Left A Little Something

It Started With A Mistake




“Alright, I’m done. We can go..” WooYoung stopped when he saw HaRin beside MinYoung. HaRin saw WooYoung and gave a 90 degrees bow.

“Good morning, Mr. President,” she greeted him.

“Hey,” he greeted her softly.


Even though HaRin and WooYoung had a proper closure to their relationship, HaRin couldn’t help but remember pain she went through and WooYoung couldn’t help but remember the pain he has given her.


“So where are you heading to?” MinYoung asked brightly.

“Uhmm.. I’m just.. Walking around.. Since it’s a day off,” HaRin smiled.

“Well, we’re headed to eat somewhere. Want to come along?” MinYoung offered.

“It’s alright, unnie. I don’t want to intervene,” HaRin quickly declined.

“It’s fine with me and WooYoung, right oppa?” MinYoung looked up to WooYoung.


“Unnie’s getting along with him?” HaRin wondered.


“I-It’s fine with me,” he said. HaRin shook her head.

“I can’t come. I have.. have other plans,” she excused. MinYoung let out a pout.

“Next time then?” she hopefully asked HaRin.

“Alright, next time,” HaRin agreed.

“I’ll count on you on that,” MinYoung said.

“I promise,” HaRin smiled. “So when are you coming back to the office?” she asked.

“I-I’m not yet sure. After I give birth, I’ll have to be there for the baby,” MinYoung said sadly. The thought of her not coming to the office makes her somehow sad since she loves her work, even the long hours.

“I hope to see you soon in the office,” HaRin said.


“She doesn’t want to see me in the office?” WooYoung pondered.


“Me too,” MinYoung cooed.

“Well, I have to get going. I’ll see you again soon,” HaRin hugged her unnie.

“Yeah, I’ll see you soon,” MinYoung hugged back before she let go. HaRin looked at WooYoung and gave him a deep bow.

“I’ll see you in the office, Mr. President,” she said before she left the couple.

“So where are we going to?” MinYoung asked WooYoung once HaRin left.

“We’ll have strawberry shortcakes,” he smiled down at her. They were about to go to a restaurant when WooYoung looked back to see HaRin walking alone. MinYoung looked up to see WooYoung looking back. She followed his gaze and discovered that he was looking at HaRin.


“I guess he still have left a little something for her,” MinYoung lat out a heavy sigh which immediately caught WooYoung’s attention.

“Are you ok?” he asked. MinYoung nodded slowly.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: