Chapter Three

The Better Match

Kyuhyun was dumbfounded at those words, what? He? Homophobic? He had always think that he has been pretty obvious about his feelings; his hyung was dumb and he more for think that everything was so obvious.

“That I thought…” Hyukjae was going to repeat it, but Kyuhyun lifted up his palm in front of Hyukjae’s face to stop him.

“I already hear that” Kyuhyun sighed, he was for open his mouth and ask why Hyukjae though that, but then a polite doubtful voice spoke first, very soft.

“Are you…” the stares of all were set on the one talking and so JR swallow and nonexistent knot on his throat; nervous “gay?” his eyes hesitant while observing the dancer.  

All Nu’Est members widened his eyes while Hyukjae lowered his face biting his inner-cheek and smiling dejected, holding the feelings of sadness because now he was sure the boys were hating him or thinking of him like some ert, and he wasn’t, but now he can’t have the chance to explain it, because maybe the boys wouldn’t let him to, Hyukjae just nodded with his eyes set on the floor.

“Oh” was the answer of JR, and then he got back to reality; out of the shock to know Hyukjae was gay like the others boys in Nu’Est, so JR smiled tenderly and just when he was about to say something else and the others boys as well…

Hyukjae lifted his face watching Kyuhyun, tears threatening to fall in any second, his fist were clenched and he had a gesture mixed with sadness and seething; disappearing and letting just hurt, and his fist loosened the grip, so he smiled wretchedly to Kyuhyun.

 “Are you happy now? They hate me” Kyuhyun widened his eyes, wanting to say something but no words came out, he just watched how Hyukaje picked up his bag and walked away without watching him, fangs covering half of his face and Kyuhyun felt like dying, he again made Hyukjae miserable.

Suddenly Ren snapped back, and ran behind Hyukjae calling him “hyung!!” and Kyuhyun chuckled bitterly, stopping for a moment the boy.

“Pick that bag before you go, it’s for him” Ren observed him curios for a second, and nodded doubtfully, bowing quickly before go after Hyukjae with the bag on his right hand, the door were automatically closed slow and Kyuhyun just watched it with sorrow and regret.

One sigh were heard, but Kyuhyun didn’t turn his gaze to the sound, he kept watching the closed door.

“So… I guess now we can confess our secret, right?” asked Baekho smiling halfhearted because he was sad about Hyukjae crying or feeling dejected, Aron and Minhyun nodded, while JR showed a reassuring smile.

“Yeah, but you know…” I’m not gay; was what JR was going to say, but he stopped and smiled before the words were split it from his lips. What was the point on telling that?, if the others members already knew he wasn’t gay, but he was okay with boy-boy relationships; then under the bamboozled expressions of his mates, he smiled more mischievous turning to the now eldest; Kyuhyun, watching his back.

Maybe he likes… hyung?

JR cleared his throat and made a signal with his index finger over his mouth to tell his mates to keep silent, and then mouthed; play along with me.

They just watched JR puzzled but nodded a little unsure.

“You know” he started again “I guess I’m going to confess my feelings to Hyukjae-hyung, he has been very nice to me, so I believe he will not rejected me” affirmed JR with a calm voice, like if had been reflecting all this matter for a long a time, and Baekho opened his eyes shocked, Aron just blinked insecure about what he heard, and when Minhyun was for shout; Are you crazy?!. Kyuhyun turned slowly to the voice, so Aron and the others pretended to be ok with what they just heard, even when they wasn’t sure what was happening.

Kyuhyun had a cold stare towards JR but the latter tried to ignored it, even if it was piercing him, and Baekho remembering the; play along, asked.

“You will confess to hyung? It’s so… suddenly” he murmured the last word watching at the side, thinking; damn!!  I must be an actor, when he saw the fuming glare from Kyuhyun; followed by a gulped on his mind.

JR smirked, yeah! This was a good way to know if Kyuhyun likes Hyukjae, at least for now.

