'You're annoying.'

❊ Jealous Joongie! • Story Version ❊


♦ No P.O.V 


Jaejoong sighed longingly as he sat with crossed legs on the edge of the bed. He’d been huffing for a long time, with little response from Yunho. His lover simply tried his best to ignore the annoyed-beauty and carry on dressing himself. When Jaejoong started tapping his fingers, impatiently on the sheets; Yunho remained indifferent. He simply stared at himself in the mirror and rolled his eyes as he attempted to fasten the tie around his neck.

“This ing thing..” Yunho mumbled as his hands foiled around the tie, twisting into a knot.

Jaejoong giggled as he observed the frustration plastered across Yunho’s face; finding it extremely cute that he was never able to properly fasten it. He slid off the edge of the bed and made his way behind Yunho, spinning the latter around by his shoulders and smirking as he began to re-do the offending piece of material.

“You’re useless. Do you know that?” Jaejoong jibed, chuckling to himself.

“That’s funny.” Yunho replied, un-amused. “You don’t think I’m useless when I carry all those bags of clothes from the Mall for you.. Which you buy with MY money.” He quipped.

Jaejoong shook his head as he managed to smooth out Yunho’s tie, patting his lover’s chest lightly as he finished.

“True. But if it weren’t for me, you’d never look presentable. And then you’d have no job. We’d have no money.  So if you think about it, you kinda are useless.” Jaejoong reasoned, offering a victorious smile - clearly pleased with his answer.

Yunho sighed as a smile crept onto his face; he did find his boyfriend’s logic amusing, even if a little annoying.

“I still don’t understand why I can’t come with you.” Jaejoong pouted as he took a step back.

Yunho turned back to look at himself in the mirror, dusting off his shoulders and giving his suit one last glance over. When all was done, he brought his gaze to the expression on his lover’s face. Jaejoong was still pouting; and Yunho was determined to not give in.

“..Because this is important work.” Yunho said. “It’s not a social event, Jae. We’re meeting clients for the Hong Kong project and I can’t have any distractions.”

“Distractions?” Jaejoong asked, raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or a dig.

Yunho sighed once more. “You know what I mean.” He replied. “Besides you hate these things. You always complain that you get bored when no-one talks to you and then you get y and make a scene.” He said, flatly - turning around to face Jaejoong with a smile.

Jaejoong scoffed. “So you’re calling this ‘Important Work’ now? Siwon said it was just a few drinks and then you’d be gone. Why can’t I come with you?” He whined.

“You can’t come for exactly the reasons I just said, Jae.” Yunho replied, a little exacerbated. “Besides, you heard wrong. These things usually take most of the night.. It’s certainly not just a few drinks with friends.”


“--And you know I won’t be there to hold your hand when the clients are around. I need to be professional.”

“I’m not a little kid, Yunho. I don’t need you to hold my hand.” Jaejoong folded his arms tightly across his chest; furrowing his brow as he looked up at his suited lover.

Yunho raised an eyebrow mockingly.

“Shut up!” Jaejoong groaned as he met Yunho’s patronised gaze.

Yunho raised his hands in the air. “I didn’t say anything.”

“I know what that look means though.” Jaejoong sighed, returning to sit on the bed. “Do you really think I’m that incapable?” He mumbled.

Yunho watched as Jaejoong sulked on the bed, knowing full well that he was quickly losing to the boy’s mood swings.

“I think you’re amazing, Jaejoong.” He reassured as he moved about the room to find his cologne. “But you know you know you hate these things. Do you really want to come that badly?”

Jaejoong bit his lip and nodded, sheepishly.

Yunho groaned, looking at the boy on his bed.

“Fine..” He conceded defeat.

Jaejoong’s head whipped up; obvious happiness gleaming from his doe-eyes.

“Really?” He beamed.

Yunho sighed, knowing he was in for a long night. “Yeah but.. Get ready quickly, ok? I’m already late as it is.” He already knew he’d made a mistake when immediately Jaejoong bounded childishly towards him.

“Thank you Yunnie!” The childish man all but screamed as he tackled Yunho into a hug.

“Easy, Jae. Watch the suit.” He cautioned, prying Jaejoong’s arms from around his waist. “You know Changmin will flip hard if he sees a crease.”

Jaejoong smiled shyly as he leant away, before hurrying off to change into a suit of his own.

“Right.. Yeah..” He said, rubbing the back of his head. “I’ll be quick!” He said, leaning up to peck his lover on the nose.

Jaejoong smirked in victory as he turned his back on Yunho and made his way to the bathroom; the sound of running water hastily following the slamming of the door.

Yunho on the other hand was already regretting giving in to his Jaejoong’s manipulation. Social events were never something Jaejoong was good at when it came to behaving. He’d be more than happy to flaunt the beauty on his arm in an attempt to impress would-be clients, but Jaejoong had a knack for getting pissed off really easily; and when your boss is standing right next to you, a y-boyfriend is not something you want to be showing off.

 Yunho puffed the air in his cheeks and looked at the watch on his wrist, noting that he was most likely to be more than a bit late.

Changmin would probably castrate him for allowing Jaejoong to hinder him so greatly.

But as long as Jaejoong was there, there would at least be a first line of defence. It seemed there was a silver lining to this cloud after all. A thin, barely noticeable line; but it was there nonetheless. Of course Yunho still had to bang on the bathroom door to make sure Jaejoong was actually getting ready, only to be met by a harsh ‘I’m doing my hair!’ He ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair as the minutes ticked by.

This was definitely going to be a long night.




“Ugh.. Where is he?” Jaejoong mumbled as he peered over a large group of fancily-dressed guests.

Yunho had disappeared off somewhere into the crowd some time ago to find Changmin; most likely to grovel and beg for forgiveness for being late. Of course that meant that Jaejoong was immediately left alone in a room full of people whom he didn’t know. Occasionally he’d spot Siwon’s handsome face towering above the sea of faces, only to be lost a few moments later; and he couldn’t spot Yunho at all.

Jaejoong already regretted pushing his case to come. He never liked these things; he just wanted to stay with Yunho. What with the project in Hong Kong, Yunho had been having less and less time to spend with him - even less than usual - and so naturally Jaejoong was feeling more than a bit clingy.

The atmosphere was pretty ostentatious for Jaejoong’s liking. Everywhere he looked was just another flamboyant businessman with his equally beautiful female eye-candy; he even felt underdressed in the white suit Yunho had given him on his last birthday. Hollow laughter echoed around the room and forced smiles only thickened the feeling that he was out of place. Jaejoong really did hate this part of his boyfriend’s work.

The ‘Hong Kong Project’ as it had been mysteriously named thus far, a mystery even to Jaejoong; that was somehow the focus of this evening. Jaejoong hadn’t quite managed to understand what this particular contract entailed, since Yunho would always enter his technical, work speak whenever it rose up in conversation.

All he’d managed to gather was that on this particular occasion, as with any of these social meetings, the clients would basically all be wandering around in one big room; sipping champagne and getting increasing louder as they got tipsy - and sometime throughout the night, it was Yunho and Siwon’s job (along with all the other managing-directors) to meet and engage in idle chit-chat with each and every one of these clients.

It sounded terribly boring to Jaejoong. But as long as Yunho was in sight and there was alcohol on hand, he was happy.

Of course, there was a problem with the first part of that statement since Yunho was nowhere to be seen.

With a heavy sigh, he turned in his uncomfortable suit towards the nearest window; grabbing a glass of whatever alcohol the nearest waiter was serving. The lights of the chandeliers above him were too bright he thought, and it was much more pleasant to slip away from the hordes of entrepreneurs and simply gaze down into the night time of Seoul.

He groaned as he felt his feet start to ache from standing around too long. It was fair to say that this would be a tough night on him, and Changmin no doubt - wherever he was lurking - would make sure that he didn’t get to leave early.

“Enjoying the party?” A charismatic voice inquired from beside him.

Jaejoong turned his gaze to the side, meeting the grinning face of Siwon.

“It .” Jaejoong replied; void of emotion.

Siwon chuckled as the younger man slumped with his back against the window, evidently taking the strain off his legs.

