyuhyun rolled on his bed from side to side after talked with Leeteuk, this wasn’t right, how can Leeteuk say so easily that Hyukjae was to stay all night with some strange guys and that he will slept with some of them.

He knew Hyukjae sometimes flirted with girls or boys on stage but in true he is really shy, so he can’t be with some random guy and he grunted annoyed, then he glared at his room-mate; Sungmin.

Hyukjae already has slept with him, maybe not like lovers and just friends but still it was driving Kyuhyun crazy and there is Donghae too, he always had slept with Hyukjae before the latter confessed his feelings, but aside of them, he was sure Hyukjae never slept with someone else and just thinking about it, was making his blood burn.

He will not kill the one person that catches Hyukjae’s heart but he will make a hell of his life.

Kyuhyun really couldn’t sleep at all that night.


A shout was heard, startling all the members that stood alarmed and running to the source of the sound, finding Hyukjae at the floor with a surprised face, signaling Ren.

“What?” asked JR sleepy and Hyukjae answered after some moment; when he was fully awake.

“Sorry, it surprised me that I awoke with someone else” he said bashfully and flustered, so the boys nodded and blinked, and Ren lowered his face, feeling bad for some reason.

Hyukjae stood, guilty on his eyes at his exaggerated reaction and he sighed.

“I will practice with you today, so cheer up” was his way to apologize and everyone face lift up, running this time from side to side to get ready, so they will not lose time on this chance.


Kyuhyun awoke with dark shapes under his eyes, he reunited with the rest on the table for having breakfast, when he entered, Donghae was glaring Leeteuk, Sungmin was pouting and the other members were eating in silent.

Leeteuk was eating like nothing happened and Kyuhyun was questioning himself if that was related to certain dancer but he choose to ignore it.

“Tell us the direction” said Donghae a bit annoyed and Leeteuk lifted his eyebrow amused, when his cute dongsaeng become so disrespectful?, he shook his head.

“We will do anything, just tell us where is Hyukkie?” this time said Sungmin, glaring at Donghae, whispering him “You will not get something from Leeteuk if you talk to him like that”.

Leeteuk heard anyway, so he kept silent.

“Forget that displeasing ugly member and stop calling him Hyukkie like if he were some kind of child” said Kyuhyun with a cold voice and started to eat.

 “Hyukjae is very beautiful and precious, so you must stop offending him!” shouted Sungmin standing and glaring the young man.

“Yeah!, and even when he watches and is not a kid anymore we can call him Hyukkie!” Donghae shouted so cute that the statement left perplexed members. Kyuhyun just glared them when they went out of the place.

“Whatever” he grunted. Leeteuk phone sounded and it was not a call but a message and he read it quickly and smiled a dimple one, setting his gaze on the younger.

“Kyuhyun-ah, I need you to deliver some clothes to the laundry, it must be done at noon” Kyuhyun argue back but Leeteuk sent him a very dangerous glare that Kyuhyun didn’t know and he nodded cursing on his mind.

“I’ll give you the direction after you take a shower and get ready, go to my room after that” Kyuhyun lost appetite and choose to get his shower.

Two hours before midday, he was in Leeteuk’s room, the elder was smiling very suspicious to Kyuhyun’s eyes but he let it go, enough punish was being send to the laundry.

The leader then gave him a bag with clothes inside, saying to him.

“Don’t open it, and go to this address and to this number of room, you can’t just drop the clothes anywhere, you must deliver it well, okay?” he talked like if he was talking with a kid and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes but nodded anyway.

Maybe age was making Leeteuk strange?


They were on the practice room, a bit sweaty but then after practicing not just the single of Nu’Est but too the last released song of Super Junior on Japan; Opera, JR expressed his admiration again.

“Hyung! You know a lot of steps and dances, is really amazing!” and Hyukjae chuckled it.

“You will know after some years too” JR nodded doubtfully but still happy and Hyukjae then remembered something when he watched the clock; 9:00 am.

So he sent a text message to Leeteuk, remembering about the clothes and sending him the address.

Then he watched the boys and observed that they were very courteous and quiet but when they were dancing they were very different, it was like if he were very concentrated that everything was aside, just them and the stage, he want to bet that fans to were on their hearts because for him; always his fans were on his heart, not only on stage though but always.

He watched then how Baekho got near Ren and Ren glared the boy, so Baekho giggled nervous, then Aron got to Minhyun and the latter send a glare to Aron too, mouthing a don’t touch me.

And he laughed, so this was what Lee So Man told him. The boys turned his faces to him and he explained them his observation and they like scolded kids agreed that it was a bit uncomfortable to interact with each other when they were really close and Hyukjae coughed because he didn’t want to laugh more.

“Is normal, but after some time you get will used” and they just watched him, and he sighed.

“Okay, I’m going to do something, but take it easy, okay?” and they nodded doubtfully, so Hyukjae asked.

“Who want to be hugged first?” and JR lifted his hand and even when his face was flustered he extended his arms to be hugged by Hyukjae and Baekho shouted a childish “It’s unfair, I wanted to be hugged first” and everyone laughed.  

Minhyun was a strange case because Hyukjae almost run after him, in the end he confessed he was very shy to being embraced by him.

Aron was funny, because he jumped to embrace Hyukjae and no viceversa, startling all the members, even Hyukjae, later he said it was a chance in a million and that he wasn’t to let it go.