“I guess so” answered JR seeing Baekho, continuing with almost a dreamy voice “You know I’d have feelings for him before our debut and well…” he put his hand at the height of his heart, deep sighing “now that I know he is gay, well…” he blushed remembering the time when he fell over his before a performance, thinking; Good! Now that helps me on some way. But for Kyuhyun, JR was blushing because was thinking on his love towards his Hyukjae, his hyung “I can conf–”

“You can’t” Kyuhyun cut him; his voice was deep and dark, almost like the most lethal and iciest they had ever heard. But JR didn’t back off even when inside he was very scared, maybe this was a really bad idea; he thought.

“Oh, why not, he is free or not?” JR’s chin was high, almost arrogant and his mates were watching him aghast.

“J–” the glare of JR to the one that was for calling him made Aron to shut, but he knew now that JR was sorry because he didn’t glared it at all, it was more like a warn stare.

Kyuhyun thought JR was deadly serious and he furrowed his eyebrows in a deep frown, walking to the boy with steady steps.

“You can’t even got near him, because you are a brat” Kyuhyun hissed the last sentence, dragging the words in a mocking way, and he saw the eyes of JR, it was as if the younger was amused for some reason and Kyuhyun’s frown went deeper.

“Sumbae-nim, do you realize that you must be a brat for him too” Kyuhyun was taken aback at this unexpected question, and he held JR by the black shirt that he was wearing.

“Listen brat, I’m several years older than you, so you must show any hint of respect” he pronounce in a threat “and I’m not a brat, I’m a handsome adult that can take care of him, not like you” and Kyuhyun pushed JR, almost making him fall, if it weren’t for Minhyun that caught him.

Kyuhyun turned ready to leave, when a now mocking voice asked him.

“So you admit you like him?” and Kyuhyun stood stunned for a second, turning in shock, trying to hold the heat up on his flustered cheeks.

“What?” Asked back with his widen eyes, changing suddenly “No! Of course not!” said waving his hands from side to side. And JR grinned; I knew it.


“Hyung!!” shouted Ren still running and panting “Hyukjae-hyung!!” tried this time louder, failing because the man that was called didn’t respond, Hyukjae just kept walking to no place in particular, suddenly the signpost of ‘Showers’ appeared before him and he sighed, entering to it, trying to closed the door behind him but a hand stopped the door and Hyukjae didn’t have the heart to push the door and injure the owner’s of said hand, so he opened it slowly; averting his gaze from the boy that now was watching him and trying to catch his breath back.

“Finally…” panted Ren “I thought I will never make it” Hyukjae smiled cheerless and walked away of the door, sitting on a bench of the locker room, setting his bag aside on the floor.

Ren watched him nervous, he just chased Hyukjae because he was worried, not that he is a great comforter; he is the worst!! Now he wanted to slap himself, but when he saw the back of Hyukjae curled like if he were crying, Ren sighed and walked hesitant towards Hyukjae.

“Can…” Ren bit his lower-lip and breathed deep “Can I sit?” Hyukjae gaze was lost, he didn’t replied and Ren glanced unsure everything around him, suddenly the lockers were amazing for some reason, maybe because the dark blue color was outstanding against the pure white, or maybe because he didn’t know how to deal with this, and he sighed; I’m such a fail.

He decided to sit even when there were no replied from Hyukjae, but he did it slowly, observing if Hyukjae made a move, or stopped him; nothing. When he finally sat, Ren sighed relieved this time and started to play with his finger; nervous.

“Eh…” stammered, great! not only he was a fail but a loser, how is it that he can’t even say something, he was being and idiot!, Ren was scolding himself on his mind, forgetting for a moment he was near Hyukjae.

“You…” Ren heard a soft, almost inaudible voice and he was brought back of his own thoughts, tilting his head to the side, so he could watch Hyukjae or at least a bit of his face since the bangs were still covering half of his face and he was clenching and unclenching his hands, like if with that he could calm his uneasiness; “You are not disgusting with me?” Hyukjae just glance him quickly by the corner of his eye, when he heard no response and saw a stunned Ren, he smiled bitter.