“You look good in a tux though.” Jaejoong mumbled.

Siwon raised an eyebrow cockily. “Easy, ‘boo’.” He mocked. “You’re spoken for.”

Jaejoong scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself Choi. You’re not my type anyway.” He smirked.

“I’m everyone’s type.” Siwon replied, haughtily.

“Including Changmin’s?” Jaejoong retorted with a grin.

Siwon stuttered, easily lost for words.

“How did.. How did you know?” He gawked.

Jaejoong shrugged. “You stare at him when you think he’s not looking; just like Yunho does to me. It’s pretty easy to tell really.”


“Of course! Although I’m curious..” He tapped his lip cutely. “Have you gotten into those pants yet? Or has Minnie got you wrapped around his little finger?” He jibed.

“Hey!” Siwon retorted. “I’m not whipped if that’s what you think! And don’t call him ‘Minnie’.” He said, earning a cocked eyebrow from the younger boy. “He hates that nickname.”

Jaejoong scoffed once more. “See! He has you tamed like a puppy!” he chortled.

“Shut up, Jaejoong!” Siwon frowned.

Jaejoong simply laughed the older male off; finding it incredibly amusing that the cocky and confident Choi Siwon could be tamed by someone as off-putting as Shim Changmin. True, Jaejoong recognised that Yunho’s boss was attractive; but the personality that came with the package really wasn’t worth the effort of unwrapping it. So to speak.

Jaejoong huffed as his giggled subsided.

“Where are they anyway?” He asked the still-frowning Siwon.


“Yunho and Minnie.”

Siwon sighed.

“Oh sorry.. CHANGMIN” Jaejoong emphasized.

Siwon couldn’t help but giggled along with the boy’s stupidity.

“They’re over there.” He said, pointing across the floor of faces and over to a small circle that seemed to have formed in the centre of the room. Jaejoong had to squint hard, but he could definitely make out Yunho’s figure; laughing away with Changmin and Yuri by his side. His brow creased at the thought of that girl being so close to him when he himself was segregated into a corner, forced to stick with Siwon.

They were seemingly talking to a rather regal looking woman, evidently older than them; but still youthful. She had an air of superiority about her that screamed money, and Jaejoong found himself rather entranced by her distinctive beauty. Of course, that same beauty sent waves of jealousy throughout his body; finding it frustrating that Yunho would pay so much attention to her. Even if it was for work.

“Who is she?” Jaejoong pointed to the woman.

“Ahhh.” Siwon pondered, smiling. “That’s Miss. Park Hyo-Jin. Better known as ‘Narsha’ to her business associates.” He explained. “She’s pretty well known in our field of work, although I wouldn’t expect you to have heard of her. Her family is oil-rich, which makes her just about the richest and therefore most important woman in this room.”


“So.. You can understand why Yunho and Changmin are trying hard to kiss right now.” He remarked, sounding slightly annoyed.

“Jealous that Minnie is paying more attention to her than you?” He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Maybe.” Siwon replied.

Jaejoong sighed as he watched Yunho seemingly enjoying himself, surrounded by hordes of people that did not include him.

“Jealous that Yunnie isn’t paying attention to you?” Siwon asked.

Jaejoong shrugged.

“A little.” He replied.




As the clients began to filter out and the night began to close, Jaejoong was finding himself more and more restless. Yunho was still ignoring him. Changmin was still tormenting him by dragging the night on. If it weren’t for Siwon’s ever-present company, he’d probably have gone insane from boredom by now.

“Siwon..” Jaejoong whined, clinging to the man’s arm. “..When is this going to end? I’m tired and hungry.” He groaned.

“My god, Jaejoong! Like I told you five minutes ago, it will end when Changmin decides to let us leave. Not a moment sooner.”

“But I’m hungry!” He moaned.

“Why did you even come if you were going to complain all night?” Siwon asked, becoming slightly annoyed at Jaejoong’s childish behaviour.

“Because otherwise I wouldn’t get to spend time with Yunho..” He grumbled. “But either way it seems like he’d rather spend time with Yuri at his feet and that Narsha women’s s in front of him.”