Kyuhyun got to the place and stared the building and his eye switched; this wasn’t a laundry, it was some entertainment building, he sighed and entered, cursing Leeteuk under his breath, he walk like nothing for the aisles and when he found the room, he opened the door, letting the sound of laughs and giggles being heard, his bored expression turned to an annoyed one and he left the bag fell to the floor at the sight.

“What the heck are you doing, you ert!” he shouted, getting near Hyukjae that was hugging some blond boy that seemed shy and was hiding his face on Hyukjae’s chest.

Hyukjae turned to the voice and widened his eyes, he didn’t even get the chance to separate himself from Ren when Kyuhyun had already separated them; he gulped at the angry glare of the maknae.

 “Listen, Kyuhyun-ah, this is…” Kyuhyun glared Hyukjae and forgot everyone else.

“I already told you that is disgusting, is…arg!” he grabbed his hairs exasperated “Why do I keep explaining to you even when you doesn’t give a damn what I say, ah?” and the last words more than angry sounded like if Kyuhyun was in pain, Hyukjae tried to reach him, but Kyuhyun glared him again and he flinched, dropping his hand.

“I hate you, you don’t know how much” dragged the words like poison and the he sighed and chuckled bitterly.

“So this was why Leeteuk hyung told me to come here, he is mean” murmured Kyuhyun and turn to left, staring for some seconds the blond boy, he was like a girl and very delicate, so this was the type that Hyukjae like, eh? And he felt something squeezing his heart.

He heard then how Hyukjae was telling him something but couldn’t register what, jut a word captured his attention, so he turned very angry when he heard the utterance slept, and he face Hyukjae very angry and hurt.

"So you can sleep with everyone but me?" He yelled, the other see him confused and blinked. All the rest were amused as well, what was this behavior between them? Hyukjae sighed very deep.

"I thought you were homophobic" explained quietly, expecting the other's reaction. Nu’est boys widened his eyes but no more than Kyuhyun, and the latter shouted with a dumbfounded expression:






Wii!! I'm so happy for your lovely comments *u*

Saranghe!!! ♥


hiccups:  Thank you!! ^^ kyuhyuk is my guilty pleasure and my favorite couple, tough I will confess I like other pairings but no one can surpass my loved to them >.< Yeah, I guess everybody will fall for him, thank you again!!! I will try my best :D

Krystalanimeheart:  Thank you so much! ^^ I hope this chapter wasn't bad, so then you have liked this too :D

Its_Why: Thank you!! Yeah, Leeteuk is mean huhu but maybe he will be nice after :D

noname022:  Yep, Hae and Min after Hyuk with a very bad Kyu at showing his feelings >.< I like Nu'est, they are cute and imagine them with Hyuk is kind of nice for me, thank you!!! :D

Star_Light:  on Yep, it tooke me a lot of time writing this, I don't know why though huhu Kya!!! really it made me very happy, everytime I'm going to write something for this fic; I watched it *u* Yeah, poor he is clueless, Yep, Nu'Est are Hyuk's fanboys XD I hope you had like this chapter too ^^

meehyukkie:  Hyuk is my bias too >.< I love him a lot, and Kyu, I like him too ^^ and I really loved them together :D I like them since they are cute, thank you!!  

kyuwifey:  Right? he is cute ^^ yeah, Hae is a pabo, but a sweet one, even if he rejected Hyuk T.T You are so right unnie, someone will steal Hyuk from Kyu someday, thank you unnie :D

criscee:  Thank you!! I'll try my best to keep it like that :D 

EriiAR:  Wii!!! *jumps happy* Thank you!!! I'm very glad that you already like it >.< Yeah, he will suffer for making Hyuk misunderstand him XD sorry because it took me two weeks though u.u but I will try to update as soon as I can :D



I will say this here too, I'm starting school again, but even so; I will try my best to update as soon as possible but maybe sometimes I will be a bit late, beforehand, sorry, Ah! but I'm really going to write on my free time.


Thank you for reading and letting a comment :)

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Update!!! Sorry for taking ages --bows--.


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RingoJuice #1
Chapter 8: Kyuhyun you pabo! How can u even treat hyukkie like this! :( be more gentle!! Gentle! And just be truthful will ya!
257471 #2
Chapter 8: They gonna ruin their date....can't wait for that...
please update soon
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 8: aaaaaaaaaa this story is so interesting ><
i love it :)
Chapter 8: Omg, can't believe it was Leeteuk who thought on ruining Sungmin's date!
Wonder if something ir going to happen between baekho And ren in the next chapter And if everything will go well with Kyuhyun <3
Chapter 8: Seriously adoro your story because is so exciting. I'm so anxious to know that will happen. Who will be the best competitor by the heart of cute Hyukjae and that more will make those precious cupids... Update soon please ... ^ ^
Chapter 8: aishh kyu~~ why ruining the moment, you brat!! you have to control your emotion -_-

and ming~~ why so harsh?? we know kyu is a brat, but you don't have to talk to him that harsh, right??
ckyuhyuk #7
Chapter 8: Ahhh kyuhyuk talking sweetly for now...but kyu learn to control your mouth :/
That harsh shouldn't something like that to kyu....
But why teukie always ask kyu to giveup?!you should support him!dont let him giveup easly :(
Kyu i bet for you!!!!(justdonttalklikebrat)
ChoLeeKH #8
Chapter 8: i like it so much unie
NuESt is so lovely^^
poor kyu...
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 8: That's harsh sungmin-ssi...

Update soon!
Chapter 7: Nuest boys really make an effort to find his hyung which is Hyuk the best partner. Glaring Min, fuming Hae and deadth stare Kyu really makes you shiver when you tried to go near their Hyuk. Aigooo~