“I knew it” said Hyukjae and Ren widened his eyes “You think I’m disgusting, just like Kyuhyun said I am” Hyukjae murmured the last words, but Ren shook his hands to the sides alarmed, he saw how Hyukjae buried his face between his hands and he even heard soft sobs; so he stood and shouted “I’m gay too!!!”

Ren went pale and this time was Hyukjae the one widening his eyes very open, tears held on the corner of his eyes at the statement of the boy and Hyukjae mouth was open too; shocked.

“Eh?” Hyukjae asked thunderstruck “Wh-What did you say?” he asked unbelieving his ears, while Ren was processing his own words, all the color on his face gone just for being heated up suddenly by a deep red color, even his ears, and Ren left his fall on the bench, like if he was very heavy.

Hyukjae watching him still astonished and blinking while Ren were sighing and observing the floor for three seconds that seemed like forever, and he sighed again, not daring to watch Hyukjae.

“I am gay too” he murmured, it was then when Ren lift his face, his eyes searching for any reaction from Hyukjae’s side, but there was just surprise and Hyukjae started saying;

“Listen, if this is just because you want to cheer–” He was cut by the dejected voice of the boy.

“It’s not just to comfort you, it’s because I like men, well, not any men, I just like…him” Ren bit his inner lower lip, playing again with his fingers and Hyukjae wiped away his already dry tears.

“How…? No, forget that, I mean… Who?” And Ren chuckled slight at the question and watched Hyukjae with the afraid of being rejected by the person he admires the most “Baekho” the boy whispered blushing and this time Hyukjae laughed, all his worries was being washed away slowly. Ren pouted at the man and whined cutely.

“I’m just confessing my most intimate secret and you just laugh, you are mean!!” he fake a cry and the laugh too.

“Really? Baekho?” asked Hyukjae and Ren nodded shyly.

“And, well, Minhyun, and Aron hyung are gay too” said unsure Ren, because he was no one to say it, but still he want to confess it so Hyukjae will not feel strange or dejected and the dancer mouthed and ‘o’ and giggled, then he frowned.

“And Baekho?” Ren sighed at the question.

“He is too, but I guess he likes JR, he is always with him” murmured Ren and Hyukjae giggled, how can it be that this cute blond guy still didn’t notice how much Baekho had tried to get near him? And then he asked curious again.

“And who is the one Aron likes, no, better tell me who is the one Minhyun likes” and Ren laughed soft at this cute and childish Hyukjae.

“They both like each other but they are so dense to notice it” And Hyukjae rolled his eyes, Ren himself was dense enough and he sighed, tilting his head.

“What about JR?” Oh, Hyukjae was feeling like a school girl talking with a friend about boyfriends, so childish, so unlike him, almost silly, but still, he was feeling at easy now and he was grateful to Ren for that, he knew really well how hard is to tell others about the personal preference on uality, still the boy had the courage to tell him just for making him feel better and he showed a sincere smile that Ren received gladly and send another to Hyukjae.

“JR isn’t gay but he is okay with us liking the same gender, he is really cool!” this time Ren’s eyes were shining and Hyukjae lift his eyebrow “Do you like JR too?” but Ren shocked his hands quickly, more relaxed this time and giggling.

“No, he is like a brother for me, very caring and kind, so I admire him, but that’s all” and Hyukjae nodded, yeah, he knows that feeling, is the same he has towards one of his mates on the band, so he ruffled the blond hair of Ren.

Hyukjae stretch himself, relaxing his body and glancing Ren.

“I guess we need to go back” and Ren nodded and the he remembered something; the bag and he showed it to Hyukjae, the latter blinking.

“What is this?” Ren smiled tenderly but then a bit unsure replied.