Siwon scoffed.

“Are you listening to yourself? You can’t possibly be serious.” He retorted.

Jaejoong cocked his head and frowned.

“The other day Yunho was ing you in his office, and now that he’s actually doing his work, you think he’s cheating on you with one of our clients?”

“Well..” Jaejoong looked down.


“Shut up, Siwon.” Jaejoong mumbled under his breath; satisfied when the older male didn’t seem to hear.

“Why are you telling Siwon to shut up?” A commanding voice demanded from behind the two.

Changmin and Yunho stood side by side, a little tired looking; although Changmin looked more annoyed than anything else.

“Because he’s annoying.”

“You’re annoying.”

“Minnie! Jaejoong’s just tired..” Siwon interrupted.

“Don’t call me Minnie! How many times do I have to say it?!”

“At least one more time.”

“Oh my god would you two stop flirting and let us go home!” Jaejoong pleaded. “I’m hungry and .”



“Boo, don’t shout. You’re just tired.” Yunho said, soothing the boy and he placed his hands around his waist.

“Can we go please?” Jaejoong whimpered, giving his best puppy face to Yunho. Yunho sighed in response and turned to his boss, offering a pleading glance.

Changmin rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

“You can leave if you want. Narsha’s gone and Siwon and I can handle the others on our own.” He replied. “Right Siwon?” He looked to his companion.

“Yes sir!” Siwon mocked.

“Don’t do that.”

“Sorry Minnie.”


“Oh right.. Yeah..”

Jaejoong and Yunho chuckled as Siwon was dragged off by his not-so-subtly-disguised boyfriend. They were cute in their own odd ways.

“Shall we go?” Yunho asked, pointing to the exit.

“Sure.”Jaejoong replied.

“Is everything ok?” Yunho asked, a little concerned as they walked out into the crisp night air.

Jaejoong sighed, shrugging off the question.

“Let’s just go home, please? I wasn’t lying when I said I was .”





 Hi guys! Hope you like this long overdue chapter! AFF has really been a pain recently, but it all seems to be coming together.
Although this is actually slightly longer than the average chapter.. It felt shorter.. I dunno why. :/
I'm not sure whats going to happen with regard to the (M) rating of this story.. We'll have to wait and see.

If you don't know her, NARSHA looks like > this <

Anyway! A few things are going down right now.

First of all, if you saw the previous post, we have a co-author: Brendan, my older brother! XD He's meant to be the proof reader, but he hasn't done his job yet on this chapter. He'll check through it tomorrow when he has time. lol. His profile can be found  > here < if you want to say hi to him! ^^

And in other news!

Brendan and I are co-authoring a review shop together! So if you have any stories you'd like honestly and fairly reviewed, go and check out the link to the shop.

It can be found > here <

I also got twitter, and you can follow me > here < if you'd like news on updates!

Thanks for waiting patiently for this update through all the drama on AFF.
Thanks for subbing/reading and most importantly commenting! I love hearing what you guys have to say!
Hopefully see you guys soon! <3


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Chapter 4: LOL I can't even. Didn't even know that Changmin and Siwon was a shippable couple LOL. And Yunjae is so adorable! I was laughing so hard during the office scene and I don't even know why XD
Chapter 1: kyahahaha XD naughty Jae <3
This story is cute and funny

I hope u update often
"I wasn’t lying when I said I was _____.” LOL.

btw, poor yun X°°°
@em_haeteuk: It's not awkward at all! I read her stuff before anyway and I was the one who got her into K-Pop XD I only correct her spelling anway.. It's not like I write for her O.O Haha!
ahhh. i see..
i kinda look forward for ur bro's fic actually.. u don't feel odd hving ur bro ewading ur fic? i mean the rated one?? lol
plycit #7
This made me laugh so much! So happy you managed to update through all this :D
awwww cute chapter....hehehehheheh jj always jealous..i think he would be jaelous even for a cat >______<
skullboy #9
hmm..cant wait for the next chapter..
ZaraNK1 #10
LOL 'I'm _____?' Haha my dearest love we all know YunYun is the horniest!!