The Auditions Part 2



*One Week Later*

YeJin's POV

My heart was thumping as we got out of the cab. It was finally the day of our final auditions. This was it. If I blew this chance, we were done. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm myself.

"I could do this," I thought to myself. "If I made it past the first round, it means I can make it past the second."

I looked down at the paper in my hands. Then I looked at the building ahead of us. 
500 Madison Boulevard. We were here. I took a quick peek at Angela, who looked nervous as well. Then, we started up the steps of the building.

Angela's POV

When we entered, it was as if the whole building was waiting for us. All the other contestants stared at us. Some of them looked nervous, and others, confident. I looked at YeJin and we went to the reception desk. We signed in and sat down. There was an awkward silence. We were all rivals here. Except me and YeJin. We would make it together like we did the last time. I was confident about that.

10 Minutes before the lady announced that our auditions were starting, everyone finally started to talk. It was obvious some were lies, but we all wished each other good luck. I would need it.

YeJin's POV

Everyone was wishing good luck to each other now. So I did, too. It only seemed fair. After warming up my voice, I stepped into the audition room. I guess I was the first one there. I took a quick peek around the room. There were 3 judges. That was 3 less than last time. I felt something that felt somewhat like confidence rise. The others started to come in behind me.

Angela's POV

I entered the room behind YeJin. 3 judges. That meant 3 scores. Which would mean the total score would be out of a 30. I tested my voice. It sounded okay, I guess. I looked at YeJin and gave her hand a squeeze. We could do this. The judges started to call out our names. In total, there were 28 contestants. 5 were out. That was sorta lucky for me, I guess.

YeJin's POV

Everyone sang. Good. I hadn't expected so much from everyone. But I guess I underestimated everything. I still had a chance, right? Well at least the runner-ups got signed CDs. That was better than nothing.

*30 Minutes Later*

Angela's POV

Everyone finished singing. The judges were to announce our scores right then and there. I took a deep breath, silent as possible. The judge started with a girl named Crystal Lee.
"Crystal Lee... You have 14." That was harsh. And I thought that Crystal was pretty good. Which meant we would all be judged harshly. At this rate, I was NOT going to get in.

YeJin's POV

Crystal had a 14. She was GREAT. Better than me, anyway. The judged moved on.
"Christian, 15. Alice, 17. Emily, 16. Stephanie, 19. Daniel, 15. Junsu, 20. Angela, 23. YeJin, 23..."
And I didn't hear the rest. But I knew. I heard. We had the highest score. I couldn't stop smiling. Angela and I were the official winners. We were now a part of Cube Entertainment.

Angela's POV


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TheLittleMissEvil #1
please update soon :3