“Kyuhyun-sumbae-nim brought it, he said this is for you” all smile on Hyukjae’s face disappeared, but he saw the content on the bag, and laugh bitter, why Leeteuk didn’t send any else but Kyuhyun, Sungmin or Donghae will be fine, they were his friends while Kyuhyun… just hate him; and Hyukjae left out a heavy sigh.

“Hyung…” trailed off Ren, obtaining the man’s attention.

“I guess is better if you take a shower and changed clothes, it will help you to relax yourself” Hyukjae nodded doubtful and Ren watched the door nervous and stuttered “I will wait outside then” and he ran out quickly, Hyukjae just lift his eyebrow, whispering a soft “Thank you” to no one since Ren was outside, and Hyukjae watching the door smiled and stood.


“So… you want him to sleep with you?” Asked JR, a smirk was on his face, while Kyuhyun was mute at the sudden question, well it wasn’t so sudden because somehow, with an unknown method to him, the brat of JR like he introduced to Kyuhyun a minutes ago, discovered that he; Cho Kyuhyun was in love with Hyukjae, even when Kyuhyun himself negated it outright. So JR then he added.

“I have an infallible trick that you can use” he trailed off, teasing Kyuhyun; obtaining a glare from the other that by now JR knew was a threat with no meaning but because he was tempting the singer to say ‘yes, I want to know how to slept with Hyukjae’ and he grinned more.

“I do not need cheap tricks” Kyuhyun said, making JR scoff at the response, so a malicious glint was on his eyes and the others of Nu’Est rolled his eyes, this wasn’t good, JR was a very polite, kind and nice person, but he just can’t handle something; lies and stubborn people, and it seemed that Kyuhyun was both when it was related to his feelings for Hyukjae.

“Well, then I guess I’ll be the one testing my plan” stated JR and he walk in a try to left the practice room; his three mates amazed at the sudden rudeness from JR and Kyuhyun was frowning and was at the edge to kill JR with his glare; but then the sharp tongue of Kyuhyun was way faster than his brain, and in a mock voice he said.

“I bet you could not slept with him, Hyukjae is very fussy about with who he shares something” and JR smirked, the man had bit the hook, so he turned almost an inch away from the door, lifting an eyebrow.

“Really, well… I guess I need to prove I can fulfill all his demands, not like you, of course” and JR finally went out of the room; he walked very fast through the aisles and he entered to the restroom, he closed the door behind him and rest his back at the white door, his hand on his chest and his gaze wide, breathing hard.

“I guessed he was going to jump and tear my head out of my body at any moment” muttered JR and shivered, shaking his head, closing his eyes, trying to erased that stressful moment and he breathed deep, in and out, he smiled a bit.

“I hope with this at least making him suffer a bit for hurting Hyukjae-hyung” and he went out of the restroom, more relaxed now.


Hyukjae was walking, feeling more calm down and with a smile on his face, Ren by his side, the two talking about random stuff, then Ren spotted JR walking out of the restroom and he shouted his name; making him widen his eyes and he beamed polite, running like a kid to Hyukjae.

“Oh, hyung; I see you are better now” and then the dancer nodded.

“Yeah, but I guess I need to go and make clear some things to the others” JR shook his head, with a blush he dared to take Hyukjae’s hand and the dancer watched him confused, lifting an eyebrow.

“They are ok with whatever you say hyung; they love you!!” he exclaimed like a child and Hyukjae showed a gummy smile, then JR dragged Hyukjae to the exit of the building by the hand, adding “furthermore, Kyuhyun-sumbae is still there” Hyukjae stopped abruptly and JR watched him without letting go his hand; Hyukjae sighed and then by the corner of his eye observed Ren, the boy giving him a soft smile.

“JR is very nice hyung, he can help you to forget bad things” and Hyukjae watched the blond boy for five seconds, debating himself between agree or not, in the end he show a thin smile.

“Ok, then, where do you suggest we need to go” asked Hyukjae soft and JR grinned.

“I want to visit SuJu’s apartment hyung!!” Hyukjae was startled and he was to say, ‘No way!’ but the pout and sparkling eyes of JR made him mute for a moment.

“Well…” Hyukjae started watching the exit, the secretary at the entrance; the workers of the place walking by his side and then he set his eyes on the big tree through the big glass of the electric doors, unsure of what to do.

“Please hyung, I will be polite with sumbae-nims” JR pleaded and Hyukjae bit his inner-cheek trying not to see JR, but failed qhen he felt a squeeze on his hand, and he saw the boy hopeful eyes.

“It’s not a problem if we go for a bit, I guess” and JR smiled wide, dragging Hyukjae to the outside, the two trailed by Ren that was giggling.  


Beakho was smiling nervous while scratching the back of his neck uneasy, Minhyun was sat on the corner of the practice room with a  bottle of water on his right hand, he left it on the floor and watched how Kyuhyun, one of the best singers of Super Junior was in rage walking from side to side of the room while Aron was following with an anxious expression on his face in a vain try to calm him, and he sighed.

Minhyun stood, grabbing his bag and casting it to his back at the right side, with his left hand holding the almost empty bottle.

“I’m going” he said emotionless and started to walk to the door when his cell phone sounded, the tune his own song; Face. He pull out the phone of his dark jeans and picked the call.

“Oh” the room was mute, even Kyuhyun left his restless walking to set his gaze on the boy that was with an empty face “Yeah, I’ll tell him” the call ended up like nothing, Minhyun putted his phone on his jeans pocket and watched the ones in the room, finishing with his eyes set on Kyuhyun.

“Hyukjae hyung went already at home” he said to the man and then turned to Baekho and Aron “JR will spend there the night and Ren too” then he started to walk again to the door when Kyuhyun asked annoyed and astonished;

“What do you mean by that?” Minhyun then locked his eyes on Kyuhyun’s ones.

“JR said he success in convincing Hyukjae-hyung to spend the night with him, and not exactly like only friends” Minhyun took the dumb expression of Kyuhyun and the way he was opening his mouth at lost like a good signal and he motioned the others to went out of the practice room as well.

Baekho was picking his things like Aron and Minhyun was already walking by the aisle when he just felt some breeze passing him and he blinked twice, smirking a bit when he saw who the cause of the cold chill he felt a second ago was; Kyuhyun was running at an amazing speed for some reason.

And he remembered the call phone.

“Minhyun, just act like nothing!” whispered the voice at the other side of the line “listen to me well”

“Oh” was the dry replied while he watched how the presents were observing him.

“Tell Kyuhyun sumbae-nim that I successful win the bet and that I will sleep with Hyukjae not only like friends, ok. By the way tell Baekho that Ren is with us, we will spend the night here, did you knew Hyukjae-hyung has a lot of mangas for read, is amazing! And…” Minhyun cut the call, after interrupting JR.

“Yeah, I’ll tell him” then he saw the face of Kyuhyun and knowing now what JR wanted, he smirked internally.

 “Hyukjae hyung went already at home” he said to the man and then turned to Baekho and Aron “JR will spend there the night and Ren too” sweet revenge for making Hyukjae-hyung upset thought Minhyun in his mind while watching the face of Kyuhyun and he went out of the room.



Kaname:  8 I will try to update as soon as I can, sorry if took me long this time. I'm sorry also for the teaser, the true is because I didn't have any chapter writed just some ideas and well, sorry, I'm not going to make teaser of any of my stories again, I'm bad at teasers. I'm so glad you liked thw two first chapters, I hope you like this as well, I had the idea on my mind but was difficult to write it, so it took me long. Hehe, I also believe is better monkeys, but jewels is ok too I guess, yeah!! I love people falling in love with him *happy mode* and I love Kyu jealous and being stupid because Hyuk xD I will try my best to not dissapint your expectation, so if I mess up something, tell me please, and I will glady try to fixed it at least that the plot were like that (so I guess my fail will be the writing style, even so, I will try hard to write a nice story). Don't worry, I will try to update soon all my stories even if I'm busy (I know all of us are busy, so yeah, I will try my best) thank you so much for comment, it makes me really happy ^^

blackspiderlily:  Thank you!! hehe, me too likes Hyuk with other pairings ^^ (but kyuhyuk more) Nu'Est are very cute, so I thought, I guess they will fit with each other xD really, I hope you keep liking this :D

noname022: I'm so glad I made you smiled, yeah I like Nu'Est hehe they are cute and I thought, what will be if they meet Hyukjae? then this story was on my mind xD hehe, Leeteuk is funny right? and teasing Kyu hehe thank you!!!  I hope you had like this update too ^^

michikokasiumi: Thank you!!! I'm so glad you like it ^^ I love teuk too xD

kyuwifey: I'm happy you read it ^^ *coughs* yeahhesawsomethingaboutkyuhyuk *coughs* thank's unnie :D

criscee: Thank you!!! *sparkling eyes* I'm glad you like it >.< then I made you check are Nu'Est, I just found them by chance but when I imagine them with Hyuk my mind was squeealing to write this hehe Yeah, I hope they have that interaction too. Nu'Est fanboying over Hyuk is cute right? No, they don't have a crush, but with tease Kyu a lot at being near Hyuk xD and there is one more character, so it will be kyuhyukhaemin + Nu'est + (upcoming character) Hope you like it ^^

hiccups: Thank you!! I'm so happy. Cute right? fanboying and being so childish with Hyuk xD I will try to write more Nu'est x Hyuk scenes, in fact there are more xD yeah, KyuHaeMin will be jealuos ^^

Krystalanimeheart: 9-2012 20:02:31 says: Thank you!! hehe, yeah, I was like that too while writing it, in the end Kyu really caught Hyuk hugging Ren, I'll try to update as soon as I can :D



Thank you so much for your lovely comments *u* I will try to update as soon as I can for you :D


And I hope you had enjoyed this chapter as well ^^ *hugs*

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Update!!! Sorry for taking ages --bows--.


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RingoJuice #1
Chapter 8: Kyuhyun you pabo! How can u even treat hyukkie like this! :( be more gentle!! Gentle! And just be truthful will ya!
257471 #2
Chapter 8: They gonna ruin their date....can't wait for that...
please update soon
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 8: aaaaaaaaaa this story is so interesting ><
i love it :)
Chapter 8: Omg, can't believe it was Leeteuk who thought on ruining Sungmin's date!
Wonder if something ir going to happen between baekho And ren in the next chapter And if everything will go well with Kyuhyun <3
Chapter 8: Seriously adoro your story because is so exciting. I'm so anxious to know that will happen. Who will be the best competitor by the heart of cute Hyukjae and that more will make those precious cupids... Update soon please ... ^ ^
Chapter 8: aishh kyu~~ why ruining the moment, you brat!! you have to control your emotion -_-

and ming~~ why so harsh?? we know kyu is a brat, but you don't have to talk to him that harsh, right??
ckyuhyuk #7
Chapter 8: Ahhh kyuhyuk talking sweetly for now...but kyu learn to control your mouth :/
That harsh shouldn't something like that to kyu....
But why teukie always ask kyu to giveup?!you should support him!dont let him giveup easly :(
Kyu i bet for you!!!!(justdonttalklikebrat)
ChoLeeKH #8
Chapter 8: i like it so much unie
NuESt is so lovely^^
poor kyu...
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 8: That's harsh sungmin-ssi...

Update soon!
Chapter 7: Nuest boys really make an effort to find his hyung which is Hyuk the best partner. Glaring Min, fuming Hae and deadth stare Kyu really makes you shiver when you tried to go near their Hyuk. Aigooo~